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Stop the Toxic Masculinity Culture in NS

Hi everyone,
Writing this as a PSA because of the rampant toxic masculinity culture in the army, and I find it ridiculous that many continue to advocate it.
Disclaimer: I’m not saying that all NS experiences are bad, I’ve had many nice memories from NS too, but this is a topic that should be talked about.
I’m less than 100 days to ORD and serving in an active combat unit. I’ve been on both sides of the fence (done the full training program, gone for outfields, got IPPT Gold & Marksman, etc… AND also had multiple 84 days LDs, excuse RMJ, heavy load, upper limbs, long 4, boots, & lots of MCs during my time in NS) and 1 thing that really irks me is how commanders would define “being a man” because of the toxic masculinity culture in the army.
On a basic, superficial level: going for outfields, completing training, getting gold for IPPT, getting the marksman award, volunteering for guard duties makes a man.
And on the flip side, reporting sick & having long term medical statuses would then make someone “less of a man”.
In a more complex level: I also don’t understand why NSF & Regulars like encouraging toxic lifestyle habits like smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, getting wasted drunk and passing out on the streets over the weekends, hiring prostitutes or sleeping around meaninglessly with tinder dates, gambling their meagre NSF pay at illegal casinos or even something simple like needing to swear in every sentence or shouting when angry. (no, it really does not get your point across better)
Apparently when probed “why they do these” further, it is “manly” to do such things??
And the strange is: my whole company & possibly unit believes in this warped mindset and those “chao keng” people would often be bullied by the commanders. I wonder if this culture is the same for other units…?
So my point is:
Running below 10 mins for your 2.4km and doing 60 push-ups & 60 sit-ups don’t make you a man, it makes you an athlete at best.
BUT if you can take care of your girlfriend’s or wife’s physical/ emotional/ financial/ spiritual needs, raise your children in a loving home, support & provide for your family and pets, have filial piety, treat your parents & siblings well, be responsible and accountable to your actions, keep to your words & promises, plan financially for your future, get an education, develop & build your career, etc… (you get the idea) that itself really makes a man to me.
Girlfriends of NSFs/ Regulars, I’m sure it’s more manly if your man does these, no?
There’s also a common saying that Singaporean guys personality change the most (for the worse usually) during NS and I think I can see why now... it’s all these traits of toxic masculinity and the warped idea of “what makes a man” that slowly gets into them over the span of 2 years.
Honestly I am not surprised if there’s a correlation between the high divorce/ breakup rates in Singapore, the “my crazy/ toxic/ abusive ex-boyfriend” stories, the men objectifying women, uncomfortable staring in public/ molesting/ filming up-skirt/ toilet videos/ rape cases as seen more commonly in Singapore news recently AND the toxic masculinity culture taught to them in NS.
So PSA if you’re one of them: please stop espousing the toxic masculinity culture in NS and please take a step back and re-evaluate what truly makes a man to you.
Maybe it’s just that my experience is more unique because I’m in a mono intake unit, but I highly doubt it anyway.
submitted by fearlesstortoise to NationalServiceSG [link] [comments]

@TraceSafeTech and Why We Love it - written by @mrdotto5 @stockfamgroup $TSF $UTOLF

TraceSafe Inc. (TSF in Canada, UTOLF in U.S. with OTCQB listing in near future)
Industry: Real-Time Location Services (including Contact Tracing)
Notable Management:
Mr. Wayne Lloyd (C.E.O. of TraceSafe)
Dr. Dennis Kwan (C.E.O of TraceSafe Technologies),
Why We Love it:
By the time I finished my DD, and I did quite a bit of it, TraceSafe was an auto-buy for me and a pleasure to write about. But before diving in, I had questions; plenty of them. I believe that investors should enter every opportunity with skepticism. It gives you a clearer head and reduces potentially dangerous levels of FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO can drive valuations of stocks to scary levels and it rarely ends well, as retail buyers like you and me buy the hype on a company while bigger players exit their positions.
Smaller growth-oriented companies can often have new, exciting technology that captures the imagination of the market, but smart investors, retail or otherwise, always look for one key milestone before buying in: validation. Without proof that a company is successfully penetrating their market, you’re buying the idea instead of the reality.
When I first looked at Tracesafe in the autumn of 2020, I was impressed by the technology they were bringing to market with an experienced management team. But I didn’t invest my hard-earned money because I needed to see real partnerships with big-market companies. Cutting edge technology, for all its impressiveness, isn’t worth much to a company without the means to monetize it. If you’re buying the idea, you’re making a leap of faith, and that is a little too close to gambling for me.
So much has happened since then that the leap of faith has become an open door to walk through. Validation is here.
But before we get to all that, let’s set the foundation, because none of this would have been possible without the management team, which is one of the most impressive parts to the story. The C.E.O., Dr. Dennis Kwan, and The C.T.O. Suresh Singamsetty, have been developing technology companies in the wearables space for years. Dr. Kwan co-founding Martian Watches, the first ever voice-enabled smartwatch. He was also V.P. of a Bluetooth company that was acquired for $160 million and he personally owns more than ten patents in wireless/bluetooth technologies. Mr. Singamsetty, the software expert, was with Dr. Kwan at Martian Watches. He owns more than 20 patents himself. The third member of the team, Gord Zeilstra, is another massive successful industry veteran. His specialty is driving companies’ global sales footprint. His success in the building of and S.A.P. into global brands is an exciting indicator of where TraceSafe is headed.
So what about validation? Let’s begin with its partnership with Tritan Software. You probably haven’t heard of them, but I have no doubt you have heard of Carnival Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and Royal Caribbean. Tritan is the health and safety software provider for 95% of the entire global cruise line industry. I’ll put that in word form to give it the attention it deserves: NINETY FIVE PERCENT of the global cruise line industry.
Tritan is responsible for collecting, storing and securing the privacy of health information for all passengers, in addition to quality and incident management and a host of other software solutions. The CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) will most certainly have compliance requirements for resumption of sailing operations and Tritan knows this, which is why they are acting now, and acting swiftly. (Countless other companies approached Tritan, but they chose the experience and superior security of TraceSafe). The partnership was only recently announced and it remains to be seen how entwined the two companies will become, but contact tracing is only the tip of the iceberg (sorry, not the best cruise line analogy). For a clearer picture of the entire iceberg, we can look to Walt Disney’s iconic theme parks.
It is no secret that Disney theme parks have always placed a premium focus on customer experience, and one of the most effective ways they achieve this is through the “Magic Band”, which is essentially a wearable device that customers use to enter the park, unlock their hotel rooms, and buy food and merchandise. A one stop shop on your wrist.
This is where the cruise industry is headed. With a wearable on your wrist, you can enjoy all the same conveniences as the Magic Band combined with a contact tracing and safety monitoring device, all in one device.
So, that’s it? The cruise lines?
Even if it were the only partnership in the pipeline, it may have been enough to turn TraceSafe into a major global player, but it is just one of many projects, both ongoing and in the future. But even greater validation was announced just today (making me do some quick edits to this story)
TraceSafe, just today, announced a potentially game-changing purchase order. The agreement is to supply a global Tier 1 semiconductor manufacturer with 60,000 wearable units to be used across their enterprise. Professional services network Deloitte is managing the implementation of TraceSafe’s “next generation” of wearable products, which can be processed and paired within seconds, compared to about 3 minutes per device of other companies in the industry.
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this agreement, Dr. Kwan is quoted “This is one of the largest deployments of its kind anywhere in the world and we are very proud to be working with technology innovators to deliver a product so important in enhancing the health and safety of their workforce.”
I will forgive you if you stop reading now. The above agreement, combined with the cruise line partnership, is honestly enough for me and for many investors, but for those who stick around, the story actually gets considerably better.
The total wearable market is projected to reach $60 billion, and a large part of this will focus on corporate safety. In this way, Tracesafe has a bit of an advantage, as the company has a presence in Southeast Asia. You will remember that long before we realized the impact of the pandemic, several Asian countries were already scrambling to deal with the first wave. Since that time, we have dealt with each wave several months behind Southeast Asian countries. This time lapse has given TraceSafe a window into near-future conditions in the Western world. The best example of this is in Singapore, where they are closer to emerging from lockdown than we are in North America. Singapore has become the proving ground for TraceSafe technology., and it has gone perfectly. TraceSafe is being worn on construction sites for Boustead, a massive Singaporean construction company. This partnership has not only led to improvements in safety and security at Boustead, but it has also won TraceSafe the Singaporean National Innovation Award.
Closer to home, TraseSafe partnered with The World Junior Hockey Championships in Vancouver, Canada in December. The tournament was essentially a bubble-event that was completed safely using TraceSafe technology. T.T.G, the sponsorship firm that organized the event (and, incidentally, was instrumental in bringing The Winter Olympics to Vancouver in 2010) was impressed. So was Telus, the tournament sponsor. The future is very bright in venue tracing, with fans itching to return but needing a safe and proven way to do it.
There remains one incredibly large catalyst for growth, and some may find it the most interesting of all, but before we get to that (cough, Airbeam, cough), let’s quickly dispel any lingering doubts you may have:
Aren’t those wrist bands uncomfortable and a nuisance?
This is another part of the reason Tritan and others have chosen TraceSafe. Recall that two of the management team are pioneers of the wearable space with over 30 patents between them. The TraceSafe product has a battery that long outlasts any other in the industry and it is also incredibly lightweight and unobtrusive. Added to this is the
extended product line, with tags and credit-card style devices.
Discounting everything else in the pipeline, is anybody seriously going to get back on a cruise ship after all that has happened? Will the return to cruise lines be slow?
The high amount of bookings for the second half of 2021 says “no”, and so do experts in the field, who state that cruise line demand is higher than most other industry segments. Once people are vaccinated, the industry will return in a big way. Tritan understands this; hence the quick action.
But what about privacy? Isn’t this just another way for companies or governments to spy on us?
I honestly wondered about this because it seemed an obvious question, but the answer makes complete sense. If the TraceSafe software were downloaded onto your phone, perhaps there would be more skepticism on my part. We all value privacy and bristle when it is infringed upon. But these devices are only work-site specific, meaning that the wearables (and software embedded in them) are separate from your personal devices and they do not function once you leave the site. They only ensure health and safety through workplace tracking.
Aren’t margins higher on software than hardware? Will this make enough profit?
The answers to these questions vary, but they all begin with “yes”. Margins are indeed higher on software, and TraceSafe in fact is currently selling 50/50 between hardware and software (cloud computing), with a focus on moving to 20/80 in the coming months. The cloud-based real-time monitoring system does not, in fact, need an internet connection (which I’d say is important when you’re out at sea) as it is a bluetooth device. No user information is stored on the device and it has medical-grade privacy/security (remember the company’s origins). The administration functions are user-friendly.
What about the revenues?
Whatever exciting news you may hear about a company, it is always more reassuring to see actual revenues pouring in, even so soon after developing a contact tracing solution. TraceSafe could be forgiven for only being a quarter or two away from meaningful revenues, but luckily for investors, this isn’t the case. Based on video interviews in January, the company expects to continue their 100%-200% year over year growth, which puts them somewhere between a projection of $20-$32 million for 2021. Although it should be noted that I’m extrapolating these numbers by following growth patterns from previous quarters, this DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY NEW PARTNERSHIPS, INCLUDING THE AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED TODAY! (Oops, sorry. I seem to have left caps lock on there!).
And then there is the share float. Fully diluted, after all outstanding shares incentive-based options, the total share count will be under 70 million. This is a very small float, which appeals to most investors, as a company in a growth phase will have fewer obstacles to share price growth.
What about data? Data monetization is big business.
TraceSafe will have the ability to monetize data from their cloud-based software at some point in this process, although that shouldn’t be confused with personal data, which would never be shared, obviously. But corporations looking for trends in safety and efficiency would most definitely benefit from the analysis of general workforce data.
What else am I missing?
This is a bonus for the company that cannot be overstated. Airbeam. Ever heard of it? Before you read the bonus paragraph below, note that TraceSafe has invested into Airbeam and owns an impressive 9.9 million shares. Ok, go ahead and read about Airbeam now (Thanks to Stock Fam discord user “Aberdenov” for the assistance)
The 5G revolution is upon us. This revolution will be in the tens of TRILLIONS of dollars. Airbeam will be a player in 5G critical infrastructure. Their 5G micro cell network utilizing AI/ML with EDGE computing on the 60Ghz band will be a catalyst for smart cities enabling such things as autonomous vehicles.
Airbeam will also be deploying wireless cameras with unlimited storage and smart displays for advertising. The company is led by former executive and head of research and development at Qualcomm, Dr Karim Arabi, and along with Stockwell Day and his political connections, the future looks bright for the company. Airbeam's last private raise was back in 2019 with a valuation of 97 million. Since then they have gained traction with pilot projects in America, Qatar and the Philippines. An IPO is expected sometime in 2021 with a far higher valuation.
TraceSafe has openly talked about increasing shareholder value after the Airbeam IPO, including a potential dividend, which is unheard of for a growth tech company.
So you see how skepticism can lead to the DD that you need to uncover a company like TraceSafe. It has the management team, tech cutting-edge technology, the validation, the contracts, the blue-sky opportunity of an industry that will be a part of our lives, and an incredible piece of foresight to buy in early to a very hotly anticipated IPO.
Just another Stock Fam favourite! Thanks to expert poster Jethro and all the members of the TraceSafe channel for their relentless DD. Come join the discussion!
Follow me on twitter MrDotto5
submitted by cgindecent to StockFamGroup [link] [comments]

Its a Boomer play, but its guaranteed money: $GE Leaps

So, this DD isn't actual TA. It is a series of (what I believe) are very safe assumptions: a combination of political analysis, energy trends, and inevitable nation-wide "must have" investments. WARNING: this is long. By necessity, one assumption leads to another. I'll give you the one sentence TLDR up front, but because this is an assumption-chain, I encourage you to read this post
In order for Biden to get a quick win for what is looking like unfavorable (to Dems) 2022 midterms, he will first shoot for a massive infrastructure bill. Either way Georgia goes, Dems won't blow up the filibuster. Therefore, if he wants to have any "green" policies in his first term, he has to make it super amenable to Republicans. (1) Connecting **rich** renewable areas (mostly Republican states) by extensive HVDC lines to (2) an enhanced nationwide Grid (HVDC lines) will kill two birds with one stone. This ^ infrastructure is inevitable, either way. $GE is the #1 and only American HVDC provider, 220k workers +. $GE Renewables don't contribute to revenue right now, but HVDC + Wind (which will be yuge) make it a massive discount rn.
I am going to lay down a series of linear assumptions and realities below. I feel like these assumptions are all safe, therefore, it is highly likely that the outcome I describe comes to fruition within the next 4 years.
  1. EVs are going to see mass adoption. Every automaker + Apple is trying to get in on this. BEV advantages are simply too great. It is highly likely that by 2025, 30% or more of the U.S. fleet will be electric. This will only continue to 2030.
  2. This will cause big increases in demand on the grid. Go google around: Grid owners are ecstatic about this. The average American home uses ~33 kWh of energy per day. I own a model 3, and BARELY drive (i dont commute) and still use ~10kWh per day for driving. A commuter may use around 30-35 kWh per day just to drive. By 2025, if ~30% of the U.S. fleet is electric, that'll cause a significant increase in grid demand. More important, though, is that energy generation investment takes time. Grid owners know this is coming. They will beef up generation faster and faster as the U.S. economy becomes more electrified instead of based on fossil fuels.
  3. Added capacity is likely to be green. This has 2 causes. (1) Finance: Coal isn't cost competitive with solar and wind anymore. Solar is getting very, very cheap and more and more efficient. Offshore wind is having a renaissance. Nuclear is greener, but more expensive (~$4,200 per kW), and NIMBYism will prevail. Solawind + batteries is cheaper than $4,200 per kW right now. Additionally, Alaskan oil can't even get bank financing now, and Coal isn't expanding. People see the end is near. (2) Politics. Dem administration for the next 4 years, and green energy isn't the political football it was 10 years ago. Fighting renewables isn't the focus of the right anymore. Additionally, Democrats resist natural gas expansion: remember the Keystone pipeline? Natural gas is pretty green and cheap af, but its not everywhere, and I deem it unlikely that population centers (NE Corridor, Cali, Chicago, etc etc) are going to be OK with more and more natural gas plants. I deem it unlikely that we're gonna be a 50%+ natural gas country.
  4. Biden will do an infrastructure bill. This will happen. Its popular, its needed, and its perfect for his huge desire to be seen as a bipartisan president.
  5. Biden will try and include moderate green elements in this bill because he knows he won't get green policies otherwise. Even if the two Georgia seats go blue, there is **ZERO** chance the Dems blow the filibuster. You have (1) a president that won by a narrow margin, that (2) isn't that popular, (3) who has a bad-looking 2022 midterm, that (4) won't run in 2024 cause hes ancient, with (5) a not-too-popular VP, can't afford to run roughshod over norms and weaken their 2022 prospects. 50-50 plus Kamala casting the deciding vote? Please. Not happening.
  6. Green elements in an infrastructure bill will have to benefit Red states in order to get passed. We're not gonna get a carbon tax / cap and trade system. We're not gonna get massive oil taxes
  7. A lot of Red states are RICH in renewables. Look at these maps ( for U.S. solar, and this map ( for U.S. wind. What do you notice? For the most part, there are huge wind opportunities in the Midwest. There is huge solar potential across Texas and the South. Outside of California and Northeast Corridor offshore wind, renewables are concentrated in the Midwest and South.
  8. Right now, we can't take full advantage of these areas because the infrastructure to transport 2025-2030 sized energy demands to population centers don't exist. This is key. Right now, the U.S. energy grid is largely disconnected in terms of HVDC lines (high voltage lines capable of transmitting huge amounts of power with minimal loss: it resembles small, little fiefdoms. Google "U.S. HVDC Map" (make sure you're looking at the current ones--not the projections). We don't have that much HVDC infrastructure. In this past, there wasn't a huge emphasis because there wasn't that much need....renewables price efficiency didn't make for THAT compelling of a need, and localized Grid owners made-do with the status quo. HVDC network improvement is INEVITABLE. Renewables are too cheap, and the efficiencies inherent in concentrating wind and solar where appropriate are too vast. Right now, as you read this, there is an UNDERSEA Ultra HVDC cable being laid between Australia and Singapore to transport solar power. I shit you not. Europe and China are building vast HVDC and Ultra HVDC lines right now. Look at this wiki page: See how many are in Asia/Euro vs the U.S.? Its a fucking joke. It is extremely unlikely that we're gonna just slap solar and wind where they are sub-optimal, rather than seek greater ROI. Mass HVDC lines are inevitable.
  9. General Electric is the only large American HVDC provider. GE employs 200,000+ Americans. It is literally one of the oldest American companies. It has a super American brand name, and is politically connected.
  10. HVDC is expensive. I'm not an expert, but because of NIMBY, its likely that a lot of HVDC will be buried along rail lines (From what I read). HVDC between hundreds of wind/solar fields across the U.S. will need to be built, plus HVDC / Ultra HVDC between renewable zones to NE Corridor, Chicago, California. I'd google around for figures, but basically, its $$$$$$$$$.
  11. Right now, General Electric's Renewables sector barely brings in any revenue (17% 2019 revenue, around $15 billion,U.S.%20dollars%20one%20year%20before.). The new CEO is actually pretty fucking great ( He turned Danaher around, and is setting up GE for success. GE has a TON of debt (debt/equity above 6.0), but what will happen to the stock when GE is given absolutely gigantic contracts in order to buff up the U.S. Grid? They really are the only American company with the production/size ability to do this. What happens when the GE Renewables sector grows by 4-5x over the next 10 years? Grid improvements + Wind turbines are going to go up bigly. That $15 billion revenue line item may increase dramatically.
If you read this far, let me restate that this isn't TA. I don't have strikes for you. I don't know how to value HVDC and Wind over the next decade. However, I have a STRONG feeling in my nips that $GE is going to be a major American comeback story, and ^ that political/economic/renewable trends make it exceedingly likely that GE will have huge grid contracts coming up. How much of this is already baked into the price? I have no idea, but I do know that the big boys don't gamble on Adderall rantings like this, so it probably isn't baked in.
I'm using GE to add some safety to my current 100% TSLA portfolio. I encourage you all to pick up at least a few cheap 2022 GE Leaps. I'm buying the furthest out, highest strike calls I can get.
submitted by IS_JOKE_COMRADE to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Ten genuine suggestions on how to improve Pokemon go

