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How to officially resign from SGI-USA (and SGI-UK)

When you leave SGI, that's typically a fairly complicated, even difficult decision, and depending on your SGI experience, it might involve some significant degree of trauma. What you DON'T need is SGI members and leaders continuing to pester you with offers to chant, suggestions you meet with this leader or that, invitations to SGI activities, etc. You'll likely be wanting to make a clean break. If any of your fellow SGI members are genuine friends, they'll stay your friends and interact with you without reference to SGI. But keep in mind - so long as SGI continues to keep you on their membership list, they will continue to regard you as an "inactive member". Any SGI members who already know you will be instructed to cozy up to you, be all friendly-like, and to stay socially involved with you, in the interest of eventually bringing you back into the SGI. SGI leaders will discuss your situation and give any SGI members who know you encouragement to stay in contact with you, for purposes of manipulating you back into membership at some later date.
SGI has this overwhelming attachment to its membership cards (ooh! Another for the Big List of SGI Fetishes!). So long as yours remains in the membership card box, every month or two, the SGI members with access to that box will be meeting in their "Member Care" meetings to talk about you and discuss how best to get to you, and even to assign complete strangers the task of contacting you - giving out your name, phone number, and address without your permission.
Sound good?
Q: How to get the unwanted contact to stop?
A: The letter of resignation.
The reason this can only be done by letter is because the SGI is an authoritarian top-down organization that utilizes a pyramid structure in which only the top echelon has the authority to do certain things, like remove members' personal information from the SGI databases. So don't waste your time with the local or lower-level leaders; they do not have the authority to remove or change records in the SGI databases. Sure, you can tell them you're done with SGI and want nothing further to do with the Ikeda cult, but they do not have the authority to do anything about that. You can send them a copy of your letter when you're done with it, so hang onto a copy.
In legal precedents, the US courts have determined that every individual has the right to resign unilaterally from a religious organization. You don't need anyone's permission; you don't have to jump through any hoops or complete any assignments or meet with specific persons first. Once you have formally, officially withdrawn your permission for a religious group to keep your personal information on file, they must remove it if you so request.
So you'll request. Here's how:
First, you write your letter. You'll want to include specific actionable items (select the items below that apply to you), and you must send it to the national HQ:
 SGI-USA Membership Department October 14, 2020 National Headquarters 606 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, CA 90401 
To SGI-USA Membership Office:
I hereby resign my membership in the SGI-USA, effective immediately, and request you to remove my name and that of my minor children permanently from any and all of your organization's membership records. This includes my/our name/s, street address/es, phone numbes, email address/es, birth date/s, contribution history, and any other information that SGI has collected about me/us. You must instruct any SGI-USA leaders who have any connection to me/us to destroy my/our membership card/s and purge my/our contact information from their own contact lists immediately. Any continuing retention of my/our personal information will be regarded as identity theft and I/we will consider pursuing legal remedies if we find any evidence of this.
Your receipt of this letter acknowledges my formal and official notification that I no longer give my permission for SGI-USA to keep my personal information or that of my children on file at any SGI-USA location anywhere. I hereby withdraw my consent to being treated as a member and I withdraw my consent to being subject to SGI-USA rules, policies, beliefs and 'discipline' (if any). As I am now no longer a member, I require that my name and those of my children be permanently and completely removed from all membership records of the SGI-USA at every organizational level.
The SGI-USA is no longer permitted to use my/our personal information or that of my children for any purpose or in any capacity.
I wish no further contact from representatives of your organization except to confirm that our names have been removed from your records throughout the SGI-USA organization. I expect to receive that confirmation within a reasonably short time.
My name and address: XXXXXX, 1234 Nowhere St., Anywhereville, USA, 00000
My children’s names: XXXXX, XXXXX, XXXXX [same address]
I also expect a full refund of the remaining balance on all my publications (subscription number[s] XXXXXXX) and a refund of any deposits I made on future conferences/travel [identify if applicable]. My automatic contributions are to be stopped immediately; any further charges to my account will be reported as fraudulent to my financial institution.
