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Team of the Month: The Crystal Gems

There will be some fairly big spoilers in this post, so be warned.
Huge thanks to Joseph_Stalin_ for a couple of gifs and the comic scans.
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The Crystal Gems
“We are the Crystal Gems. We’re still alive and we’re still the guardians of this planet and all its living creatures.”
Thousands of years ago an rebellion of magical alien gemstones caused a war with the fate of the Earth in balance. While the rebellion, led by Rose Quartz, was ultimately a success in driving off the forces of the Gem Homeworld, the costs were high and only a few survived the war. The survivors continued to protect the Earth as the Crystal Gems, a small band that traveled the world to protect it from any remnants of the war. Years passed and eventually, Rose Quartz fell in love with a human and gave birth. In doing so, however, Rose sacrificed herself as both her and her son, Steven Universe, could not exist at the same time. The remaining members of the Crystal Gems took to raising and training Steven so that he could continue in his mother’s footsteps as a protector of Earth.
Keep in mind the following facts only apply to 100% Gems. Being a human/gem hybrid, Steven’s fleshy body keeps him from having the same properties as standard Gems.
The bodies of gems are solid constructs created by their magical gemstones. Because these projections are created by the gems, they are also capable of shapeshifting into a variety of other forms such as animals, technology, and inanimate objects. Shapeshifting into animals, even oversized ones, can allow the gems to use natural abilities that the animals have, such as when Amethyst produced spider silk.
These bodies have superhuman durability, but if the body is significantly damaged it can cause the form to vanish until the gem itself can recover, though this can take anywhere from hours to weeks. However, any direct damage to the Gem itself can cause the physical form and communication to “malfunction”. If untreated over time, this can cause permanent damage, cause a Gem to go haywire, or transform them into a monster.
Gems are also ageless as the whole team, sans Steven, have lived for thousands of years. Though their physical bodies are capable of replicating biological functions such as digestion, sleep, and even sexual reproduction with other species (humans as displayed with Steven’s mother Rose Quartz) these functions are completely superficial as Gems don’t require food or sleep to sustain themselves.
Each Gem has a specified weapon that they can summon from their gemstone. These weapons can be summoned multiple times which allows the weapons to be easily used as projectiles or dual weld.
“I’m never alone.”
Garnet is notably stronger than the other gems of the group. Garnet is usually calm, stoic and seldom speaks. She is often regarded as the de facto leader of the group.
Garnet’s weapons are large gauntlets.
Strength/Weapon feats
Garnet is the physically strongest of the group.
Spiked Amethyst so hard it left a crater in the sand
Casually lifts a massive axe
Pushed a van a remarkable distance by mistake
Can launch her gauntlets in a rocket punch
Splits an escape pod in half over her knee
Clashing with her water clone creates a massive crater, and repeated punching causes the ground to shake
Is smashed through the interior of a spaceship, and gets right back up
Withstands being punched through the ground
No sells being doused in hot coffee
Combat Skill
Dodges spike projectiles
Dodges and disarms Jasper
Dodges Jasper’s Spindash
Can determine the location of a target based on its trajectory.
Can use shapeshifting powers to elongate and enlarge her arms to respectable size capable of overpowering the other gems
Garnet has the ability to see possible futures and outcomes to most situations like a river’s branching paths.
She even is able to grant this ability to others for a few hours by kissing their forhead
With her Future Vision, Garnet is able to predict and block lightning with her bare hands.
“This will be perfectly fine, just a pop over to the nearest star system.”
Respect Thread Here
The closest friend to Rose Quartz, Pearl acts the most as Steven’s nurturing, overprotective, and at times coddling mother figure. Pearl is the most intelligent of the group and likely the most skilled as well due to her graceful and patient personality. Pearl is passionate, but can find herself overwhelmed by her emotions or stressors which can cause either lapses in judgment, or a feeling of inevitability.
Pearl’s weapon is a spear.
Strength/Weapon Feats
Kicked away a large stone
Pearl can launch a series of beams from her spear
Or she can launch a single powerful charged shot
Survives a small explosion
Survives a barrage of attacks from Sugilite
“Skin” is too hard for an average human to punch without hurting themselves
Dodges an barrage of attacks with her eyes closed
Skill with a spear.
Skill with a sword
Outran Lion
Makes several leaps and bounds worthy of Mario
Able to create hard light holograms that have artificial intelligence and are strong enough to damage herself.
The hologram is even strong enough to somehow cut a tree in half with a balloon sword.
These holograms, however , have very low durability.
Pearl was able to construct an aircraft using assorted junk that was almost capable of leaving Earth.
Pearl is able to absorb an entire rooms worth of junk inside her forehead gem
Not unlike Kirby, items and people that are sucked into her gemstone find themselves in a pocket universe that Garnet describes as infinite.
“Yeah, yeah, don't forget: reckless, vulgar, loud-mouthed. That's just what makes me so awesome!”
Respect Thread Here.
Wild, energetic, and rebellious, Amethyst is often the catalyst for contention amongst the group, especially with Pearl. Despite this, she is often depicted as having the closest bond with Steven. She is the least skilled amongst the group as a result of her nature as her form a tactics are lacking (though her willingness to abuse her shapeshifting powers allows her to tackle problems more creatively). Unlike the other gems, Amethyst was synthetically made by the Homeworld gems which Amethyst harbors rough feelings about and sometimes feels like an outcast in the team.