As an avid Pokemon Go player since July 2016 I have made this list of ten genuine suggestions on how I think the player experience can be improved within the game.

The style UI of Pokemon Go is one of the only areas of the game that has never received an update. I would propose updating the 'Style' to a 'Wardrobe' button and have only contain parts of outfits that have already been unlocked or purchased behind it. To counter-balance this, I would add another tab to the Shop which would contain all of the outfits and cosmetics that can be purchased. Why? Having to scroll through endless purchasing options to find the items you own is annoying and impractical, it also means that we are limited to exactly what items we already own and have the option to browse the store if we feel the need to.

Due to the introduction of remote raiding, players such as myself find themselves with multiple lucky friends who future trades with will be near impossible (I'm UK and have 4 lucky friends in Singapore). I would propose that Niantic introduce the rule that Lucky Trades are able to circumvent all distance and allow players to undergo international lucky trades. While this may be extreme, from Good friend to Best is 90 days with a 1/60 chance of going lucky post-best friends, this means that all lucky friends represent a long-term investment and cannot possibly be abused.

Many people will manipulate the giving/receiving of gifts so that they are in control of when they go ultra/best friends so that they can lucky egg and receive 2x the experience. While this is the norm, it can leave players wondering "Why isn't X opening my gift and going best friends?". While this can be easily organised with people you know, it can be hard with people who you are not in contact with, my suggestion would be to add a notification option that can be sent to other players. If i received a notification going "Player X has suggested going Best friends now, please click Yes if you are ready". While this relies on player kindness, without re-doing the whole friendship/gift system if is the best we are going to get.

Soloing a one-star raid will now take me a maximum of 20-30 seconds. Standing around and waiting for this two-minute countdown to finish can sometimes be extremely mundane, especially when you plan on soloing it anyway. I would suggest adding a "Player Ready" option, once all players have stated themselves as ready, the countdown can jump to 10 seconds. This would mean faster raids for players and more playtime/raids/money for Niantic.

It is about time that the daily raid pass we get be turned into a remote pass. Not only would this help with the current global Coronavirus pandemic but isn't it about time? This would help vastly with rural players, players who lack pokemon go playing friends and would encourage people to get involved more with local communities knowing that they do not have to travel twenty miles to join the raid. It would again encourage people to purchase more passes during raid hours, events etc.

When starting pokemon go, the original pokemon box size is 300. Consider that there is now 600+ pokemon in the game, if a player simply wanted to catch one of every pokemon they would have to expand their box six times just to reach this level. Whilst this may seem unfair for existing players who are into the 2k+ box sizes, my suggestion would be to globally increase all pokemon box size by 300 for free. If this seems extreme, remember that the maximum pokemon box size is now 3000 and to go from 300-3000 will cost a player $100+ or 10,800 pokemon coins.

There is no argument to be made against the fact that taking parts in raids should be considered a form of gambling and needs addressing. While many of us are happy to do one raid, get the dex entry and be done with it, many more do not feel this way. Freemium games make more money off the top 1% of players than the other 99% combined. I met an individual who undertook 200+ raids when the raid rotations switched to Darkrai, although he had 3 hundos, he was simply unlucky and was actually after the shiny, he had no other way to accomplish this as Darkrai is mythical and cannot be traded. My suggestion would be to add an in-game limiter that can be self-configured by the player to how much time or money can be spent daily.

This feature within pokemon go was one of the most hyped, the idea that players can suggest pokestops and have them approved or denied was brilliant. The problem is that we as players are not notified if the pokestop is confirmed or denied AND the timeline that it takes is absolutely ridiculous. I have been told by reliable sources that a pokestop nomination can take up to six months to take effect, in the modern and digital world this is just laziness by Niantic. This process needs to become streamlined, during the data entry it states that there are reviewers who will review your entry, but why not place a temporary stop and ask players that spin it if is acceptable stop or not.

I would suggest that an update be made so that shinies with pokemon go follow the rules of Pokemon: Let's Go or Pokemon Sword & Shield. This would require a code change that would roll for the shiny pokemon on appearance of our screen instead of when the pokemon is clicked. This sytem would be better I feel than finding a nest of a particular pokemon and walking around clicking every single one without catching it.

I can't have been the only person that got extremely annoyed with the jump that Niantic made between Gold and platinum medals?
Gold Backpacker - 2,000 Pokestops, platinum 50,000.
Gold Gym Leader - 1,000 hours (41.6 days), platinum 15,000 hours (625 days).
Level 40 - 20 Million Exp, Level 50 - 176 Million.
Whilst we all know that Pokemon Go is not simply a game that you can 'finish' these increases all throughout the game show that Niantic is actively leaning into the addiction side of their game and not really caring for the benefit of their players, if you still doubt this, please remember the introduction of Mega Evolutions. My suggestion would be to cap the EXP limits needed for leveling post 40 at 5 Million (39-40) and still leave the level-based tasks that need to be done. In terms of medals, i would suggest looking at the requirements for a gold medal and simply doubling it instead of x15, x10 or x5 respectively.
All of this also applies to XL Candy as well, to get enough XL Candy to get Mewtwo to level 50 would require an insane amount of raids, luck & money. I would suggest lowering the exchange rate from Candy to XL candy from 100 to 20.
I know that no one at niantic will actually read any of these suggestions and perhaps that is part of the problem, they genuinely do not seem to take any player feedback onboard unless outrage happens in the hundreds of thousands such as when Mega Evolutions were introduced.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading, please let me know what you think of these suggestions, if you hate/support them. I just wanted to say that i still genuinely love Pokemon Go and have encouraged multiple friends to play, i just think that the game definitely has space for improvement.
submitted by cam_the_iron to pokemongo [link] [comments]

TAR25 Review

Continuing my rewatch, we’ve finally reached Season 25, the gold standard for a non gimmick, modern Amazing Race, and what an Amazing season it was.
In comparison to the shit show that was All Stars 2, TAR25 was an unbelievable breath of fresh air. Great locations, inspired difficult tasks, and teams you can actually root for, including some new twists to make this season feel fresh but classic at the same time.
This season introduced some fresh twists. The save really didn’t affect the race in anyway and I’m glad they didn’t bring it back. It was probably the biggest buzzkill of the season. The 4 team final leg is ok. I liked it because you would really have no reason to expect it, and it saved a good team. However it did make the final leg in the Philippines pointless which sucks because it was a good leg. Some other little things was Phil popping up on the race course as teams ran by giving standings updates. That was great! I wish they kept doing that as much as they did in this season. With all that said, let’s go into the team and leg rankings
This seasons teams weren’t all that interesting the first few legs, but boy did they step it up towards the end.
Surprisingly enough, Tim and Te Jay ended up being my favorite team this season. They were so hilariously awesome. They wouldn’t have been near the top of the list after my first watch but I really loved them on the rewatch. So charming and entertaining and I wish they went all the way.
Kym and Ali would’ve won this season if it weren’t for the fast forward gamble, you mark my words on that. They were one of the strongest all female teams ever, and they were great to watch as well.
Amy and Maya, maybe one of the most surprising winners ever. And sure they really shouldn’t have been in that final leg, but they were great as well, especially Maya, who always remained positive when all the teams around her were complaining about the surroundings around them. In the end, I’m glad they won
Adam and Bethany were a good team also. Bethanys accomplishments on the race were amazing for sure, and the great thing is they didn’t turn them into a sob story. (Looking at u Dave and Connor) however they fell flat sometimes in terms of entertainment.
I liked Brooke and Robbies charisma. And they were actually a decently strong team. Yeah they were a bit cocky but in a stupid funny way, not in a jerk kinda way. They were pretty air headed sometimes and maybe one of the most directionally challenged teams ever. Their anger at the final 4 twist was definitely justified in my eyes, however brookes disgust at the local culture was a bit annoying.
Misti and Jim were looking like they were gonna be one of these overconfident dominating teams in the beginning, but as the season went on they were a lot more likable. They made some mistakes, but overall a decent team. Wouldn’t have minded them winning. Rest In Peace Jim
Dennis and Isabel were strangely likable for second boots. They definitely would’ve provided some good moments had they stayed longer.
Keith and Whitney were a bit boring and fit into the nice boring couple slot. Whitney had a lot of charm tho, I wouldn’t have minded if they stuck around longer
Micheal and Scott were a fine team too. Unfortunately a busted ankle and some bad directions had the journey cut short, but I’ll always root for a Boston team
Shelly and Nici were the cause of most of the drama in the early episodes. And while I think their blowup at the mat in Denmark was pretty uncalled for, they were hilarious. Definitely made a big impact during their short run.
And finally Lisa and Michelle are only at the bottom of my rankings because they were first boots, but they could’ve provided some good drama had they stayed.
This is the first modern season where I can say there were truly no bad legs!
With that being said, Leg 5 in Morocco and Leg 9 in Singapore were miles ahead of the rest, in fact they were two of the best Post TAR17 legs ever! That’s how good they were. Both had a lot of tasks other than a RB and Detour. Both had a U-Turn. Both had teams racing side by side with tough interesting challenges. How great was that to see! If only all the legs were like this.
Legs 10 and 11 in the Philippines aren’t far behind. These legs were chaos! They fit the role for “poor Asian city” for season 25 and Manila did not disappoint. The Ox switchback wasn’t as memorable this time around but it was great to see Season 5 get some representation. Also the fishing side of the detour was amazing, I wish more than 1 team did it.
Leg 8 in Malta was also great. What a stunning location and it’s always great to see a new country. Idk if this is fair to say, but that flag Detour looked doable, teams gave up on it too fast.
Leg 4 in Denmark/Sweden was also great! A nice little way to get the country count up for a season by having teams drive over the boarder haha. But the detour here was a very good balance of a tough physical challenge and an attention to detail task. Good roadblock as well, but tell me why those dishes were called sandwiches? Anyone know?
Leg 6 in Morocco was weaker than Leg 5, but it was still solid. A great detour and extra task but the road block, while in a good location, was kinda uninspired.
Leg 3 in Scotland was surprisingly tough for an early leg. That was great to see. This leg was missing a roadblock pretty badly though.
Leg 12 in LA was an above average finale for sure. Not one of the absolute best but it was solid. The final task was one of the better memory tasks in my opinion, also one of the most difficult.
Leg 2 was a solid visit to London. It was strange to not have a roadblock. But a nice throwback to season 3 with the punting task. I also liked the twist where u went out of your way to find an express pass. The detour was meh.
Now to the only somewhat underwhelming legs of the season..
Leg 7 in Sicily was beautiful, and the race car challenge looked like an awesome experience. But these tasks gave us a pretty boring episode especially being a non elim.
Finally Leg 1 in the US Virgin Islands wasn’t terrible either, but there was only one real task. The rest was just running (or swimming) around to different route markets. The one roadblock was solid tho.
And that’s season 25! When I have almost no negative things to say in my team/leg rankings you know it’s a great season. I don’t have a complete ranking of all the seasons yet but as of now, I only would put TAR5, TAR17 and TAR29 ahead of 25. They did a great job freshening up the show after the all stars atrocity.
Let me know what you think! Season 26 is up next!
submitted by Vinnymartin_09 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