Sincerely yours,
[Your name here]
That's it! You can send it snail mail or go to your local post office and send it certified mail for a couple bucks - that means someone has to sign for it and then you've got your confirmation that it was received. If you like, you can include in your letter your reasons for leaving, or tell them what you don't like about SGI, or really anything you please, but you don't have to. If you want to keep it "Just the facts", you certainly can.
Then, send a copy of your letter of resignation to everyone who routinely contacts you via email.
If SGI-USA HQ DOESN'T send you your confirmation letter, you can send them something like this:
You need to follow up with them if you don't receive that confirmation letter! They not only didn't send me a confirmation letter but, when I went onto the sgi-usa website, my account was still active. That meant that they had not wiped out my personal info as requested. I checked what the state laws (I'm in PA) are regarding unauthorized retention of personal info, and it can be interpreted as identity theft. I wrote them another letter, telling them that I would take further legal steps if necessary; within ten days, I not only had a confirmation letter but they also refunded me the balance on my WT and LB subscriptions. I'm betting that my member card is probably still in the box - I suppose I'll find that out next month when they start contacting people for their contribution campaign. Source
A couple of extra steps: Access your account through the online portal; I believe you can change your name and phone number there. Make it not-yours.
If any SGI members continue to contact you, feel free to send them something like this:
Dear ,
I am surprised and concerned that you should send me a message when I have formally handed in my resignation letter to the SGI, and have asked them to delete my information from their records.
The fact that yourself, as a membeleader, of the organisation should send me a message would appear to breach the data protection regulations because neither SGI members, nor its leaders have my legal consent to hold my contact information or contact me.
I urge you to delete my contact details as soon as possible and to avoid the illegal retention of my personal data.
Here's another option:
Yesterday I submitted formally (hand delivered and mailed) my resignation letter to the HQ in Santa Monica. My attorney wrote it and made it very powerful, basically saying... “ to whom it may concern Upon receiving this letter you must cease and desist all contact with X. Any form of communication is unsolicited and unwarranted. Please delete and destroy any information you have on him in your database. You may not share any information of his through any means of communication. Failure to abide by these requests will result in swift and immediate legal action."
I didn’t even tell anyone I was considering leaving. To them it’s like they will be getting it out of the blue from a member they thought was up and coming and becoming more and more dedicated. I feel like this was pretty harsh, but at least it was a clean break and now there is no going back. Time to turn that chapter of my life. Source
Now, as to your gohonzon, altar, and misc. SGI paraphernalia, those are all yours to do with as you please. You can keep it all if you like (since you paid for it); you can give it away, recycle it, throw it away, donate it, or burn it in a bonfire! The sky's the limit!
Note that we only have resignation instructions for SGI-USA and SGI-UK at this time - if anyone has similar information from any other countries, please let us know. We'll edit it into this post.
You can see the instructions for how to officially resign from SGI-UK here - you'll be invoking the UK's 1998 Data Protection Act.
I also recommend that you review this: WHY won't they believe us when we explain why we left?
You should not expect that ANYONE within SGI will affirm your decision to leave. To the cult mindset, there is never any acceptable reason to quit, yet 95% to 99% of SGI-USA members have quit anyway. If you try to explain, they will argue. They will talk down to you as if you're a rebellious child insisting upon eating candy for dinner. They will say, "If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you", but you'll notice they never ask YOU a question - they keep themselves in the position of authority. They expect YOU to need them and seek THEIR counsel, which they'll dispense from high up on their Gakkai thrones. They believe that you will see your life go to hell, understand just how wrong you were to leave, and come crawling back, begging for forgiveness. They'll be watching and waiting for that, in fact, and telling each other, "Any day now..."
- Some former SGI members have reported success using emails; the above information for the resignation letter can be adapted for an email if you so choose. If you have any trouble with this, please let us know.
submitted by BlancheFromage to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

I put together a quick rundown/guide on the different kinds of ISAs

Hi everyone, with the aim of providing value first and asking for support second, here's a post for those of you'd like an explainer on ISAs, aka Individual Savings Accounts.
Tax-free savings and investments
ISAs are savings accounts the UK Government introduced in 1999. They were designed to allow the everyday person to save money and shelter it from tax (income and capital gains). This means any gains or growth your cash has in these accounts is not subject to any extra tax. All the money in the account remains yours.