Amethyst’s weapon is a bladed whip.
Strength/Weapon feats
Has the strength to almost casually throw large boulders with her whip.
The sharp gems in her whip are capable of cutting through alien metal.
Can channel kinetic energy through her whips causing an explosion
Throws a small group of people with her whip while simultaneously stuffing herself with hot dogs.
Tanked being spiked so hard into the ground it left a crater in the sand.
Was repeatedly used as a living projectile over the course of a few hours
Sponged several powerful strikes from Garnet with no visible damage..
Is capable of using a Sonic-like spindash for speedy attacks
Acrobatic skill
Steven Universe
”What do you know about my mom? I didn’t even get to know my mom! But I do know she saw beauty in everything, even in stuff like this! And even in jerks like you!””
Respect Thread Here.
Steven is the son of Rose Quartz and youngest member of the Crystal Gems. He has the least amount of experience of the team, but is able to pull off impressive feats regardless. His powers mainly focus on defense and healing which allows his to be a remarkable support to his team despite his inexperience.
Superhuman Feats
Push back a large monster made of breakfast
Tore off a bolted down arcade part
With effort, he is able to demonstrate slightly superhuman jumping ability…in sandals
Bubble Shield/Shield/Rose’s Sword
Bubble shield was capable of protecting the team from the explosion of a spaceship
The Bubble Shield can hover above the ground and is strong enough to carry 6 people, a van, and a lion.
In Attack the Light, Steven can produce a Bubble Shield on other targets
Shield was able to fully block a laser from a Jasper’s spaceship, though it exhausted him. It bears mentioning that, Lapis Lazuli described the technology of the world that Jasper came from as “so advanced I can’t even understand it. There’s no way anything on Earth can stand up to it.”
Steven also has access to Rose’s Sword that he can retrieve from Lion, which is capable of reflecting projectiles like any good magical sword.
Other abilities
Due to being a human-gem hybrid, Steven is able to resist anti-gem technology that was even able to one-shot Garnet..
Steven’s saliva has healing properties that are capable of healing cracked gemstones and broken limbs
Though technically not a Gem at all, Lion does hold a yet unknown connection to Steven’s mother Rose Quartz. Found by Steven, Lion is a powerful magical beast that Steven often is able to ride like a mount. Though loyal and remarkably intelligent for an animal, Lion is about as obedient as one would expect a large cat to be.
Notable agility as a mount.
Roar shockwaves are capable of destroying stone.
Roar shockwaves are capable of damaging magical sand stone, which even Garnet could not break through.
Mane is actually a portal to a pocket dimension (which contains no oxygen). which Steven is able to store supplies.
Roars are capable of opening portals
Gems are able to combine and create a powerful being by performing a fusion dance. Fusions are able to keep the abilities of the gems they fuse from. The more in-sych and close the gems are the longer and more stable the resulting fusion will be. However, the form can become imperfect if the gems are in conflict and with enough conflict between the gems the fusion can destabilize.
A fusion of Pearl and Amethyst, not much is known about Opal’s personality but she does have Pearl’s grace and dignity. Her weapon is a bow with magical arrows.
Acrobatic Skill
Arrows have an Area of Effect for multiple targets
An an arrow can multiply into dozens of slightly smaller arrows
A fusion of Garnet and Amethyst, Sugilite is violent, reckless, and nearly impossible to control. While a powerhouse, she’ll likely not take orders. Sugilite’s weapon is a flail.
Sheer size and power (Steven and Pearl for scale).
It should be noted that she reverted from the fusion after her weapon fell on her head.
A quad fusion of Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst, very little is known about Alexandrite. She has a massive size, possibly even taller than Sugilite, but has not been shown in combat as of yet. With the three members combined, maintaining the form is difficult especially if the gems are in a conflict.
Catches up to a bus and casually picks it up.
Team Accomplishments
Have on numerous occasions defended Earth from corrupted gems, and advanced Homeworld technology.
Took down a vastly technologically superior space ship and the more powerful oppoenent Jasper by combining their skills. After being captured, Steven’s was able to free the other gems and deal with the anti-gem technology due to his resistance, Amethysy overpowering and incaping the pilot, Pearl using her intelligence to commander the ship and Garnet’s power to take on Jasper and throw her into the power source which led to the ship’s destruction. It is implied that Garnet’s Future Vision allowed her to set in motion the events for this possible victory in the face of almost certain defeat.
Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven were able to round up and capture a dozen gem monsters that had escaped and run amuck in their base through coordinated and strategic attacks without Garnet finding out.
In fact, through years of experience the gems are able to coordinate movements nonverbally and very quickly. In the time Steven fell into a pit, Amethyst and Pearl took no more than a look at each other before utilizing their combined skills to save him.
Steven has many times been able to motivate the other gems in times when defeat was nigh, even when the gems were critically injured.
Pooled their skills and intelligence to modify a standard bicycle to have remarkably fast speed
Garnet’s stoic yet serious composure also assists the team in remaining steadfast in the event of nearly certain doom.
Steven’s connection to the human world allows him to easily reign in outside expertise, technology, and help when the Crystal Gems have no solution on how to tackle a task on their own.
With Rose’s passing and the resurgence of Homeworld Gems, tensions have never been tougher. Despite this, the gems frequently give emotional support to one another.
submitted by selfproclaimed to whowouldwin [link] [comments]