TraceSafe (TSF) and Why We Love it 🔥

(written by @mrdotto5 @stockfamgroup $TSF $UTOLF)
TraceSafe Inc. (TSF in Canada, UTOLF in U.S. with OTCQB listing in near future)
Industry: Real-Time Location Services (including Contact Tracing)
Notable Management:
Mr. Wayne Lloyd (C.E.O. of TraceSafe)
Dr. Dennis Kwan (C.E.O of TraceSafe Technologies),
Why We Love it:
By the time I finished my DD, and I did quite a bit of it, TraceSafe was an auto-buy for me and a pleasure to write about. But before diving in, I had questions; plenty of them. I believe that investors should enter every opportunity with skepticism. It gives you a clearer head and reduces potentially dangerous levels of FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO can drive valuations of stocks to scary levels and it rarely ends well, as retail buyers like you and me buy the hype on a company while bigger players exit their positions.
Smaller growth-oriented companies can often have new, exciting technology that captures the imagination of the market, but smart investors, retail or otherwise, always look for one key milestone before buying in: validation. Without proof that a company is successfully penetrating their market, you’re buying the idea instead of the reality.
When I first looked at Tracesafe in the autumn of 2020, I was impressed by the technology they were bringing to market with an experienced management team. But I didn’t invest my hard-earned money because I needed to see real partnerships with big-market companies. Cutting edge technology, for all its impressiveness, isn’t worth much to a company without the means to monetize it. If you’re buying the idea, you’re making a leap of faith, and that is a little too close to gambling for me.
So much has happened since then that the leap of faith has become an open door to walk through. Validation is here.
But before we get to all that, let’s set the foundation, because none of this would have been possible without the management team, which is one of the most impressive parts to the story. The C.E.O., Dr. Dennis Kwan, and The C.T.O. Suresh Singamsetty, have been developing technology companies in the wearables space for years. Dr. Kwan co-founding Martian Watches, the first ever voice-enabled smartwatch. He was also V.P. of a Bluetooth company that was acquired for $160 million and he personally owns more than ten patents in wireless/bluetooth technologies. Mr. Singamsetty, the software expert, was with Dr. Kwan at Martian Watches. He owns more than 20 patents himself. The third member of the team, Gord Zeilstra, is another massive successful industry veteran. His specialty is driving companies’ global sales footprint. His success in the building of and S.A.P. into global brands is an exciting indicator of where TraceSafe is headed.
So what about validation? Let’s begin with its partnership with Tritan Software. You probably haven’t heard of them, but I have no doubt you have heard of Carnival Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and Royal Caribbean. Tritan is the health and safety software provider for 95% of the entire global cruise line industry. I’ll put that in word form to give it the attention it deserves: NINETY FIVE PERCENT of the global cruise line industry.
Tritan is responsible for collecting, storing and securing the privacy of health information for all passengers, in addition to quality and incident management and a host of other software solutions. The CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) will most certainly have compliance requirements for resumption of sailing operations and Tritan knows this, which is why they are acting now, and acting swiftly. (Countless other companies approached Tritan, but they chose the experience and superior security of TraceSafe). The partnership was only recently announced and it remains to be seen how entwined the two companies will become, but contact tracing is only the tip of the iceberg (sorry, not the best cruise line analogy). For a clearer picture of the entire iceberg, we can look to Walt Disney’s iconic theme parks.
It is no secret that Disney theme parks have always placed a premium focus on customer experience, and one of the most effective ways they achieve this is through the “Magic Band”, which is essentially a wearable device that customers use to enter the park, unlock their hotel rooms, and buy food and merchandise. A one stop shop on your wrist.
This is where the cruise industry is headed. With a wearable on your wrist, you can enjoy all the same conveniences as the Magic Band combined with a contact tracing and safety monitoring device, all in one device.
So, that’s it? The cruise lines?
Even if it were the only partnership in the pipeline, it may have been enough to turn TraceSafe into a major global player, but it is just one of many projects, both ongoing and in the future. But even greater validation was announced just today (making me do some quick edits to this story)
TraceSafe, just today, announced a potentially game-changing purchase order. The agreement is to supply a global Tier 1 semiconductor manufacturer with 60,000 wearable units to be used across their enterprise. Professional services network Deloitte is managing the implementation of TraceSafe’s “next generation” of wearable products, which can be processed and paired within seconds, compared to about 3 minutes per device of other companies in the industry.
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this agreement, Dr. Kwan is quoted “This is one of the largest deployments of its kind anywhere in the world and we are very proud to be working with technology innovators to deliver a product so important in enhancing the health and safety of their workforce.”
I will forgive you if you stop reading now. The above agreement, combined with the cruise line partnership, is honestly enough for me and for many investors, but for those who stick around, the story actually gets considerably better.
The total wearable market is projected to reach $60 billion, and a large part of this will focus on corporate safety. In this way, Tracesafe has a bit of an advantage, as the company has a presence in Southeast Asia. You will remember that long before we realized the impact of the pandemic, several Asian countries were already scrambling to deal with the first wave. Since that time, we have dealt with each wave several months behind Southeast Asian countries. This time lapse has given TraceSafe a window into near-future conditions in the Western world. The best example of this is in Singapore, where they are closer to emerging from lockdown than we are in North America. Singapore has become the proving ground for TraceSafe technology., and it has gone perfectly. TraceSafe is being worn on construction sites for Boustead, a massive Singaporean construction company. This partnership has not only led to improvements in safety and security at Boustead, but it has also won TraceSafe the Singaporean National Innovation Award.
Closer to home, TraseSafe partnered with The World Junior Hockey Championships in Vancouver, Canada in December. The tournament was essentially a bubble-event that was completed safely using TraceSafe technology. T.T.G, the sponsorship firm that organized the event (and, incidentally, was instrumental in bringing The Winter Olympics to Vancouver in 2010) was impressed. So was Telus, the tournament sponsor. The future is very bright in venue tracing, with fans itching to return but needing a safe and proven way to do it.
There remains one incredibly large catalyst for growth, and some may find it the most interesting of all, but before we get to that (cough, Airbeam, cough), let’s quickly dispel any lingering doubts you may have:
Aren’t those wrist bands uncomfortable and a nuisance?
This is another part of the reason Tritan and others have chosen TraceSafe. Recall that two of the management team are pioneers of the wearable space with over 30 patents between them. The TraceSafe product has a battery that long outlasts any other in the industry and it is also incredibly lightweight and unobtrusive. Added to this is the
extended product line, with tags and credit-card style devices.
Discounting everything else in the pipeline, is anybody seriously going to get back on a cruise ship after all that has happened? Will the return to cruise lines be slow?
The high amount of bookings for the second half of 2021 says “no”, and so do experts in the field, who state that cruise line demand is higher than most other industry segments. Once people are vaccinated, the industry will return in a big way. Tritan understands this; hence the quick action.
But what about privacy? Isn’t this just another way for companies or governments to spy on us?
I honestly wondered about this because it seemed an obvious question, but the answer makes complete sense. If the TraceSafe software were downloaded onto your phone, perhaps there would be more skepticism on my part. We all value privacy and bristle when it is infringed upon. But these devices are only work-site specific, meaning that the wearables (and software embedded in them) are separate from your personal devices and they do not function once you leave the site. They only ensure health and safety through workplace tracking.
Aren’t margins higher on software than hardware? Will this make enough profit?
The answers to these questions vary, but they all begin with “yes”. Margins are indeed higher on software, and TraceSafe in fact is currently selling 50/50 between hardware and software (cloud computing), with a focus on moving to 20/80 in the coming months. The cloud-based real-time monitoring system does not, in fact, need an internet connection (which I’d say is important when you’re out at sea) as it is a bluetooth device. No user information is stored on the device and it has medical-grade privacy/security (remember the company’s origins). The administration functions are user-friendly.
What about the revenues?
Whatever exciting news you may hear about a company, it is always more reassuring to see actual revenues pouring in, even so soon after developing a contact tracing solution. TraceSafe could be forgiven for only being a quarter or two away from meaningful revenues, but luckily for investors, this isn’t the case. Based on video interviews in January, the company expects to continue their 100%-200% year over year growth, which puts them somewhere between a projection of $20-$32 million for 2021. Although it should be noted that I’m extrapolating these numbers by following growth patterns from previous quarters, this DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY NEW PARTNERSHIPS, INCLUDING THE AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED TODAY! (Oops, sorry. I seem to have left caps lock on there!).
And then there is the share float. Fully diluted, after all outstanding shares incentive-based options, the total share count will be under 70 million. This is a very small float, which appeals to most investors, as a company in a growth phase will have fewer obstacles to share price growth.
What about data? Data monetization is big business.
TraceSafe will have the ability to monetize data from their cloud-based software at some point in this process, although that shouldn’t be confused with personal data, which would never be shared, obviously. But corporations looking for trends in safety and efficiency would most definitely benefit from the analysis of general workforce data.
What else am I missing?
This is a bonus for the company that cannot be overstated. Airbeam. Ever heard of it? Before you read the bonus paragraph below, note that TraceSafe has invested into Airbeam and owns an impressive 9.9 million shares. Ok, go ahead and read about Airbeam now (Thanks to Stock Fam discord user “Aberdenov” for the assistance)
The 5G revolution is upon us. This revolution will be in the tens of TRILLIONS of dollars. Airbeam will be a player in 5G critical infrastructure. Their 5G micro cell network utilizing AI/ML with EDGE computing on the 60Ghz band will be a catalyst for smart cities enabling such things as autonomous vehicles.
Airbeam will also be deploying wireless cameras with unlimited storage and smart displays for advertising. The company is led by former executive and head of research and development at Qualcomm, Dr Karim Arabi, and along with Stockwell Day and his political connections, the future looks bright for the company. Airbeam's last private raise was back in 2019 with a valuation of 97 million. Since then they have gained traction with pilot projects in America, Qatar and the Philippines. An IPO is expected sometime in 2021 with a far higher valuation.
TraceSafe has openly talked about increasing shareholder value after the Airbeam IPO, including a potential dividend, which is unheard of for a growth tech company.
So you see how skepticism can lead to the DD that you need to uncover a company like TraceSafe. It has the management team, tech cutting-edge technology, the validation, the contracts, the blue-sky opportunity of an industry that will be a part of our lives, and an incredible piece of foresight to buy in early to a very hotly anticipated IPO.
Just another Stock Fam favourite! Thanks to expert poster Jethro and all the members of the TraceSafe channel for their relentless DD. Come join the discussion!
submitted by this-one-marketing to PennyStocksDD [link] [comments]

December 2020 Guide to Getting A Driving License at SSDC

When I was researching online about how my driving journey for class 3 license as a school student would be, I discovered that while there were a lot of tips scattered here and there, cohesive guides were rare and outdated with varying degrees. There were even fewer regarding SSDC, which is more ulu than the 2 other driving centers. Thus, I promised myself to the higher powers in the world that when I pass the test, I will give back to society and write an updated guide as of December 2020 about what is the current situation like. Three things to note: First, there were still many changes and updates even during my 3.5 months journey the driving school, and you should expect many more to come. Secondly, this is after COVID circuit breaker era, so to the future you who are reading this, hopefully, the pandemic is over and there may be changes, but changes in this aspect should be unimportant. The third thing, I have coordination issues, which made my driving journey a lot more difficult, just a little something to take into consideration when listening to my story. Heads up, getting a license in Singapore is filled with LOTS OF hassle, so be prepared. Without further ado, let’s start!
The first hurdle you need to clear is to register an account and pass your BTT. Their steps overlap so I will explain them together. What do you need to start an account? Paylah and at least $2K (Ok, you don’t technically need so much cash to start the account, but it’s important to have, explain later). Go to the SSDC website, register an account online. You will pay a lump sum for all the miscellaneous things, which includes the eye test and the BTT & FTT theory book (so don’t buy!). I always paid using Paylah. You have an account now, good. It’s a bit confusing hereon. I will list the steps before I explain why.

One question that has no answers elsewhere is: If you watch the videos online, do you still need to go for the physical theory classes? Answer is: No. You either watch the videos online OR go and attend physical classes, and you only need to do one of them. Obviously, I chose the videos, and I watched them right away I registered my account. You have to watch for at least a few seconds before you can proceed, and there is a mini quiz after each section which you have to get all correct for. In my opinion, BTT is not difficult, but those people who think they can pass with sheer common sense are very mistaken. You need to study for it.
After you watched the videos, you think you can book the theory mock test, right? No, you need to pass your eye test before they allow you to book the mock test. For me, I registered my account on a Saturday. I studied the BTT with the e-PDF BTT theory book over the weekend. Then, hopefully, when I go to SSDC to do the eye test on Monday, I can try to see if I can book a mock test right afterward and pass it on the same day.
On Monday, I went to SSDC. A simple layout of SSDC. Level 1 is the lobby and the traffic police department. All your real-deal tests like BTT, FTT, and the eventual PT, as well as the actual test circuit, are all on level 1. Don’t go to the wrong level. Level 2 is parking I think, but I never went there as there is an escalator that takes you straight from level 1 to level 3, which is where you will spend the majority of your time. Level 3 is the reception for SSDC, as well as the place to report for your driving lessons. Level 4 is classrooms for theory lessons, BTT & FTT trial practices, and mock tests (TTT), as well as the simulator lessons. Level 5 is the roof, mostly for motorcycles and sometimes driving lessons for cars.
Due to COVID, they will usually ask everyone about their intentions before letting you into the lobby. When I went, I was stopped right there. Apparently, they strongly encourage you to book an appt before coming, and they don’t really allow walk-in. However, since I was there already and have nothing on for the rest of the day, I asked if I can just wait. They said okay. So, I took a queue number joined a group a people waiting in the lobby… for the chance to proceed to the third floor! Yes, you are not even at the reception yet, you’re just queueing for the chance to go to the third floor. Why didn’t I choose an appt? The next appt date is a whole week later! I decided to just sit there and study for my BTT. Do note if the lobby is filled up, they won’t even let you enter to wait. My visit from the start till the end took 3 hours. Damn tired. However, if you come at a quieter time (like early morning once they open, after 3:30 on Tuesday- Thursdays), your waiting time can be shortened to about an hour. If you want anything shorter than this, book an appointment. Do not come at 2:30 pm, cause 2:30 - 3:30 is their break time. So I waited in the lobby, wait wait wait, got to go to level 3 to queue to get ANOTHER queue number, wait wait wait, then I finally get to a counter. They did my eye test and later take a photo. NOTE! This photo they are taking right here and now is the photo that will eventually be on your license! I read online from old guides that they always take the photo after their PT, so I thought this photo would just for the school’s internal record booklet, so I just anyhow take. The photo was a nightmare. I was so horrified when I realised this fact that I ran down to SSDC right away to retake a photo that shows me as a human. The one important question they will ask you throughout the registration is if you will take manual or auto, so make yourself clear. Can you change it later? Yes, for a fee. Should you take manual or auto? Well, well, well, no offence to newbies but I am so sick of this question and the whole argument around this. I will explain this at the end if I still remember. Anyway, I chose manual. If you choose manual (class 3), you will get a blue booklet. If you choose auto (Class 3A), you will get a pink booklet. Talk about stereotypes. This is just the beginning. In my opinion, there are a lot of implicit and underlying gender stereotypes in the whole SSDC for both females and males. It’s not outright rude or unacceptable, but I just haven’t been anywhere where I have to face gender stereotypes in such a way for a long while. Anyways, don’t lose that booklet. It’s a booklet to record your progress, and in my opinion, for you to keep a record of who are the good and bad instructors.
Finally, you’re done… with registering your account. Phew. I didn’t get to book a TTT session (theory trial test-> the schools' internal practice or mock test sessions) that day, but I got one the next day. I do stand by the advice that it’s best if you book 2 TTT sessions back-to-back. For each session, when you sit in front of the computer, then you need to decide whether you want to do a practice or a mock test. If you have 2 sessions as advised, do a practice for the first one before doing the mock test for the second session. I thought I was well-prepared, so I just did the mock test straightaway. Passing mark for mock test is 46 marks, and I scrapped past with 46 marks, and this was even after I’ve done a lot of mock tests online. I was surprised! I thought I was well-prepared until I started the test. I was shocked to found out that the questions don’t ask you directly things from the book! Sometimes, they even test you things that are not stated clearly in the book, but things you will infer from the book. If you think you just memorise the book can already, no. You have to get used to THE WAY the questions were asked. Learning the book is basic knowledge, but to pass the test, you have to do a lot of questions. After this, I went to popular and bought the printed question bank, and did all the questions. When you have passed the mock test, you can finally book the real BTT test. The waiting time depends on the availability of slots. I registered on 23/08/2020, pass my BTT mock test on 25/08/2020, and passed my BTT real test on 03/09/2020. It took a little more than a week, and I’ll say I’m lucky. Expect more waiting time. This journey will train your patience more than your driving skills.
For the BTT real test, go to level 1! Wait at the area in front of the counter for the TRAFFIC POLICE department. There are some signs on the chair asking BTT/FTT students to wait there. Just wait. Close to the test time, some people will come out with a list and call your name. Show them your IC, squeeze some sanitiser onto your hand, go in, and pass the test. Then, if you have Singpass, register your PDL online. They will say wait until the next day, but impatient me found out that you just need to wait a few hours to register for the PDL.
When I got home, my mother asked if I have passed my PT. I told her, after all I’ve been through, I haven’t even touched a car yet. But that’s coming up next.
After you get your PDL, you can take driving lessons and prepare for FTT at the same time, which was what I did. Since FTT is largely similar to BTT, I will explain FTT first. So, you need to study for your FTT, pass mock test, pass real FTT test. FTT is more difficult than BTT, so be prepared. I studied the book, bought the question bank from popular, did 1 practice session, passed my mock test, and finally cleared my real FTT test will full marks. It’s not super hard, but please don’t underestimate these tests. That’s the failures’ undoing. More importantly, it takes such a long time for retests, so why would you want to waste your time? I was just super eager to get these miscellaneous things over and done with asap.
Finally, let’s move on to the real thing, the driving lessons.

Now, remember what I said about having $2K aside when you start this whole thing? Yes, that’s coming. When the system update my PDL and it finally lets me try to book a driving lesson, I was horrified to find out that the next available slot is *drumroll* 1 month later. Yes, 1 month later! What?? Right there and then, I was ready to cancel my account and go private. However, I remember a previous guide saying that some people will cancel their slot at the last moment. So now, I’m going to impart the ultimate skills to combat this system. Come, my disciples.
You want a slot and it’s available, you book it. You don’t want a slot? Cancel it. However, you can only cancel slots 3 days in advance. If you find out you can’t make it for a timing less than 3 days in advance, you enter the try sell period. This means that you put your slot back up on the market for sale. If someone buys it, good for you and the money is refunded back to you. If no one buys it, you have to attend the slot or waste the money. Now, almost every night, there is going to be someone who can’t make it for tomorrow’s slot, and that’s where you come in to snap that up. That’s also how I booked my first slot just a day later at 05/09/2020, and also how I booked the majority of my slots thereafter. However, if you have a relatively stable schedule, those lessons which are available 1 month later are still very important to you. Thus, you can just dump $2k into your account, and book all the slots 1 month later. Advisable to book about 20-25 slots from the onset, yes from the very first lesson. Don’t wait until later to book. You will prob need at least 20 lessons on average to clear. Then, when you find a try sell lot closer to you, you cancel the slot which is furthest away (no need for try sell if its more than 3 days away, you will be refunded immediately in this case). Your schedule is NOT fixed, in fact, it’s always changing. You found a better slot timing? Cancel this slot and change for that slot. Slot can appear at any time for any day, and it’s an always-changing market, so keep a lookout for it. If you are like a post-a level kid who have too much time on your hand, just camp there, and you will get all the slots you need. Just a thing to take note, if you can try selling your current slot for another try sell slot, you’re gambling. If you cannot sell the slot you don’t want, you will waste money, so take the stakes into the consideration and choose for yourself. Prices are different for peak and non-peak periods. To book all these slots, you will need at least about $2k. Don’t worry, you will get the unused balance back as cash after you pass your PT. If you top-up online, there is an additional $1.07 per top-up, and max top-up $500 each time. Might be nice to top-up at the counter when you get your booklet right at the start.

Now, about driving lessons and driving instructors. In my experience, there are 3 groups of instructors spread across the spectrum of good to bad. On the good side, there are really earnest, nice and patient instructors that will make learning driving fun even if you really suck at driving (like me). There are those which are neutral, they do their job, but nothing outstanding about them. Then, there are those really bad ones. Impatient. Bored. Distracted. Take long breaks. One even left for a toilet break for like 15 minutes. Hey, I didn’t pay for those 15 minutes for you to go to the toilet. But if I have to choose, the most horrible are the ones that are impatient and scold you for making mistakes. And that, my friends, was how my first lesson started. Yes, with the most horrible instructor.
So, I was excited to touch the car for the first time. To be fair, he is not intentionally nasty, but in my opinion, it doesn’t negate the fact that he made my experience horrible. He drove me around the 3rd and 5th floor circuit just to show me around, all the while asking me questions about myself. That was find, but I had a strong feeling he was asking those very stereotypical questions (where school you graduate from? What is job? What car does your father drive?) Pfft. How come you assume only my father drives? Then, instead of introducing to the manual car, he started on a 2 hour persuasion talk on how I should convert to auto. Even in my eagerness/good mood for the first lesson, I was very annoyed by him towards the end. To top it off, he said that since I’m a girl, there’s no need for me to learn manual, and auto will be enough. Like *bleep* you, who the *bleep* are you to determine what’s enough for me? If you tell your daughters to learn auto, that’s your problem, but my parents brought me up to choose the option with more potential, even if that’s the more difficult one. (To be clear, I’m NOT against learning auto. I’ve considered that too. I’m just pissed off by him). Besides, don’t you think a 24-year-old woman is a bit too old to be called a girl? Girl?? I know I look baby-face la, thank you, but please address me appropriately. I didn’t call you an uncle just because you look like one, right? Yes, by the end of the lesson, I didn’t have the excitement or exhilaration mentioned by other learners, I just want to get this over and done with and get out of the car. When I was stopping the car, I released my clutch too quickly again and the car stalled. In that exact moment, I knew he was going to go on and on and on about the manual/auto thing, and sure enough, the next moment he started saying that if I should learn auto since I don’t have to worry about the clutch. Do you know he even went so far as to tell me the fee for switching to auto and told me I just had to counter to ask them that I want to switch to auto? I was thinking *bleep* you! Did I say I want to convert??? *bleep* you! You like auto so much you go and teach auto la! Why come to manual and waste MY time and money. I was displeased.
With the try sell slot, I got another slot the next day, and I was so relieved that there was another instructor. This instructor was TOTALLY different from the auto promoter. The only question he asked me was “where did you stop the last lesson?”, and the lesson starts straightaway. I learned a lot from him, and the lesson was much better.
My third slot was on the third day. This was downright the most horrible lesson I’ve had throughout my journey. This was my first night time lesson, and I wanted to try if I am able to take lessons after work, and also learn at night. My slot was from 6:20- 8:20 p.m.. When I saw my name next to the car number I had for my first lesson, my heart sank and I texted a string of vulgarities to my friend as I head to my car. Yes, it was horrible. It was hot and stuffy in the evening with the masks on, no air-con as the windows had to be rolled down for COVID. That instructor had even less patience than before, though he didn’t mention auto as frequently as before. He didn’t “scold”, but his impatience was so obvious. I was tired from work, and I couldn’t focus as well-> more mistakes, more impatient comments. I was uneasy from driving at night at that dreary industrial building as I was worried about. All these piled together and I felt absolutely horrible when the lesson ended. It was till the point that I even thought about giving up, though I know I will get over it after a good night’s sleep, which I did.
The next morning, the first thing I did was to cancel all the nighttime slots I’ve prebooked. The only right thing auto promoter said was it’s harder to see in the circuit at night, and since none of the PT takes place at night, it will be better to take my lessons during the day. The next thing I did was to research how to block auto promoter. Though my own fatigue and uneasiness contributed to the previous night’s terrible experience, he was a big factor too. I know he doesn’t mean to be mean, but that’s not my problem. I don’t want to see him again. However, it would involve going to the head instructor’s office and telling him and I want to block this instructor, and that’s kind of bad too. doesn’t help that the office is in plain view of all the cars, so argh, I didn’t block him in the end, but I tried to book all my instructors for each lesson thereafter. In any case, I didn’t see him again. Booking your instructors cost an additional $8+, which may seem a lot. However, in my opinion, getting a not-so-good instructor can waste your whole 2 hours’ time and money. Might be better to just pay $8 for a good instructor.
I just want to be clear that not all the instructors are bad. There are some angel instructors, who never ever said a bad thing even when I made horrible mistakes repeatedly. They patiently guided me to do it again and again until I get it right, and we cheer together. There are also instructors that are a mix, they teach very well, but they will also disappear for toilet breaks or end lessons a bit earlier. That’s your choice. It’s a pro and con of learning at school, where you can try various instructors. This means bad instructors at some times, but it also means you can learn different skills from different really good instructors. It’s important because I found that another instructor can find out and pinpoint what the previous instructor didn’t notice, and if you gather all their opinions together, it will really help you to prepare well. I will go more into auto/school later if I feel like it.

In school learning, there are 33 parts categorised into 4 sections. You can clear multiple parts in 1 lesson, but there are also some parts which is compulsory minimum 1 lesson per part. Once you clear part 2, you can go for simulator lesson. Once you clear part 3 (which involves a mock PT test), you can go to the counter to pre-book your PT. Once you clear part 4 (more mock PT tests), you can book PT by yourself online. Given the long queue at the counter, you might as well just try to clear part 4 asap and book the PT on your own online. Advisable to have about 4 revision lessons before your PT. If you pass on the first try, it will like cost you about $2K-3K depending on the number of lessons you take. Now, it sounds like taking school doesn’t sound very nice, but there is a reason why I chose school after all. Let me talk about the simulator lesson first. I a bit tired of typing already, *yawn*
Simulator lesson is a new thing required by LTA for all, whether you are school or private. You have to take 3 simulator lesson in auto or manual version. Basically, you drive an arcade car that vibrates in a way that makes you want to puke through common accident scenarios in Singapore. Seriously, that vibration made me felt so dizzy and sick, and I’m not the only one. Prepare some sour plums before you go. It felt better on the second and third try, when I’m more prepared, but the first try was really horrible. I was wondering why they didn’t allow us to book a 1-hour slot, and instead required three 20minutes slots on different days. I bet car sickness is the main factor. I’d rather drive a real car for 2 hours instead. You have to clear all 3 sessions before you can book your PT. Even though I said this is like an arcade car, you should know that the traffic police department will screen your sessions before they certify you. Yes, that's right, so don't think you can go Fast and Furious on this simulator. Now, the simulator is a pain in the *bleep* too. If you want to clear this extra fast, you have to play with the system quite a bit too. Now, sessions are usually available 1 week later, and most importantly, once you booked a slot, you’re locked out from viewing the available slots again. The tricky thing is, sometimes they will release slots much closer at unpredictable and irregular hours. So what did I do? I book the latest available slot, usually about a week later. Then, late at night when hopefully no one else is online, I cancel my slot and enter the system again. If my slot is still the latest available slot, I booked it back. If a new slot (hooray!), I book a slot. They can be as close as 2 days later. IMPORTANT: you have to be SUPER fast when you do this. why? When you cancel your slot, if someone else happens to be online too, they can take your slot, and you’ll be left with nothing. So be fast! A bit ridiculous, right? All I want to do is just to get a driving license quickly ORZ.

Despite my lack of talent driving, I cleared all the lessons (I took 30) and booked my driving test in just 1.5 months after I registered my account. That involves up to 10 lessons per week at times. So, why did I still took 3.5 months to get my license? Haha, yes, I failed, thrice actually. I made different mistakes each time, but the fatal flaw for all of them was that I was too nervous. Don’t ask me about my total cost, I stopped keeping track after I failed for the first time. The good things about driving a manual car in school is that retest date is the fastest. It’s about a 2-weeks wait on average. 3-week for school-auto learner, and 1 month for all private students. Yup, it’s damn biased. The whole building is run by the school after all. Oh, I think the PT is cheaper for school students too, cause the insurance already covered. I was extremely upset and nervous after each failure, and I thought I would never pass, but I finally, finally managed to do so a few days ago! I kept asking the examiner (who is a very chill and funny person!) if I really passed, and he jokingly said if I ask him one more time, he is going to change to fail. HAHA! Anyway, I’m finally done with this! no more endless worries about the PT! No more days of anxiety! I can finally have my weekends back!
Lastly, if you want to ask me if I get to choose all over again, will I still choose to take a manual car in a school despite everything involved. I will say yes. I feel that the post I’ve written till now doesn’t really elaborate on the pros of learning a manual car, and in a school, but I’m honestly tired now. Maybe I’ll reply in the comments if anyone is even interested to hear about it.
Good luck to you! You can do this!
Edits for clarification, and little bits here and there which I forgot when I wrote it the first time. Thanks for the comments and reward!

Additional Edits: The instructors' system
You will be assigned to a group of instructors, and you will likely get the instructors within this grouping. They will try to assign the instructor you've met most often to you. Instructors are split into 2 shifts, and they alternate each week. Shift 1: 8:15a.m., 10:20a.m., 12:30pm. Shift 2: 3:20pm, 6pm, 8:20 p.m.. One group will take the whole of Saturday, and one group will take the whole of Sunday. So, if one instructor works the morning slot this week and Saturday, it's likely that he will work the afternoon shift and the sunday slot next week. However, this is not for certain, and just a general guide. If you dislike an instructor and you've seen him several times, good luck, it's likely you will keep seeing him in his shift. How to avoid an instructor without going through the hassle of blocking him? Click on the "book an instructor" for that session and see if he is available. If the name is there, it means he will be working, and I suggest you just book another instructor to avoid him. If his name is not there, he's not working and good for you.
submitted by jazy_jaz to askSingapore [link] [comments]

Trapped to a controlling and emotionally abusive wife. Please help me break this cycle or get out.

I created this account on 2 June 2020 when I first thought about posting here and things improved somewhat, but have again declined big time, so here I am.
I am 37M, been married for nearly 2 years, 0 kids, 1 dog and we brought an apartment and renovated it last year, theres complications around the property type in terms of minimum length of ownership if I go down this path.
Basically since I got married, my wife has become more and more controlling. and sex has become less and less frequent, even after deciding we would try to have a kid, it was seldom and irregular. My wife has become more controlling, it started with little things like making excuses why she couldn't take the dog down to pee in the evening, refusing to consolidate bank accounts, and getting down right angry if i put any bills in my name and even when I took out a credit card in my name. On the money side of things I am much better with money than her, I have come from a reasonably low income situation to become comparatively very successful, where as she has never really learned the value of money, always paid things late and in some cases, not at all and expected a rebate on the penalties after she does finally pay it, while this all might sound very one sided, our individual credit ratings reflect this very clearly. I tried to fix this for her by taking over almost all payments, which I did well to some extent, there have been 2 instances in the past 3 years where I have missed a payment by a couple of days due to miscommunication and as a result, been charged a penalty, and she has flipped her shit at me over it. This is just the tip of the iceberg, but it gives an idea.
Any time we do get into an argument, she will use what I say against me, and insert subtext where there isn't any and generally manipulate the conversation in her favour, a large part of her job is business negation and she is quite good at it. This results in if I give a reason to support why something was done, she will extrapolate that reason, twist it and turn it into a reason why "she should suffer". In short, she is emotionally abusive. She will quickly go from what to a normal person would be a minor thing that doesn't really matter or can be excused as an accident to an abrasive "Why did you do that? Come on, think about it, why are you so stupid?" which then escalates to "well we should just get a divorce then" or "then i'll just kill myself". This last one is the crux of why I am still with her. She has done this for years, she threatens to kill herself or bangs her head on a wall or hits herself, I feel I have to stay to protect her, which, while doesn't deescalate the situation, does stop her from hurting herself more physically. I created this account last year after an incident where I had to call the police on her because she was trying to jump out the window of our then, 14th story rental. I could not control her and I was so broken myself I simply couldn't function. It has reached that point again yesterday, and came close 2 weeks ago where she actually pulled a kitchen knife on me.
Now it gets complicated, I am living in Singapore, I am from Australia, and have been here 3 years almost. I moved for her, to have a life with her. I gave up so much and gambled my career for her. I have very few friends, and no support network here at all. As we share an apartment which we own and only moved into 4 months ago, I have no where to go. The apartment is a good example of her getting her own way, there is virtually nothing in there that I chose, the lights, tiles, walls, foor, paints, everything she chose and wouldn't accept my suggestions on, with the exception of appliances because shes not very techy.
If she gets into one of her states and starts to hurt herself, if I don't protect her, then I feel I will be held accountable if the police get involved, to try to protect myself I have started to record on my phone our interactions, I know this will backfire on me, but I am in a lose lose situation.
Things really went bad at the end of 2018, when her dog, Prince, a Sheltie, was put up for boarding at a dog hotel called Platinum dogs club when we were visiting my family in Australia for Christmas. On the day before Christmas, we got notified that the facility was raided by the govt animal welfare group, the AVA at the time, and Prince was missing. We later found out that he was killed on the 23rd of December, 2018, 2 days after we dropped him off under their care. I know she still blames herself for his loss.
Some good came of this at least, it has spurred reform into animal welfare in Singapore and over all the incidents will have a great positive impact for the treatment and welfare of animals here, but this is just icing and not overly relevant to this discussion.
This got us involved in working with some rescue group in Singapore, where we had come across 2 border collie females, removed from puppy mills and horrible treatment/conditions. They were found to be pregnant when they came in, but due to being very malnourished, didn't show, but in the end each delivered 4 gorgeous pups each, 10 days apart. We ended up being given the pleasure to adopt one, which while I was reluctant at first to take on a new dog given my experience with having to fully take care of Prince alone, I wanted some reprieve, however with the loss of Prince, my wife was very depressed and it was one of the only things that brought her joy, so I gave in, and we adopted Seven who is almost 2 years old now and very happy and healthy. One of the considerations was that she promised she would feed him and walk him in the evenings and in the mornings if i had to leave for work early. None of these promises held true regularly. She likes the idea of having a dog, and manages an Instagram for him, she does love him, but she doesn't take good care of him. She uses the same excuses to not walk him, she doesn't feed him and when I am busy and forget to in the evening, yells at me for not feeding him until I do it (which is usually immediately), instead of feeding him herself, as to our original agreement.
This is what complicates things and where the account name comes from, if I leave, i'm taking the dog with me, I don't trust her to look after him properly. On the flip side, I know this will make her more depressed, so again i'm in a lose lose situation where if I take him and she does something drastic, its on my conscience, but if I leave him, and she neglects him, it's also going to weigh heavily on me. I don't know what to do here.
At the end of the day I've gone through this too many times, and I want out. I sold almost all my things before I moved here, I have not much left, so much so when I came here, everything I still owned fit into a 2 X 1.2m X 1m shipping crate. If I moved back, there would likely be much less. While I could stay in Singapore, due to the structure of our finances, I have no access to cash for a apartment lease, nor do i want to commit to more than a 2 month lease. I can't lease a room because of the dog as well. I do have a separate office room at home with a sofa bed which I will be sleeping on for the foreseeable future, but I simply don't want to be around her.
There are more problems, I will cover 2 final ones, the first being she projects - In that I mean, if she does something wrong or something is a problem to her, ie she feels she has eaten too much sugar, she outwardly projects that onto other people, and she will tell me i'm eating too much sugar and get angry at me, this also comes with money. I have explained this to her but she just gets angry and gives me a response along the lines of "Then how, i'll just work and spend nothing, is that what you want? I won't buy food and i'll starve and die" - This is a very very standard and common response from her.
The second is (you guessed it) money. Since I started dating her, before we were married, I wanted to upgrade my PC, it is now 11 years old, and I take a lot of enjoyment from gaming, I also do a lot of work and study with it. The first 2 years, we were both flying between Australia and Singapore regularly, it was costly and it was off the cards. We then agreed when I moved to Singapore that anything outside of our base salary we earned, was ours to spend on what ever we wanted, no questions asked. This means; Contracted bonuses, over time, 13th mon pay (this is a thing in Singapore for december), Ad-hoc bonuses, gifts etc. We agreed on this and she REALLY wanted a new mac, and to be fair, her pc was as old as mine but much lower spec, so I agreed that she would get it mid year, and a portion of her end of year bonus would go back into joint funds. This was fine. Since this agreement, I have earned somewhere in the range of 30 - 40k in bonuses and overtime, and not been able to spend a single cent on myself. Hell the last time I brought new clothes for myself was at our wedding and 8 months before that, outside of what was desperately needed (socks with holes in them and shoes where the tread was either coming off or worn to nothing). Our wages are fairly similar, but at the end of every month I have around $300 - 400 in my bank account after bills and loan repayments, and she usually has most of her pay, and again, she refused to consolidate accounts.
Emotionally for the past two weeks I have been hanging by a thread, I have kept my shit together for the most part, but I really struggle, and it has spilt over into work. I had a conversation with my boss this morning and outlined it all and he confessed he had seen a lot of it also. It seems I get the same consensus from everyone whom I speak with.
What I am seeking from this post is advise based on what some of you have gone through, what your close friends / family have gone through, what went right, what did not, what could have been done better and advise on how to protect myself from someone who will hurt themselves or potentially, try to take their own life. Furthermore, I wish her no ill will, I don't want to just abandon her and her do something stupid the moment I leave, this is my biggest fear, but I know I have to just walk away at some point and stop giving her the attention she is trying to get. If I get her friends involved then she will use that against me again. If I move out, I will seek one of her friends to take her to dinner or similar and clear my shit out, or is this a bad idea?
Legal wise, I realise this isn't a lawyers office and I don't expect anything binding here, but when should I engage one? how do I go about it? What should I expect to pay?
As much as I need my share of what is in our apartment, I do not care at this point about it. She can live in it for all I care and pay me back, or rent a room to pay me slowly or sell it when we can or even just keep it as a shared asset, I do not care.
While this is obviously one sided because it comes from just me, I will admit I am not perfect, and I do have a crappy memory, something she sometimes exploits. But I do most of the house work, I take good care of our dog, I do equal, if not more of the cooking, I take care of all the bills. I have learned to make bread and sour dough because she "wanted really nice bread". I have learned to cook french style fine dining meals for her. I heave learned Chinese style cooking for her. I ALWAYS help her in the kitchen when she cooks and set the table ready to eat, these things she has never once done for me, even when asked, she ignores the request. I clean up after her and I restrict my mess to my office. I compromise regularly and let her have her own way. I do what she wants to do for leisure and I don't pressure her to do what I want to do. I have even been studying psychology for the past 6 months to try to better handle her with little success. I have learned to never raise my voice (and obviously never raise a hand, I would never) to her, I have tried multiple techniques for calming her, but she goes against the common theories.
I don't know where to group this, but she has also been unwilling to attend any counselling or individual therapy, she sees it as a waste of money and doesn't see herself as having a problem.
I am her cleaner, her body guard her source of entertainment, her chef and her animal handler. I have very little of me left and its not a future I want.
My next steps (in no particular order) I feel should be:
(Closer to a move home)
I would really love some advise, mostly around next steps, how to protect myself, how to help her and keep her safe and how to end this cycle. Ideally I do not want to leave, but if I don't, my life will be miserable and I currently see no future with her. She regularly reminds me she doesn't want kids, which changed AFTER we got married, I feel I am being robbed of the chance to have a family.