The Future of JaspeLapis/Malachite = ....GOOD?

WHAT ..... Rebecca Sugar posts a drawing of Lapis clinging onto Jasper in order to represent Malachite, tagged with a lyric from this song
DOES ..... Katie Mitroff draws Jasper and Lapis being represented as Juri and Shiori from Rev. Girl Utena
IT ..... Angie Wang draws... I don't even know what to make out of this
MEAN ..... Rebecca Sugar posts a photo of Jasper and Lapis's VAs hugging without a description of Malachite


Does the Crewniverse know something we don't? Of course they do, the real question is: Are they dropping hints at what is to come?

Might the answer lie in Malachite's metaphysical properties????

According to crystalvaults.com: "As a stone of transformation, Malachite encourages change and emotional risk-taking.[...] It encourages the expression of feelings, alleviating shyness and teaching the responsibility for one's own thoughts and actions. It supports friendships and empathy for other people. [...] Malachite helps battle depression and anxiety, gives resistance to emotional blackmail and heals emotional abuse, especially when suffered in childhood. It also encourages healthy relationships based on love and not need."
According to healing-crystals-for-you.com: "It helps to clear and activate all the chakras, has a lovely stabilizing energy that helps you to feel more balanced emotionally.[...] This lovely green crystal encourages loyalty and practicality in partnerships, and faithfulness in all types of relationships, whether love, business or friendship. [...] It helps you to open your heart to others and it brings peaceful harmonious energy to all types of relationships."
According to healingcrystals.com: "Malachite is often called the “stone of transformation” and is used for deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation to the wearer. [...] Malachite amplifies energies of all kinds, both positive and negative. One of the most important healing stones, Malachite helps the user acknowledge, draw out, and discharge negative energy, including old emotional patterns, past traumas, and suppressed feelings."
To sum it up: Malachite= Transformation, Balance, Protection, Relationship healing, Spiritual healing, Emotional clarity, The warding away of negative energies
Why do I think Malachite will end up reflecting her gemstone's metaphysical properties?