Update: (Because thats what we need, a bigger wall of text) Yesterday when I was about to call a lawyer, I got a call from a social worker whom my wife had contacted, she told me that my wife had reached out after talking to her mother (something I would have done but I don't speak mandarin well and her mother doesn't speak much english). I was told that based on what my wife said, she was considered a suicide risk and they wanted her to go to IMH for assessment immediately, due to her work schedule she declined and committed to going Saturday, though I am not sure this will happen. My wifes sense of self worth is tied to how others see her, even strangers, this I feel is partly responsible for her depression, and the same reason she is delaying the visit and the reason she used a pseudonym.
To an extent, and knowing her, I feel this was in part, a power play to force me to come back home as the social worker asked I be around to keep an eye on her otherwise she would have to have the police do it, which, given what I said about her sense of self worth, would be a very very bad idea.
While I do give her credit, it doesn't change my feelings, I still want out, but I won't be telling her until this is resolved. I do fully understand that if she has her mind set on something I will be unlikely to change it, it still is my responsibility as her husband, a member of the community and a human in general. I will work with the psychiatrist or psychologist she is assigned once she is, and figure out the best, and safest way to tell her.
submitted by IamKeepingTheDog to Divorce [link] [comments]

TraceSafe 500-1000% upside, massive DD

Upvote this so it gets out there. I’m copying this DD from another Sub because I think everyone needs to see it, please give the OP creds here:
@TraceSafeTech and Why We Love it - written by @mrdotto5 @stockfamgroup $TSF $UTOLF
TraceSafe Inc. (TSF in Canada, UTOLF in U.S. with OTCQB listing in near future)
Industry: Real-Time Location Services (including Contact Tracing)
Notable Management:
Mr. Wayne Lloyd (C.E.O. of TraceSafe)
Dr. Dennis Kwan (C.E.O of TraceSafe Technologies),
Why We Love it:
By the time I finished my DD, and I did quite a bit of it, TraceSafe was an auto-buy for me and a pleasure to write about. But before diving in, I had questions; plenty of them. I believe that investors should enter every opportunity with skepticism. It gives you a clearer head and reduces potentially dangerous levels of FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO can drive valuations of stocks to scary levels and it rarely ends well, as retail buyers like you and me buy the hype on a company while bigger players exit their positions.
Smaller growth-oriented companies can often have new, exciting technology that captures the imagination of the market, but smart investors, retail or otherwise, always look for one key milestone before buying in: validation. Without proof that a company is successfully penetrating their market, you’re buying the idea instead of the reality.
When I first looked at Tracesafe in the autumn of 2020, I was impressed by the technology they were bringing to market with an experienced management team. But I didn’t invest my hard-earned money because I needed to see real partnerships with big-market companies. Cutting edge technology, for all its impressiveness, isn’t worth much to a company without the means to monetize it. If you’re buying the idea, you’re making a leap of faith, and that is a little too close to gambling for me.
So much has happened since then that the leap of faith has become an open door to walk through. Validation is here.
But before we get to all that, let’s set the foundation, because none of this would have been possible without the management team, which is one of the most impressive parts to the story. The C.E.O., Dr. Dennis Kwan, and The C.T.O. Suresh Singamsetty, have been developing technology companies in the wearables space for years. Dr. Kwan co-founding Martian Watches, the first ever voice-enabled smartwatch. He was also V.P. of a Bluetooth company that was acquired for $160 million and he personally owns more than ten patents in wireless/bluetooth technologies. Mr. Singamsetty, the software expert, was with Dr. Kwan at Martian Watches. He owns more than 20 patents himself. The third member of the team, Gord Zeilstra, is another massive successful industry veteran. His specialty is driving companies’ global sales footprint. His success in the building of and S.A.P. into global brands is an exciting indicator of where TraceSafe is headed.
So what about validation? Let’s begin with its partnership with Tritan Software. You probably haven’t heard of them, but I have no doubt you have heard of Carnival Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and Royal Caribbean. Tritan is the health and safety software provider for 95% of the entire global cruise line industry. I’ll put that in word form to give it the attention it deserves: NINETY FIVE PERCENT of the global cruise line industry.
Tritan is responsible for collecting, storing and securing the privacy of health information for all passengers, in addition to quality and incident management and a host of other software solutions. The CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) will most certainly have compliance requirements for resumption of sailing operations and Tritan knows this, which is why they are acting now, and acting swiftly. (Countless other companies approached Tritan, but they chose the experience and superior security of TraceSafe). The partnership was only recently announced and it remains to be seen how entwined the two companies will become, but contact tracing is only the tip of the iceberg (sorry, not the best cruise line analogy). For a clearer picture of the entire iceberg, we can look to Walt Disney’s iconic theme parks.
It is no secret that Disney theme parks have always placed a premium focus on customer experience, and one of the most effective ways they achieve this is through the “Magic Band”, which is essentially a wearable device that customers use to enter the park, unlock their hotel rooms, and buy food and merchandise. A one stop shop on your wrist.
This is where the cruise industry is headed. With a wearable on your wrist, you can enjoy all the same conveniences as the Magic Band combined with a contact tracing and safety monitoring device, all in one device.
So, that’s it? The cruise lines?
Even if it were the only partnership in the pipeline, it may have been enough to turn TraceSafe into a major global player, but it is just one of many projects, both ongoing and in the future. But even greater validation was announced just today (making me do some quick edits to this story)
TraceSafe, just today, announced a potentially game-changing purchase order. The agreement is to supply a global Tier 1 semiconductor manufacturer with 60,000 wearable units to be used across their enterprise. Professional services network Deloitte is managing the implementation of TraceSafe’s “next generation” of wearable products, which can be processed and paired within seconds, compared to about 3 minutes per device of other companies in the industry.
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this agreement, Dr. Kwan is quoted “This is one of the largest deployments of its kind anywhere in the world and we are very proud to be working with technology innovators to deliver a product so important in enhancing the health and safety of their workforce.”
I will forgive you if you stop reading now. The above agreement, combined with the cruise line partnership, is honestly enough for me and for many investors, but for those who stick around, the story actually gets considerably better.
The total wearable market is projected to reach $60 billion, and a large part of this will focus on corporate safety. In this way, Tracesafe has a bit of an advantage, as the company has a presence in Southeast Asia. You will remember that long before we realized the impact of the pandemic, several Asian countries were already scrambling to deal with the first wave. Since that time, we have dealt with each wave several months behind Southeast Asian countries. This time lapse has given TraceSafe a window into near-future conditions in the Western world. The best example of this is in Singapore, where they are closer to emerging from lockdown than we are in North America. Singapore has become the proving ground for TraceSafe technology., and it has gone perfectly. TraceSafe is being worn on construction sites for Boustead, a massive Singaporean construction company. This partnership has not only led to improvements in safety and security at Boustead, but it has also won TraceSafe the Singaporean National Innovation Award.
Closer to home, TraseSafe partnered with The World Junior Hockey Championships in Vancouver, Canada in December. The tournament was essentially a bubble-event that was completed safely using TraceSafe technology. T.T.G, the sponsorship firm that organized the event (and, incidentally, was instrumental in bringing The Winter Olympics to Vancouver in 2010) was impressed. So was Telus, the tournament sponsor. The future is very bright in venue tracing, with fans itching to return but needing a safe and proven way to do it.
There remains one incredibly large catalyst for growth, and some may find it the most interesting of all, but before we get to that (cough, Airbeam, cough), let’s quickly dispel any lingering doubts you may have:
Aren’t those wrist bands uncomfortable and a nuisance?
This is another part of the reason Tritan and others have chosen TraceSafe. Recall that two of the management team are pioneers of the wearable space with over 30 patents between them. The TraceSafe product has a battery that long outlasts any other in the industry and it is also incredibly lightweight and unobtrusive. Added to this is the
extended product line, with tags and credit-card style devices.
Discounting everything else in the pipeline, is anybody seriously going to get back on a cruise ship after all that has happened? Will the return to cruise lines be slow?
The high amount of bookings for the second half of 2021 says “no”, and so do experts in the field, who state that cruise line demand is higher than most other industry segments. Once people are vaccinated, the industry will return in a big way. Tritan understands this; hence the quick action.
But what about privacy? Isn’t this just another way for companies or governments to spy on us?
I honestly wondered about this because it seemed an obvious question, but the answer makes complete sense. If the TraceSafe software were downloaded onto your phone, perhaps there would be more skepticism on my part. We all value privacy and bristle when it is infringed upon. But these devices are only work-site specific, meaning that the wearables (and software embedded in them) are separate from your personal devices and they do not function once you leave the site. They only ensure health and safety through workplace tracking.
Aren’t margins higher on software than hardware? Will this make enough profit?
The answers to these questions vary, but they all begin with “yes”. Margins are indeed higher on software, and TraceSafe in fact is currently selling 50/50 between hardware and software (cloud computing), with a focus on moving to 20/80 in the coming months. The cloud-based real-time monitoring system does not, in fact, need an internet connection (which I’d say is important when you’re out at sea) as it is a bluetooth device. No user information is stored on the device and it has medical-grade privacy/security (remember the company’s origins). The administration functions are user-friendly.
What about the revenues?
Whatever exciting news you may hear about a company, it is always more reassuring to see actual revenues pouring in, even so soon after developing a contact tracing solution. TraceSafe could be forgiven for only being a quarter or two away from meaningful revenues, but luckily for investors, this isn’t the case. Based on video interviews in January, the company expects to continue their 100%-200% year over year growth, which puts them somewhere between a projection of $20-$32 million for 2021. Although it should be noted that I’m extrapolating these numbers by following growth patterns from previous quarters, this DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY NEW PARTNERSHIPS, INCLUDING THE AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED TODAY! (Oops, sorry. I seem to have left caps lock on there!).
And then there is the share float. Fully diluted, after all outstanding shares incentive-based options, the total share count will be under 70 million. This is a very small float, which appeals to most investors, as a company in a growth phase will have fewer obstacles to share price growth.
What about data? Data monetization is big business.
TraceSafe will have the ability to monetize data from their cloud-based software at some point in this process, although that shouldn’t be confused with personal data, which would never be shared, obviously. But corporations looking for trends in safety and efficiency would most definitely benefit from the analysis of general workforce data.
What else am I missing?
This is a bonus for the company that cannot be overstated. Airbeam. Ever heard of it? Before you read the bonus paragraph below, note that TraceSafe has invested into Airbeam and owns an impressive 9.9 million shares. Ok, go ahead and read about Airbeam now (Thanks to Stock Fam discord user “Aberdenov” for the assistance)
The 5G revolution is upon us. This revolution will be in the tens of TRILLIONS of dollars. Airbeam will be a player in 5G critical infrastructure. Their 5G micro cell network utilizing AI/ML with EDGE computing on the 60Ghz band will be a catalyst for smart cities enabling such things as autonomous vehicles.
Airbeam will also be deploying wireless cameras with unlimited storage and smart displays for advertising. The company is led by former executive and head of research and development at Qualcomm, Dr Karim Arabi, and along with Stockwell Day and his political connections, the future looks bright for the company. Airbeam's last private raise was back in 2019 with a valuation of 97 million. Since then they have gained traction with pilot projects in America, Qatar and the Philippines. An IPO is expected sometime in 2021 with a far higher valuation.
TraceSafe has openly talked about increasing shareholder value after the Airbeam IPO, including a potential dividend, which is unheard of for a growth tech company.
So you see how skepticism can lead to the DD that you need to uncover a company like TraceSafe. It has the management team, tech cutting-edge technology, the validation, the contracts, the blue-sky opportunity of an industry that will be a part of our lives, and an incredible piece of foresight to buy in early to a very hotly anticipated IPO.
Just another Stock Fam favourite! Thanks to expert poster Jethro and all the members of the TraceSafe channel for their relentless DD. Come join the discussion!
Follow me on twitter MrDotto5
submitted by Fuocofire18 to Wallstreetbetsnew [link] [comments]

TraceSafe (TSF) and Why We Love it - written by @mrdotto5 @stockfamgroup $TSF $UTOLF

TraceSafe Inc. (TSF in Canada, UTOLF in U.S. with OTCQB listing in near future)
Industry: Real-Time Location Services (including Contact Tracing)
Notable Management:
Mr. Wayne Lloyd (C.E.O. of TraceSafe)
Dr. Dennis Kwan (C.E.O of TraceSafe Technologies),
Why We Love it:
By the time I finished my DD, and I did quite a bit of it, TraceSafe was an auto-buy for me and a pleasure to write about. But before diving in, I had questions; plenty of them. I believe that investors should enter every opportunity with skepticism. It gives you a clearer head and reduces potentially dangerous levels of FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO can drive valuations of stocks to scary levels and it rarely ends well, as retail buyers like you and me buy the hype on a company while bigger players exit their positions.
Smaller growth-oriented companies can often have new, exciting technology that captures the imagination of the market, but smart investors, retail or otherwise, always look for one key milestone before buying in: validation. Without proof that a company is successfully penetrating their market, you’re buying the idea instead of the reality.
When I first looked at Tracesafe in the autumn of 2020, I was impressed by the technology they were bringing to market with an experienced management team. But I didn’t invest my hard-earned money because I needed to see real partnerships with big-market companies. Cutting edge technology, for all its impressiveness, isn’t worth much to a company without the means to monetize it. If you’re buying the idea, you’re making a leap of faith, and that is a little too close to gambling for me.
So much has happened since then that the leap of faith has become an open door to walk through. Validation is here.
But before we get to all that, let’s set the foundation, because none of this would have been possible without the management team, which is one of the most impressive parts to the story. The C.E.O., Dr. Dennis Kwan, and The C.T.O. Suresh Singamsetty, have been developing technology companies in the wearables space for years. Dr. Kwan co-founding Martian Watches, the first ever voice-enabled smartwatch. He was also V.P. of a Bluetooth company that was acquired for $160 million and he personally owns more than ten patents in wireless/bluetooth technologies. Mr. Singamsetty, the software expert, was with Dr. Kwan at Martian Watches. He owns more than 20 patents himself. The third member of the team, Gord Zeilstra, is another massive successful industry veteran. His specialty is driving companies’ global sales footprint. His success in the building of and S.A.P. into global brands is an exciting indicator of where TraceSafe is headed.
So what about validation? Let’s begin with its partnership with Tritan Software. You probably haven’t heard of them, but I have no doubt you have heard of Carnival Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and Royal Caribbean. Tritan is the health and safety software provider for 95% of the entire global cruise line industry. I’ll put that in word form to give it the attention it deserves: NINETY FIVE PERCENT of the global cruise line industry.
Tritan is responsible for collecting, storing and securing the privacy of health information for all passengers, in addition to quality and incident management and a host of other software solutions. The CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) will most certainly have compliance requirements for resumption of sailing operations and Tritan knows this, which is why they are acting now, and acting swiftly. (Countless other companies approached Tritan, but they chose the experience and superior security of TraceSafe). The partnership was only recently announced and it remains to be seen how entwined the two companies will become, but contact tracing is only the tip of the iceberg (sorry, not the best cruise line analogy). For a clearer picture of the entire iceberg, we can look to Walt Disney’s iconic theme parks.
It is no secret that Disney theme parks have always placed a premium focus on customer experience, and one of the most effective ways they achieve this is through the “Magic Band”, which is essentially a wearable device that customers use to enter the park, unlock their hotel rooms, and buy food and merchandise. A one stop shop on your wrist.
This is where the cruise industry is headed. With a wearable on your wrist, you can enjoy all the same conveniences as the Magic Band combined with a contact tracing and safety monitoring device, all in one device.
So, that’s it? The cruise lines?
Even if it were the only partnership in the pipeline, it may have been enough to turn TraceSafe into a major global player, but it is just one of many projects, both ongoing and in the future. But even greater validation was announced just today (making me do some quick edits to this story)
TraceSafe, just today, announced a potentially game-changing purchase order. The agreement is to supply a global Tier 1 semiconductor manufacturer with 60,000 wearable units to be used across their enterprise. Professional services network Deloitte is managing the implementation of TraceSafe’s “next generation” of wearable products, which can be processed and paired within seconds, compared to about 3 minutes per device of other companies in the industry.
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this agreement, Dr. Kwan is quoted “This is one of the largest deployments of its kind anywhere in the world and we are very proud to be working with technology innovators to deliver a product so important in enhancing the health and safety of their workforce.”
I will forgive you if you stop reading now. The above agreement, combined with the cruise line partnership, is honestly enough for me and for many investors, but for those who stick around, the story actually gets considerably better.
The total wearable market is projected to reach $60 billion, and a large part of this will focus on corporate safety. In this way, Tracesafe has a bit of an advantage, as the company has a presence in Southeast Asia. You will remember that long before we realized the impact of the pandemic, several Asian countries were already scrambling to deal with the first wave. Since that time, we have dealt with each wave several months behind Southeast Asian countries. This time lapse has given TraceSafe a window into near-future conditions in the Western world. The best example of this is in Singapore, where they are closer to emerging from lockdown than we are in North America. Singapore has become the proving ground for TraceSafe technology., and it has gone perfectly. TraceSafe is being worn on construction sites for Boustead, a massive Singaporean construction company. This partnership has not only led to improvements in safety and security at Boustead, but it has also won TraceSafe the Singaporean National Innovation Award.
Closer to home, TraseSafe partnered with The World Junior Hockey Championships in Vancouver, Canada in December. The tournament was essentially a bubble-event that was completed safely using TraceSafe technology. T.T.G, the sponsorship firm that organized the event (and, incidentally, was instrumental in bringing The Winter Olympics to Vancouver in 2010) was impressed. So was Telus, the tournament sponsor. The future is very bright in venue tracing, with fans itching to return but needing a safe and proven way to do it.
There remains one incredibly large catalyst for growth, and some may find it the most interesting of all, but before we get to that (cough, Airbeam, cough), let’s quickly dispel any lingering doubts you may have:
Aren’t those wrist bands uncomfortable and a nuisance?
This is another part of the reason Tritan and others have chosen TraceSafe. Recall that two of the management team are pioneers of the wearable space with over 30 patents between them. The TraceSafe product has a battery that long outlasts any other in the industry and it is also incredibly lightweight and unobtrusive. Added to this is the
extended product line, with tags and credit-card style devices.
Discounting everything else in the pipeline, is anybody seriously going to get back on a cruise ship after all that has happened? Will the return to cruise lines be slow?
The high amount of bookings for the second half of 2021 says “no”, and so do experts in the field, who state that cruise line demand is higher than most other industry segments. Once people are vaccinated, the industry will return in a big way. Tritan understands this; hence the quick action.
But what about privacy? Isn’t this just another way for companies or governments to spy on us?
I honestly wondered about this because it seemed an obvious question, but the answer makes complete sense. If the TraceSafe software were downloaded onto your phone, perhaps there would be more skepticism on my part. We all value privacy and bristle when it is infringed upon. But these devices are only work-site specific, meaning that the wearables (and software embedded in them) are separate from your personal devices and they do not function once you leave the site. They only ensure health and safety through workplace tracking.
Aren’t margins higher on software than hardware? Will this make enough profit?
The answers to these questions vary, but they all begin with “yes”. Margins are indeed higher on software, and TraceSafe in fact is currently selling 50/50 between hardware and software (cloud computing), with a focus on moving to 20/80 in the coming months. The cloud-based real-time monitoring system does not, in fact, need an internet connection (which I’d say is important when you’re out at sea) as it is a bluetooth device. No user information is stored on the device and it has medical-grade privacy/security (remember the company’s origins). The administration functions are user-friendly.
What about the revenues?
Whatever exciting news you may hear about a company, it is always more reassuring to see actual revenues pouring in, even so soon after developing a contact tracing solution. TraceSafe could be forgiven for only being a quarter or two away from meaningful revenues, but luckily for investors, this isn’t the case. Based on video interviews in January, the company expects to continue their 100%-200% year over year growth, which puts them somewhere between a projection of $20-$32 million for 2021. Although it should be noted that I’m extrapolating these numbers by following growth patterns from previous quarters, this DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY NEW PARTNERSHIPS, INCLUDING THE AGREEMENT ANNOUNCED TODAY! (Oops, sorry. I seem to have left caps lock on there!).
And then there is the share float. Fully diluted, after all outstanding shares incentive-based options, the total share count will be under 70 million. This is a very small float, which appeals to most investors, as a company in a growth phase will have fewer obstacles to share price growth.
What about data? Data monetization is big business.
TraceSafe will have the ability to monetize data from their cloud-based software at some point in this process, although that shouldn’t be confused with personal data, which would never be shared, obviously. But corporations looking for trends in safety and efficiency would most definitely benefit from the analysis of general workforce data.
What else am I missing?
This is a bonus for the company that cannot be overstated. Airbeam. Ever heard of it? Before you read the bonus paragraph below, note that TraceSafe has invested into Airbeam and owns an impressive 9.9 million shares. Ok, go ahead and read about Airbeam now (Thanks to Stock Fam discord user “Aberdenov” for the assistance)
The 5G revolution is upon us. This revolution will be in the tens of TRILLIONS of dollars. Airbeam will be a player in 5G critical infrastructure. Their 5G micro cell network utilizing AI/ML with EDGE computing on the 60Ghz band will be a catalyst for smart cities enabling such things as autonomous vehicles.
Airbeam will also be deploying wireless cameras with unlimited storage and smart displays for advertising. The company is led by former executive and head of research and development at Qualcomm, Dr Karim Arabi, and along with Stockwell Day and his political connections, the future looks bright for the company. Airbeam's last private raise was back in 2019 with a valuation of 97 million. Since then they have gained traction with pilot projects in America, Qatar and the Philippines. An IPO is expected sometime in 2021 with a far higher valuation.
TraceSafe has openly talked about increasing shareholder value after the Airbeam IPO, including a potential dividend, which is unheard of for a growth tech company.
So you see how skepticism can lead to the DD that you need to uncover a company like TraceSafe. It has the management team, tech cutting-edge technology, the validation, the contracts, the blue-sky opportunity of an industry that will be a part of our lives, and an incredible piece of foresight to buy in early to a very hotly anticipated IPO.
Just another Stock Fam favourite! Thanks to expert poster Jethro and all the members of the TraceSafe channel for their relentless DD. Come join the discussion!
submitted by thisonemarketing-com to TraceSafeInvestors [link] [comments]

Can someone put this on WSB for me- they have upped their BOTS and new accounts cant post at all

Sir, this is (Literally) a Casino. This is not Advice DO YOUR OWN DD
What do WSB and LVS have in common- Autists trying to make cash and make it quick.
Now, the pandemic has slowed down Casino’s of the like due to social distance measures and lack of tourism. LVS has casinos all over the world from Vegas, to Macao to Singapore. They’ve been hit hard but there is a light of hope. Because, regardless of a recession, depression or a pandemic people will always gamble. They've got no money? They will find $10 and hope it turns into a $100.
Here we go, let's get horns-
Prelude- This is the company that owns that Huge Building in Singapore shaped like a cruise ship in the sky and charged me $40 for a bottle of water with dinner.
#1 MGM was upgraded but research houses reduced Las Vegas Sands due to their Asia exposure?
I am sorry, what? Have you seen Asia? They are literally throwing festivals in China, Japan, Singapore and Australia etc. If you have ever been to a Asian country you will find that they love to Drink, Smoke and Gamble. I feel if you are going into a Casino/gambling company you NEED Asian Exposure. I could continue for many points on Asian casino’s but I’d lose concentration.
#2- Dr Michael Burry, He is at it again, its no lie, I love him. He only has 2% of his portfolio invested in LVS but hey, he only had 4.3% in the stock that mustn't be named.
Side note- Burry tweeted during the Superbowl about Covid 19 becoming an Endemic and wonders when markets will realise this. This seems Bullish to me. But my smooth Brain could be wrong
#3 The House Always wins. People are going to come back, business will boom again and people are going to bet harder than they have before and the house always wins.
#4 Hotels, Dining, Entertainment, Conventions and Exhibitions will all be sort after activities.
Sands have a finger in each of these pies.
#5 Online Casinos- there’s been rumors about them moving into deals with online casinos- which could future proof anything along the lines of this pandemic again as well as increasing their reach to a digital level. In fact, they have targeted 888 Holdings.
#6 Investing in themselves They aren’t afraid to spend money- they're about to invest another $10b into Macau. Quote from earnings call-
· “When the Macanese government makes its decision I think we will continue upon a rather solid capital investment which I know is how Sheldon felt, to grab that opportunity with both hands.”
· “There is just no place like Macau [and] we’re not done in Macau. We’re going to be there for many more years.
· “When all this goes away, I bet one thing that will happen is the Macau government is going to necessitate that licensees make investments in Macau and we want to be there and be ready.”
· Noting that LVS is already in the midst of a US$3.3 billion expansion of its Marina Bay Sands property in Singapore, Goldstein observed, “These are not small investments, they are in the billions of dollars, so we have to be prepared for outside investments in our best markets, which are Macau and Singapore for crazy growth.”
#7 Numbers
· Earnings forecast to grow 88% vs 70% industry/20% market
· Volatility over the past 3 months has been low compared to rest of market.
· Forecast to become profitable over the next 3 years
· Revenue forecast to grow 33% per year- which is 3 times faster than the US Market (10.6%)
· ROE forecast at 47%
Numbers are from
This isn’t advice, please do your own DD.
Inb4 “Ok Boomer” Still on the pokemon train
· House always wins
· Dr Burry
· Asia most likely to be back to normal before the US
· Hotels, Casinos, Entertainment, Dining will continue to go off in Asia
· Online Casino’s partnership/acquisitions
· They are seeking growth and lots of it.
Positon- 180 Shares
submitted by Shepherdspie_inyaeye to u/Shepherdspie_inyaeye [link] [comments]

Casino Superlines 25 free spins bonus no deposit required

Casino Superlines 25 free spins bonus no deposit required

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If you are looking for a reliable casino site that offers instant gaming and a plethora of video slots and other online games, then don't look any further than Casino Superlines. It provides games from leading software suppliers like NextGen Gaming, NetEnt, Lightning Box and other software giants in the iGaming industry.
The casino was founded in early 2017 by the same team who brought us OrientXpress. The website is stylish yet simple in design with several features like solid customer support, BitCoin payment system and many others. The home currency is Euro and the casino is ideal for players residing in the European Union.
The casino website is available in 10 different languages like for example English, German, French, Spanish etc. The official website is available in a black, white and orange palette with simple navigation and an eye-catching design. For now, the casino does not have any significant complaints and enjoys an excellent reputation in the gambling industry.
Superliners Casino is owned by Equinox Dynamic N.V. and is licensed by the Curacao Government. If you are looking forward to gaining useful information about the games, features, customer support etc., you are at the best place. Here we offer a comprehensive Superlines Casino Review where you get all the details.
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Superlines Casino Video Review

Welcome Bonus

The casino operator is known for offering a generous bonus and special promotions to all the newly registered players as well as the existing customers. If you are a new player, you can avail a Welcome Bonus of 400% up to €1000 on your first deposit. It means that if you have deposited €100 in your casino account, you can play with €500. On your 2nd and 3rd deposit, you can avail a bonus of 100% and 200% respectively.
All the bonuses are limited to one person, one computer and one banking detail. There is no exclusive bonus available and to claim the bonus, you must have a minimum deposit of €20 in your casino account. You will automatically receive the bonus amount in the welcome package on the first three deposits. You must use the registration code BBC avail all these bonus offers.
On the whole, the bonus terms and conditions are fair and reasonable. The welcome bonus is subject to 45 times wagering requirement before you can request a withdrawal. You must know that different games contribute a different percentage for the bonus wagering requirement ranging from 90-100 percent.
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Other Promotions

Not only does Superlines Casino offer a great welcome bonus, but there are also some weekly promotions you can take advantage. Like for instance, you can enjoy 100% bonus money on all deposits every Friday between 02.00 and 08.00 GMT. It is known as Happy Hour which is available once a week.
There is another nice promotion available called Payment Method Bonus where you can collect 15% extra money on your Welcome Bonus on selected payment methods. If you are a high roller, you can take advantage of the High Roller Welcome Bonus. You need to contact the customer care staff for more information.

VIP Program

Superlines Casinos offer VIP Program where you can reap more benefits as a loyal member. The more you play, better your rewards will be. As a player, you will start with the Bronze tier where you will get features like Welcome Package, Loyalty Promotions and Cash Points for every €10,000 you wager.
After that, you go into Silver, Gold and Platinum Tier where you will be eligible for more cash points and higher benefits like a dedicated account manager and monthly cashbacks. As a Platinum Member, you will be eligible for a Monthly Prize Draw. You don’t have to wager on the cashpoints.
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Casino Superlines Game Offer

At Superlines Casino, the assortment of table games is quite diverse. If you enjoy playing Roulette, you can check out some of the popular variants like Micro Roulette, Premium Roulette and Zero Spin Roulette.
If you are a fan of Blackjack, don’t forget to check out variants like Blackjack Switch and Blackjack Surrender. The casino operator also features video poker games like Magic Poker, Poker Dice, Poker Three, Casino Hold’em and Caribbean Poker.
As a player, you can enjoy a plethora of online slots powered by several software vendors in the iGaming industry. Some of the widely played game titles are Guns N’ Roses Slot, Wild Torso Slot, Viking Fire Slot and Gonzo’s Quest Slot.
At the moment, around 100 games are featured on the casino website. Since it is a new operator, you can expect the numbers to double shortly. All the slot games are known for its stunning graphics and fantastic sound quality. You can change the language of the slot games at any point in time.
All the casino games features at the Superlines Casino incorporates RNG or Random Number Generator. Hence fairness and randomness for the casino games are completely guaranteed. The casino operator is known for the most unpredictable RNG online due to extensive audits by game testing agencies.

Live Casino

Superlines Casino is also home to some of the best live games in the iGaming industry. If you are a Roulette aficionado, you can master the wheel with variants like European Roulette, GIB Roulette and Sizzling Hot Roulette. Also, if you love Blackjack and Baccarat, you can find several game variants suited to you taste while playing against the live dealers.
Superlines Casino is licensed and regulated by the Government of Curacao which means that you get access to the highest level of features in the iGaming industry. All the casino games are powered by reputed software giants like NetEnt, Elk Studio, NextGen Gaming, 1×2 Gaming among others.
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The website of Superlines Casinos is clutter free with everything clear and within the view. The appealing colour palette with a sophisticated and stylized design creates an immediate impact on all customers. Here, you can find a plethora of games where you can either download it on your mobile via app or play it directly on the web browser. The casino tested by independent game testing agencies like TST and eCOGRA where all the games are free from malware.
The games can be downloaded on all popular smartphone models of iOS and Android. At the same time, the games are compatible with all the modern browsers like Google Chrome, Apple Safari and Mozilla Firefox. You can play the games on your smartphones or mobile devices even when you are travelling from any place in the world. You need to download the app on your device and get immediate access to a wide range of games offered by Superlines Casino.
When it comes to fairness, transparency and trust, you can entirely rely on Superlines Casino as the operator is fully committed to providing a fair gaming standard. The game software is meticulously maintained and tested by the gaming agencies from time to time with the highest industry standards.