The show has so far been very consistent with the other gems and gem fusions reflecting their stone's metaphysical properties.

-Sugilite: associated with self-awareness and identity, freedom, stress relief ("I am myself and I'm sick of being split up! So you better get used to me, baby!")
-Sardonyx: happiness, optimism, confidence, mental discipline/self control (perfect, because in "Cry for Help" the CGs specifically formed Sardonyx to keep the out-of-control Sugilite problem from happening again)
-Garnet: known as "the stone of commitment" and "the stone of health", love, devotion, energy, strength (spot on)

TL;DR: Based on Rebecca Sugar's decision for them to fuse into Malachite rather than any other stone out there, Jasper and Lapis reconciling or coming to an agreement over something in order to stabilize Malachite is end game... I guess you could say that their future is written in stone. /:-D

This theory would not only tie into the "Garnet secretly knows where Malachite is" theory, but also the prediction that the Malachite arc and the Cluster arc will end up colliding by the end of the second season, just like how the "Where the fuck is Lapis" arc and the "Peridot reported this, now what?" arc collided at the end of the first season. Until Jasper and Lapis stop working against each other, I don't think Malachite can become her own identity, so they're going to have to allow their minds to become one before Malachite can gain her own mind and voice, help stop the cluster, or maybe even unfuse without causing damage to Jasper and Lapis's gems. (I could be wrong on that though, maybe she is already able to form her own thoughts and decisions somehow even though Jasper and Lapis's motives are both conflicting inside her?)
Am I jumping to conclusions? I VERY WELL MIGHT BE. Ronaldo would be proud of me. We haven't seen Jasper, Lapis, or Malachite since their short appearance in Chille Tid and thanks to the hiatus we're not going to be seeing them again until 2016... I'm just feeling the effects of bondage mom deprivation is all.
submitted by journemin to JasperMasterRace [link] [comments]

sugilite jasper healing properties video

Sugilite enhances the development of spiritual awareness, promotes channeling ability and teaches to live from our truth and to believe in our sixth sense, or intuition. It encourages positive thoughts, alleviating sorrow, grief and fear. Sugilite is excellent in relieving pain and discomfort at all levels. Psychological Properties: helps us understand the correlation between the well being of our body and the well being of our mind, makes us aware of the important role our emotions play in our overall health, balances our right and left brain function, helps us adapt to new surroundings Meditation: Meditating with Sugilite can bring about phenomenal insight. The emotional healing properties of Sugilite are all about confidence and self-empowerment. If there’s anything in your life that’s preventing you from living the life of your dreams, this stone will help you handle it. Sugilite is also wonderfully protective of sensitive people who pick up on negativity. JASPER HEALING SPIRITUAL HEALING. Jasper's spiritual healing properties are wonderful for strengthening one's spiritual awareness and understanding the sacred connection between all life in nature. It is an uplifting gemstone that helps one see the good in others and find harmonious balance. Shungite is the stone of superpowers and alchemy. Its incredible healing and protection properties include purifying the body, boosting energy and immune system health, balancing the mind and emotions, and protecting from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s), amongst so much more. Typical colours - variations from brown, red, orange, yellow, green, white and lilac. Fancy Jasper intensifies and lightens the feeling of well-being, helping one to lighten up and enjoy themselves more, yet in a subtle way. It can relieve fear, frustration and guilt, building an inner strength and confidence. Healing properties for Sugilite. Sugilite is said to encourage peace of mind and instil a general feeling of spiritual love, and well being. It helps understanding of negative circumstance by clarifying what is happening, and how it is out of balance. It is an excellent tool for mediation as it is said to bring the mind and spirit back into balance Healing Properties of Crystals - JASPER - Known as the "Stone of Nurturing". Jasper makes it easier to use one's own power and to know that it cannot be taken away. It calms aggressive energy, and facilitates safety and protection during recovery periods (e.g., from stress, operations, and other life traumas). The lovely healing sugilite power will course through your veins for all-over healing. Place a sugilite worry stone on the forehead to relieve a headache or directly on an area that is sore or inflamed to reduce pain and swelling. EMOTIONAL HEALING. Emotional healing properties of sugilite focus on balancing the brain hemispheres to bring balance and harmony to your life, in keeping with sugilite meaning.

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