Payment and Withdrawals at Superlines Casino

When it comes to banking options, you can rest assured that your valuable money and user credentials are safe with the casino operator. For making deposits, you can opt for various payment methods like payment cards, Zimpler, Trustly, GiroPay, Poli, Visa, Visa Electron, Paysafecard, MasterCard, Maestro and EcoPayz.
When it comes to withdrawals, the options are a little bit limited as you have to opt for services from Skrill, Wire Transfer, Visa, Visa Electron, Neteller, MasterCard and Maestro. All the payment method comes with fees and charges for processing the transaction. You must choose a payment method that does not charge a lot of money and settles your online transaction in the minimum possible time.
All the winning payouts are processed by the casino operator immediately, and you can expect the money to arrive in your bank account without any delay. Before processing the withdrawal request, you must submit a photo ID and utility bill.
The photo ID can be a valid National ID Card, Driving License or Passport. The utility bill can be either phone or electricity bill with your name and address mentioned. The bill should not be more than six months old.
If the documents are not received within five working days, the withdrawal request is declined, and the money is returned to the casino account. Superlines Casino verifies all the requested documents within 1-2 business days. For fast winning payouts, you are recommended to send an email to the customer support team with scanned copies of the documents mentioned above.
The minimum withdrawal amount is €100 per withdrawal with a maximum of €5000 in a given month. Any requests above these limits are automatically declined, and the funds are automatically returned to your casino balance.
All withdrawal requests are processed in 1-3 days after document verification. Once it is processed, you will receive the money based on different banking methods like:
  • Payment Card: 1 business day
  • Neteller: 1 business day
  • Skrill: 1 business day
  • Qiwi: 1 business day
  • EcoPayz: 1 business day
  • Wire Transfer: 5 business day
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Casino Superlines Customer Support

Although the casino has been in existence for around a year and a half, it is surprising to note that Superlines Casino offers 24/7 customer service to all its clients. Staff members can be contacted through various channels like email, live chat and telephone where all queries are resolved in 24-48 hours.
If you don’t want to wait for their reply and you are in a hurry, then you should check out the detailed FAQ section on the official website of the casino operator which we linked to in our online casino review. The dedicated section can help you get answers to some of the commonly asked questions related to casino games and online banking transactions.

Restricted Countries

Due to some legal and gambling restrictions, players residing in Afghanistan, Algeria, Albania, Angola, Cambodia, Guyana, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Iran, Indonesia, Israel, Kuwait, Myanmar, Lao, North Korea, Nicaragua, Namibia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Panama, Pakistan, Spain, Syria, Singapore, Sudan, South Korea, Taiwan, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Zimbabwe and Yemen are prohibited to register and play at Superlines Casino.
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Reliability and Security

The Superliners Casino implements 128 bit SSL or Secure Socket Layer technology to keep the transaction details of all the players safe and secure. At the same time, this sophisticated encryption technology eliminates all risks associated with online banking. The online gaming system is managed to highly professional standards to deliver secure service for all players.
Superlines Casino maintains full confidentiality over all information of players, and it is not shared outside the organisation. Upon registration, you are given a personal account holder and choose a proper username and password. It is your responsibility for keeping the information safe from any unauthorised access.
Complete privacy is provided to players while making online banking transactions for deposits and withdrawals. Authentic checks are carried out from time to time so that your personal and confidential details like bank account number, email address and contact number are not compromised.
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If you are searching for an ultimate online casino experience, it does not get anything better than Superlines Casino. It maintains an incredible real casino environment with staff members working round the clock to offer an immersive gaming experience to players. The casino uses some of the best gaming providers in the market for top quality games like online slots, table games, video poker etc.
All the casino games are available for free play where you get to understand the game before you start playing for real money. At the same time, the casino is licensed and regulated by Curacao which means that all games are fair and random.
Superlines Casino receives a big THUMBS UP from our team members at Top10-CasinoSites.Net, and we recommend this operator for all the newbie as well as experienced gamblers. We highly recommend checking out the list of restricted countries from the list above before playing. If you are eligible, you must register and start playing your favourite games either free or as a real money player.
submitted by freespinsmobile to u/freespinsmobile [link] [comments]

i'm gonna sing songs to the whole entire world !!!

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OH LORD HEAVENS PRAISE THE HUMBLE AND MIGHTY FEASIBILITY SIZE FEW Actually, SOMETHING, HOPEFULLY This FORWARDS "It's Everything You Need" But, WHEN Then, I So Well First If Just Then Then It's AT TEMPO But NOT It's 'Winston Churchill' WITHOUT Anger INCLUDING Wednesday, October PM tRAD What You Won't Do For Love BUT, Robert Redford And But C7 F7, F7. F But, So As ANYTHING THEN B Sometimes HATE, HOWEVER, Thindiana Earth B. A B F# Tuesday TOO POSSIBLE C, Aminor7, Adominant7. Aminor7, C A7 C# RLLR-RLLR OKness ~bEsT oF bOtH wOrLdDs~ INWARD DENTS? And Even ANYONE TO EVEN BE AWARE YOU ARE DOING IT CONTROLS OR, INTO eArTh MORE HIGHS AND LOWS lOoKiNg Greenland, Scotland Now, The The 3D Eb: Eb6 if F: F9sus4 if G: Cmin7/G if Ab: Abmaj9 if Bb: Cmin7/Bb if C: Cmin7 it's C E D F G AROUND World's Best Mug CDs SHOULD 'Thursday Paint', So Thursday Paint.' 'That Thursday Paint Shiat.' SHOULD CAN HOW WHAT Improvisation C G7 HOW If Endless Eons, EXCITING PROCESS So This "Y2K" Y2K Y2K VERTICAL WITHOUT IN A7sus4/E, My E-sus11 (Emin NOT E Gsus2/E G2/E G2 Gsus2 E E Check HOW MANY And THREE ROLES IN TOTAL. Basically If And So Well, NOT In YOU NOT This Let's In Let's Well, An EXACTLY, AND BEEF Also TWO them. So, So And Oct Oct EXCEPT Lightness, HOW DID YOU KNOW E IS MIGHT You, IS Ohio Colorado EXTREME MENTAL SOLUTIONS CONFLICT AND INFIGHTING My YouTube, El Niño L, One People's Nut FUCKING FUCK NO FUCK DAMMIT NO, FUCK CAUTION: Advantage Advantages 'MIRROR' BETWEEN But Even ALL OF THEM CANNOT AND ALL), OS YOU E YOU DECIDE Faroe Islands MORE OF THEM E D#. D Eb. However, Eb D#, Eb D#, Eb, Arial Pranford All And Also, SIMPLICITY POLICE 3D There And IT YOU F RESTRAINT AND MODERATION B, E B (Ashoka), Ever, Buddhism. (Indo-Europeans) more. BY THE WAY,there South America, Farm Harder here. why? Fat Dank River Valleys. home LEVEL UP !!!!!!!!! NEW TRICK: try oxygen OXYGEN ALERT: Breathe "What?" US Loudness Unit Full Scale, NO LYRICS ALL HOW DOES IT LOOK LIKE A MISTAKE WHEN THE MOVED LETTER IS BRIGHT GREEN However, Or UNLESS Immediately And So MUST Well, This Ultimately Yes, EVERY ACTUALLY For Well, "California Love" So, "California Love" MUST Those So Marijuana California For Alabama One Also, California AND EXCUSES DOT COM News TV I CobBarfers Friday, September PM Greenland, Why Why The World We Live In Is Just Fine, Even If It's Actually Terrible Esus4 G Which hOW DID YOU KNOW LEGAL Ab Cb Fb. G# B E F I EVEN WORSE' Logic 3D 2D Top40 WHEN WHERE Which, E If DON'T GET SOMETHING TOO COMPLICATED. EXPORT. WATCH Stevie Africa Emin Using Where ONE "WOW WHAT A GREAT SONG! MY NEW FAVORITE SONG, GIVE ME THAT SONG OH MY GOODNESS WOW, THIS SONG, (POINTS TO SONG) NEW FAVORITE SONG RIGHT HERE" (ANY Another Whatever Here's For Then OR Guiness Book World Records Or, The "HOW ABOUT MAKING IT TIMES MORE BETTER" But, What So CLICK CLICK CLICK Also, So Hopefully So Well, This Most It's Most But, LOT ESPECIALLY This It's This This More This Again, But OR, ENTIRE BARS. Now, Well, However, MOMENTARILY, Or, Music But Less This Now, Four AND, NOT Library Congress Sometimes THEM, MIGHT Earth Why hLg Tootsie Roll Wait, Sunday, August AM NASA NO ONE The NOT So So So But WHICH IS NOT TRUE BACK DON'T Shrekelback, Chad Krogre INSIDE To Actually WORDS AND SITUATIONS. So WILD MAY CONTAIN EVERYTHING SOMEHOW story). You Can Well, ABSOLUTELY What And FROM And Earth, If Situations/words 3D IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT NOT THE WHOLE POINT OF 'MUSIC THEORY' YOURSELF, Flat Earth A B, Bb C, B C#, C D YOU TURMOIL TERRIFYING Everything ABABABAB TIME BUT AND Don't COUNT OFF! RESTRAINT, OTHER Bsus7 B7sus4, Bsus4 NOTHING IS FORGOTTEN TOTALLY CRAZY aLL oVeR AgAiN Tuesday, August PM SOMEWHAT EXCLUDES NOT EVEN CLOSE Tuesday, August PM IN TRIP AND FALL, AND MESS UP BY MISTAKE AND NOT ACHIEVE THEIR GOALS WITHOUT Let NOT ASK PLANET EARTH GRAVITY Sunday, August PM LARGE DO YOU ACTUALLY THINK IT'S A COINCIDENCE THAT THE RE-ARRANGED LETTER IS BRIGHT GREEN NOTHING YES 3D NOT Then Try Colliders WORLD First, So Add And If F C G Denmark Egyptians DON'T YOU GET IT, FEELING IS MEANINGFUL AND MEANING IS FEELINGFUL BOREDOM IS EFFORTLESSLY KEPT AT BAY WHEN YOU ARE CRIPPLED BY THE WEIGHT OF YOUR OWN AGENDA OH HELL YEAH OH HELL YEAH TV Christopher Lloyd's ARGUE WITH YOURSELF DAY AND NIGHT OVER WHETHER IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE POSSIBLE TO DO EVERYTHING Bullions, Going Are But BACKWARDS, And ABC So So Q Everything CD CD 'Alphabet Shuffle' Gretchen, EW NO THAT SOUNDS LIKE SOME SORT OF TERMINAL DISEASE BEFORE For If And Extremely Unless, If What NATURAL REASONABLE. NOT Aug WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME FUCKING EXTREMELY RIGHT AWAY IF I HAVE ANY SAY IN THE MATTER TRASH, Figuring And As So Or, F C G I WAY Opportunity, Promise YES HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'M GOING TO DO Tuesday HECK YEAH, OF RESOUNDING THUNDER Or, But Actually "My New Year's Also Making WHAT ABOUT ALL OF THE VIDEOS AFTER THAT OK IF I CAN Clarity Record Believe Andes I But Some Many The I I Again, THEN Maybe All And MUST I'm YOU PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Usually, Even There's Logic America Music Sometimes If Music Music universe. And Anyway, Write As Geoligists ROOM? But The WHETHER OR NOT So IF ALSO And NOT NOT So OR So But That's WHICH MEANS, ALWAYS MULTIPLE OF So, EVERY HAS SO, ALWAYS And ALWAYS SO...... OR And STILL So And Now NOT NOT ALSO Going NOT So Then So So Now And NOT This You Some For Another AND Often Another So So I And If The You So So, So UP TO Well, IF SOMETHING LESS, MORE LESS So IF So Or So And The Now SO.... This If Or, DOUBLE, Or Numbers So What So NOT Next Already At So UNDER Next So NOT ARE, So, This But, Now HAVE And But, ANYTHING You So You Then, THAT BUT Because You DIS MORE So, So BUT So So So Hope It But SPARKLES YES, OH HELL YEAH But So This ARKit By If AW HELL NAH Then WOW Making All Options Are On The Table Internet "I #DemandTruthNow A Some Doing It's Would OH THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS And, And IMPOSSIBLE WILL DON'T NOT Also, A PSRs Most QUESTIONS, SUNG EARTH C, G7 F G F C C Bollywood Bob Brad F NOT ENOUGH SHEER TERROR AND AGONY ESPECIALLY IN THE MORNINGS F#min11 MORE Earth You 3D Science Saturday Disney Disney A And B Ohio Tootsie Roll Good Morning America Good Morning America Fmin7, Fmin9 Mensa, Let Yukon FLOATIVATE Possible However, Unite AARGH This President, Bursar Comptroller Lifelessness. CD, CD, CD Unicycle "Sure, This LOD Brazil SLOW Also, California "I A=440 Tidy, ✓Fair, Balanced Most The Force, HATCHED If Real Universe Soul Humanity 'David Foster' 'David Foster' C F F, Fminor Atlantic What's X Tuesday Tuesdays O's Marvel GPS Apple Apple Apple WITH Q Lyrics "If Sunday, June PM Soul Humanity EVERYWHERE Songs And Other Things Both, Together Intertwined And Mingled Big, Friendly YOUR At START 3D 3D NO ONE OK Objective Powerful. Powerful Day Tuesdays, Logical, Tuesday, YES Wednesday, June PM Extravaganza amahaY Waffcakes Disney The News SONGS 3D Rubric 3D Flat Earth Could 'Do Extremely This A TIME Disney (Azores) 2D So, By Half But, But But, So So So But But Now This In So And, And OR It's 3D Literacy, Presumably, Or, Logic Science Earth, THINK AGAIN OH You Average Animal, HOW DID YOU KNOW LFO LFO Wednesday, June PM Voyager Edition South New Canaan Then IS B Store Mart C G B D 14-DVD 3D India Japan Geometry, Wrong Angle NORMAL 'F' F Y eARTH A.I. Friday, June AM F Then ONLY NOT "Shapes", It 3D Google You'd Now, NO, When But YOU This When So No, ONLY TO Now DON'T THINK Well, OTHER THINK ELSE A YOU You Bm7, Bm9. Also, Bm7(#9). But X X O O X 3D NJ NOW WHAT? HOW DID YOU KNOW Weekend WAIT OH MAN YOU ALMOST GOT ME WITH THAT ONE AGAIN, THIS HAS NOT CHANGED IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION. A BROAD VARIATEY OF 'HUMOR' CAN ALWAYS BE FOUND, RANGING ALL THE WAY FROM COMPLETELY NON-RANDOM, TO SO-RANDOM-IT'S-USELESS, AND THEN OF COURSE THAT EVER SO GENTLE SWEET SPOT RIGHT IN BETWEEN SOMEWHERE HATCHED The Your Orion's Belt XtReMe PErsonaBLE BLAsT!!::!:::: Another EQ I IF ONLY I've I USA It's AWAKE Normality Regularness (William Shakespeare) Leonardo DiCaprio "Oh, "Fantastic!" "Wonderful!" aLiVe, XXtreme OH I FEEL ALL KINDS OF NORMALCY AND REGULARNESS COURSING THROUGH MY VEINS NOT "You Canada TV Now Bm7 (D) In Then Basically That Set Basically But Now If Less, As The Google If Vine, Anger gUeSs AgAiN Tootsie Roll Using But Check Basically Not So, By Half But, But But, So So So But But Now This In So And, And OR It's If The People's Project Neapolitan Neapolitan. If Neapolitan, Neapolitan. G ONLY TIME ASKED Fast Turns What So, Everything Because imagination'. Another I It But So So, So Often I And 3D Maybe What You NOT eXtReMe NOT "Do "How Jomphrey aMaZE, iNsPiRe Alaska New Zealand F# C LOD Fear Factor Windows Windows Yes TV Would Granddaddy 3D, 3D IF CORNERED AND PROVOKED Like Some To But Continue A Wyoming GGCG M It's L LOD Research, Science Ab Tom Cruise Tootsie Roll Old Testament Sign, "Welcome Africa", "Welcome Out Africa" Windows Top News Story- "PERSON THINKS THE WORLD IS FLAT" So "When "Older" "Stronger "Lift" "World" ALONE "You Seinfeld Bewildered Fact Try Bible Kreyjviciej &&~~&~~~Magnets;``` But, And A Reiley Tuesdays, The Right So For Well Now, 7. Here's quicker. Another no. To Seems Going But BELOW You And You South 2D 2D 3D 2D. 3D 3D. And 3D After Also NORMAL UXOSCRLFEIHXHOFHCGIIZBQKV And Then, This However, The AND, 'Communal Society' 'Comunionism' Wally, Probably Your My sPeCtAcULaR THEN Yes. For HATCHED This When Gates, **Peanut** IF F ENTICE It's Yes Respectable A Wonder Disease World Earth, My Huge Magazine HUGE F Internet Earth TV ANIMAL Telephones Huge Eggnut A+ Hi 1-800-OMGIMSOCOLLECTEDRIGHTNOW UV Wednesday, May PM Hell Heck EVERYWHERE ELSE. City (LOD) Here's Wednesday, May AM HATCHED sTrAnGe Shrekelback, Chad Krogre York. Zeeland Shoot RealD For And It 3D AR VR Thursday, April PM C Well, Time Thursday, April PM S S First E, E Eb Q G, G, A, B, C, D, E, F# D#. HUGE SOAP Actually OVERWHELMING POWERFUL Contain M.d.yy C F G Questions C7 F Tootsie Roll Telephones eXtreme Normalcy ALL Tuesdays A SPONTANEOUS AND DESPERATE RESOLVE TO ACCELERATE THE MUSIC VIDEO PRODUCTION TIME SCHEDULE TO WEEKS PER VIDEO, DESPITE THE FACT THAT IT HAD BEEN REPEATEDLY PROVEN PRIOR THAT IT WAS SHEERLY IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT WEEKS AT MINIMUM TOWER BRIDGE LONDON BRIDGE, It's WITH THE LYRICS USB MIDI MIDI Legs While ONLY fLaMbOyAnTLy OpEn sCrIpTaBiLiTy [Calculating].... For Most If But, oH hELL yHaE aAaAaAaAaaAA W I D E TIME OH HELL YEAH You DURING Brain Average MANUAL FOR LIFE World Science oH yOu mAy NoT ReALizE jUst HoW sOoN ThAt IS Friendship Well, TOADS ALSO, IN THAT CASE O NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Telephones WaLk ArOuND (F# C#) THERE IS NO DECISION TO PAUSE, I AM WORKING AS FAST AS I CAN, AKIN TO THE PACE ONE WOULD MOVE IF THEIR CHILDREN WERE ON FIRE [Calculating] WITH WHAT REPEATABLE PhD WHY Samsford IT HAS ENTERED MY LIFE NOT Freynolt YES THEY ARE ALL EXTREMELY BETTER AND WORSE THAN EACH OTHER, THAT IS PRECISELY THE PROBLEM 3D HATCHED hAtCh If 3D 3D yEeEeEsSsSsSsSsS You I Does You However, Have A G# G Lieetah But So A B A Bb. B A# thisSunday, April PM BUT Try mAkE mOrE MuSiC A IT HAS ENTERED A STATE OF HIGH ALERT My Properly OnLiNe NOT Thelonius YeS ACT SWIFTLY AND IMMEDIATELY Actually, Q WHERE ON EARTHLY HECK TO FIND SOAP In 3D 2D Bm7, E7#9, Am7, D9sus4. F# D A G D G# E C G G E C [Calculating] "Just "The Unless, DOF Monday, April AM, John Collins, LENGTH OF VIDEO PRODUCTION TIME ACTUALLY BEING SOMEWHERE NEAR COMMENSURATE WITH THE RATE AT WHICH I CAN HAVE IDEAS FOR THEM And NOTHING MaKiNg sOmE CoNtEnT But, 3D 3D 3D So ACTIVITY NOT INACTIVITY. PROJECTS REQUIRE ACTIVITY. THAT'S DOING STUFF. WITHOUT DOING STUFF, NO PROJ WOULD OCCUR. DOES THAT MAKE SENSE Friday, April PM F, C, G, BECAUSE I'M NOT LEAVING DO IT AT THE SAME TIME A U D I O V I S U A L C O N T E N T RAM Taren Van Hemert Craymond FROWNING C. D7, D D,F#,A,C. B,D,F#,C# At PM Yes NEVER That MUST BEFORE Recording WAY This This["Draw Pencil"].tool_settings.gpencil_paint.brush.gpencil_settings.pen_strength,["Draw Pencil"].gpencil_settings.pen_strength Surprise! Arizona [Calculating] TextEdit My Thing Velcro Thursday, March AM, You Friendship I WOULD HOPE TO IMAGINE SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F3. To F3 Another A' A', 'S' F3 TED Monday, March PM New Canaan, Zeeland Oprah Australia How To Make Money Off Millennials, Fund Snatcherson While Then, I The The Besides CDs Saturday, March PM, Yes At MEALS Oranges [Calculating] Thursday, March PM Father's Day [Calculating] 'L') AWAKE HOW, So, It's But Wednesday, March AM You B A Tuesday, March AM Universal Connor 'Connor' Conner 'Conner'. You You [Calculating] F. "A A B A". A 'B' 'B' A. AABA London MUSIC, MOSTLY CABBAGE, HOW ABOUT NOT DOWN. DOWN. EVERYWHERE Video Velcro NOT YES, P P Check Ok Being R R, RMS "A" ANY MUST However, To AND For Db, Eb, Gb, Ab, Bb J, K, Q, R, S. D B7 A: B: C: B C C H R N C E, C° C#min C C° C#min. C#min And C. Ok C F# Cdim C F# Cdim TV Monday, March AM AUDIO AND MUSIC NOT NOT Saturday, February PM Saturday, February PM C, F, G E, A, B, C, F, G, Δ ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ LIFE. Welsh Tuesday, February PM, IIe "That's NOT NO 3D 2D 2D. RESPONSIBLY INTERESTING DO IT LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME? ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ RE INVENT SLEEP!!!!!! ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ Bb. Eb MIGHT U Bb Bb. Bbmin, Fmin Ab). It's STUFF ABSOLUTELY Thinking AGE 5A IOR WORDS 'O' YOURS It's Ball, For Men fROG Ponybuns TextEdit R.53 DISCOVER THE NEXT BIG THING 'jUsT DoO sOmeThIng, Amin, F, C, G Friday, February PM, Thursday, February AM B C Allegations Joseph Mother. DVD [Calculating]... FRUIT! this: D G D/F#Emin D A/C# (A)D 'A' The Lighthouse A6 F Internet That WAS [Calculating] What L, By NOT What You It's Making So NOT Make The Zs 3D Actually, What wALk aRouND iN InTerEsTinG PatTeRns "The "Unforgettable". "Lester Holt's [Calculating] OR, IF A ITC Officina Sans Pro Bold, COLD HARD CASHews yOu EXTREMELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMETIMES I WILL DESTROY A WHOLE ROOM VERY SLOWLY WHILE I AM WAITING FOR SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!! ITEM I vbjjgiyhjjfssdxdZds;lmkjk Colleague Tootsie Roll MORE 8D Monday, February PM My Beaver Jason Bateman U FEWER Friday, January PM ALMOST DYNAMICS LOUD SPECIAL YOU DECIDE My Cat Thursday, January AMThursday, January AMThursday, January AMThursday, January AM Pictures Of Abraham Lincoln Looking Really Tall In The White House Toaster War? My Band C, G7 C. D7 G7, C. D7, G7, C. REQUIRED MAKE OR Monday, January AM SIMPLE ENOUGH, Sunday, January AM, FOX ONLY AFTER F This This All EXCEPT That's SO MANY There CAN NOT UTC OTHER NOT If T 2. E, O, R, S A, H, I, L, P, U, W, Y B, C, D, F, G, J, K, M, N, Q, V, X, Z, Yes, Father [Ad Wednesday, January AM, Tuesday, January AM Today ROCKS L, NOT January, Proctor Gamble WET TV MIDI Eb C AP Sir abcdefghijklmNOpqrstuvwxyz B(b5)/F. Doesn't F# C#9sus4, C#9. not-C not-Amin YMCA Wednesday, January PM Eb BLR Logic YOU Emin7 C? G ~~pOwErFuL~~ It INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F, IS YOU Proctor Gamble ~~YOU DECIDE~~ Or, When [Your Another U Or, If Once Then, Then, Your Now, Continue Then, IMMEDIATELY It Do Trust The You And This Then A B, Ass [Your INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! Friday, January PM K5 Bmaj67. RS5T G B C(add Amazing Pace Your Bb Father Eb-, Eb-/Db, B7, Bb7 WET Zs, Star Warses. LIFT IT UP WHEN YOU CHANGE CHORDS! Ordinance, Ema7, Ama7, Ema7/B L rEnOvAtiONs D US, YES BUT THIS TIME IT'S TO THE CENTER OF THE SUN (\d|\D)(?=,) Wednesday. (R32), A What Here's If I hOW DID YOU KNOW E F E Bb F# C. Emin A Cmin F WET B# Cb B C B# B-C B# C. B# C" TV Ok, F To COC. People's Nut EQ Keanu Reeves You How To Make Money Off Millennials, Fund Snatcherson 'World Renowned Artist Presents: Crap.' Look You So Paul McCartney Mary. L, Upload You Father You Yes! Comfortable What's I NFL VERY GOOD B A 3D Every ADDICTED AND CAN'T STOP, AND CAN'T EVEN FUNCTION WITHOUT IT X MOSTLY CABBAGE, HOW ABOUT Apple, Mac OS NO! !!HOLD ON; I cliMB THE WATER TOWER "What's INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! W D INVENT SOMETHING!!!!!!!!! Fiction. 3D Michael Jackson MSG, wEIRD Beyond Tuesday, December PM F If Q4 TV, Then This HATCHED THAT THAT Best Buy? EXCITEMENT RAGE For Well, And That's The I I So If That After THIS ONE Some "G Gm7b5 G Bbmin, Gb, Db, Ab, REALLY D, NOT IT'S TIME TO INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! G Bb, F# A DSV yEeEsSsSs Proctor Gamble 67E SHOULD NOT SHOULD DISCLOSE YES, I HAVE TONS OF IT!! AH YES, THAT'S ME, THE BRINGER OF WAKEFULNESS GREAT BIG MEMORY BRAIN Father 2D YES, I'M TERRIBLE As I've The CAN FUCKED UP SMALL EYED SONIC, PARAMOUNT FIRST ATTEMPT Untitled Pet, Untitled Pet THEY ARE ALL THE SAME, EVERYTHING IS THE SAME, JUST TASTE IT AND YOU WILL SEE. EAT THE BREAD. IT'S A BOOMERANG, YOU WILL BARF IT BACK UP FOR SURE Nissan Pathfinder So Time To Because Fm/Ab Ab Fm/Fb REGRET! AVERAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keyboard Maestro Auto Hotkey Starter Finisher. Starter's Finisher Starter Finisher's Starter Starter's Finisher. Selector. Finisher Selection' THAT THAT MAKES SENSE, I AM A FEAR EXPERT B E, C I Wednesday, December AM, STAY AWAKE AND TRY TO INVENT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Your Brand Here] Master Orientator [Your Brand Here] Tom Cruise YOU Saturday, November AM YOU spEAK WILDLY! Through C: D, F, G, A, F D F A D G F C, G C, NOT PAYING ATTENTION Shrek Bb/G Gmin7, G, C. C7, F# C9#11? C7. L Father Big Boredom Tuesday, November PM ~ALIVE~ Proctor Gamble Tesla OVERTHROW THE SHARKS DANGER CEOs, YOU WHOLE WORLD CHROME. Less C Bb E A C13. AMD ProRender CPU Cycles Radeon Pro Vega 64X) Actually, Friday, November AM suggest G- C- _ or G- D7 or G- C- D7 but options G- _ C- D7 _ or G- (F) Ebma7 F or G- Ebma7 D7 My Life, ME TOO NO WAY Steve C Amin7 3D. 3D Alexa Tuesday, November AM S 3D Update: Additionally, ONE Cycles, If Cycles The Eevee EEEEEE Figuring Out What Hell Going On B Bb. Thursday, November PM ......OBSESSIVE A.R. yOu MIDIserver CPU. LEGAL naaaaaaaaH. National Australian State Australia United States Tom Cruise oH hEll YeAh YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO INVENT SOMETHING, PROBABLY YEP oK WiLl A HELCK ON F#. Ab, Abmin (B) yEsS mE tOo mE nEiTHeR Is *WHOM LEARN TO ACTUALLY MAKE COMPLETED CONTENT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS (document.all||document.getElementById){ document.write('' storetext=document.getElementById? document.getElementById("highlight") Array("00","14","28","3C","50","64","78","8C","A0","B4","C8","DC","F0") var (document.all||document.getElementById) flash=setInterval("change()",speed) } starteffect() INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH. WAR FIGHTING, HATCHED Naysayers Eevee Cycles BLR mENTAL ILLNESS's, LUFS But BECAUSE YOU ARE ABOUT TO INVENT SOMETHING, PROBABLY LIFE, BEING ALIVE, ETC Goods And Services (GAS THAT DREAM FEELS 3D CAN A Also And FLUENT Oprah Winfrey Highly Intelligent Person Searching Through Esoteric Records Pretende Brasil?.J.All Eevee And To The CASH Your Brand Here YES I AM THEY ARE HUGE C McJames, Smooth C E C 2D Cheesus Luigi OK tRY TO INVENT SOMETHING PRACTICAL For fjfojalifjaoJDFIJAAA, LR BOO YO WHAT UP CLEAT DFTBA A+ Ok, Karabiner Elements But Once "Hot Key" "USB This PC Another Tom Scott Taran Van Hemert D PSAT Monday, October AM The Magic Johnson Friday, October PM URLs BigBird Not Like 3D 3D 2D 3D VR AR Well, Thursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PMThursday, October PM Tuesday, October PM O's C# C Dbmaj7. Db, F, C, Ab. Eb Now DID MAP PAM F THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,and C G C E C E), G A Bb C D E C E G. F F#. G. B A=55 Matt Lauer Shower Matt Lauer Matt Lauer Shower Matt Lauer A+ NFL IN THE STUDIO C E Bb GPS, WRONG Do yES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C, C F G Paul Wall IT VERY WELL COULD BE Magic Johnson McJones. Smooth McJones AM Cyborg Magazines S Experience A E Paragraph. My Machine(s) VR 3D 2D (CDN) 3D Area Vladimir Putin Esus2/G# E2/G# A G ASDR Karabiner, "HotKey" "USB Actually, iT ExOrCiSeS mY InTerPersoNaL cOMmuNicATiOn tAcTiCs Q BLAAAAT Earth panLR NOT 3D 3D 3D, 3D 3D THEN, Boris Johnson, Boris Yeltsin, My Morning Squirrel Universe "Gregg" Discussions Samuel L. 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is there gambling in singapore video

The Noose - Gambling in Singapore - YouTube gambling Gambling addiction on the rise in Singapore - YouTube Gambling addiction on the rise in Singapore - YouTube Legal Gambling Station in Singapore of Asia - YouTube Singapore's Gambling Problem: Last Week Tonight with John ... Illegal Street Gambling in Singapore - YouTube Casino at Singapore  Biggest Casino in Singapore stands ...

Request PDF | Gambling in Singapore: An overview of history, research, treatment and policy | This paper describes the current situation regarding gambling in Singapore in relation to its Gambling is legal and their luxurious hotels and casinos attract millions of tourists every year. To be more precise, Singapore welcomes more than 17 million foreign tourists a year. In fact, of the 3,000 Singapore residents that took part in the study, a lot of people from all age groups are gambling more than in previous years. Furthermore, the study found that 52% of the participants had taken part in at least one form of gambling, compared to 44% in 2014. There’s no online gambling site that’s hosted in Singapore. All these websites that allow residents from Singapore are based abroad and not in the government’s jurisdiction. In such a case, the gambling rules to observe will be those that are set by the relevant licensing authority or gambling commission in the country the site is based. Singapore is sports-crazy, which helps explain why there are so many online sports betting sites in Singapore. From the English to the Singapore Premier League, football is always high on the agenda. But you’ll also notice a huge number of sports betting markets which cover basketball, cricket, swimming, badminton and so on. The types of gambling available in Singapore are: casinos, horseracing tracks. The largest gambling city in Singapore is Marina Bay with 6 gambling facilities, 727 tables games, 2,575 gaming, slot, and video poker machines. The largest casino in the entire country of Singapore is Marina Bay Sands Casino which is located in Marina Bay. Online Gambling in Singapore Online betting or gambling has been a trend for people throughout the world, wagering over a possible outcome and winning money gives great pleasure and fun. People check on the best online betting sites and wager on sports, gambling, etc. Singapore online gambling has also been a great attraction for people as there are a lot of people wagering in betting in The 2017 survey found that 52 per cent of the Singapore citizens and permanent residents (PRs) aged 18 and above polled said they had gambled in the past year, up from 44 per cent in the 2014... There is no one minimum age that applies to all gambling activities. Generally, you have to be at least 18 years of age to gamble in Singapore. For example, Singapore Pools only allows individuals aged 18 and above to buy 4D or TOTO tickets, or placing horse racing bets. Singapore is now one of the most successful and lucrative gambling markets in the entirety of Asia, even though the industry was only established in 2008. The regulator in Singapore, the Casino Regulatory Authority, was inaugurated just over 10 years ago which was followed two years later by the casinos that are allowed to operate in the country.

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The Noose - Gambling in Singapore - YouTube

Casino at Singapore Biggest Casino in Singapore stands in Marina Bay Sands Shopping Mall, Singapore The casino at Marina Bay Sands shopping mall is the mo... This illegal gambling happens in Geylang lor 10 behind the Ascendere Hotel. The operation's started from 5am till noon. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Singapore's anti-gambling ads had one critical flaw.They made gambling seem too awesome.Connect with Last Week Tonight online...Subscribe to the Last Week To... The BEST Betting Software I've EVER Used: Free video about claw crane. This free video was created for you by and can be used for free under the creative commons license with the attr...

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