You can both save cash and invest into ISAs and you're not restricted on how much you withdraw (always check the terms of your ISA provider).
You are however restricted to how much you can save each year. As of April 6th 2020, you’re capped at £20,000 split across the 4 different ISA types.
Which ISA is right for me?
Not all ISAs are created equal. If you’re struggling to understand which ISA you should open, consider the below.
Saving into an ISA over a long period of time is immensely powerful for your family.
The ins and outs of each ISA:
  1. Cash ISAs are the simplest ISA account. You simply pay cash into it and you will receive an interest rate from the ISA provider that you have opened the account with.
This might be a bank or a building society, and some of the investment management sites – like Money Box – will offer cash ISAs too.
The rate of interest you receive in Cash ISAs at the moment is pretty low.
The highest rate on Compare the Market was 1%, though high street banks like Halifax or Barclays only offer 0.05 – 0.1%.
In exchange for higher interest rates, there may be restrictions on when you can access your money, so watch out for that.
Some require that you lock your money away for a set period. Your cash is easily accessible in the instant access accounts, but the rate is lower.
  1. Stocks and Shares ISA is an account that allows you to invest in ‘qualifying investments’. Qualifying investments include funds, stocks and shares, investment trusts and bonds.
Stocks and shares ISAs give you the best chance of maximising your wealth over the long term because your money has the potential to grow with the stock market. Always remember that when investing in financial markets, the value of your investments can go down as well as up.
It’s important to set monthly investment goals and stick to them if you want to benefit from the compounding effects of money over time.
  1. Lifetime ISA was a bonus prize announced by the government in 2016 that allows savers to put money into an account to save specifically for a first-time home purchase or for retirement.
The limit you can save is £4,000 a year, but the government will give you a 25% bonus at the end of each year depending on how much you save.
The money can be saved in either cash or stocks and shares and withdrawn when you buy a first home, or you get to 60 years old.
There are also rules in place for withdrawing if you become terminally ill.
You can open a Lifetime ISA if you are between 18-40 years old, and continue to save with a 25% bonus until you are 50.
After that point, the money still grows but you can’t put any more into it, and there are no more 25% freebies.
One thing to note is that this £4,000 is part of your total £20,000 allowance, not an additional amount.
  1. Innovative Finance ISA is the last in the list of adult ISA accounts.
This is an ISA account that is similar to a cash ISA or stocks and shares ISA but is designed to be used for peer-to-peer lending.
Peer-to-peer lending is a way for people to lend money to individuals or businesses. It links borrowers and lenders together.
A borrower might be an individual or a company and a lender would be anyone willing to offer money.
With an innovative finance ISA you would be the one lending money, and in return you would get a better rate on your money, more than a cash ISA.
  1. Junior ISA accounts are the most powerful ISA accounts
The 4 accounts discussed above are for your own personal use. The Junior ISA is an account designed for saving for your children.
It can be either a cash or stocks and shares account. You can set one up when your kids are born and the money you save will not transfer to them until they are 18 years old.
18 years of saving and growing is an exceptionally long time.
There is an annual allowance of £9,000 per year, but it doesn’t mean you have to save anywhere near that level.
Parents and parental guardians can open a Junior ISA on behalf of a child, but the best part is that anyone can save money into the account. A nice place to keep all that birthday money from generous grandparents.
All those savings will all add up and could be transformative for your child 18 years later. They’ll have a sense of financial freedom that most of us will never have experienced growing up.
Imagine going to university with a buffer account for all those horrible living expenses, or even just to pay for the course.
The Junior ISA might fund a first flat deposit, or first car, or give the required funding to get a startup idea off the ground.
Imagine the feeling of pride when you hand that account over and are comfortable in the knowledge that you have done everything you can to support your children’s financial future.
Reap the rewards of long-term saving
ISA accounts can be set up in minutes and you don't need loads of money to do it. With tax-free benefits, time on your side, a clear goal and a sensible monthly saving plan, you can build wealth for both yourself and your family.
Think about what your goals are and what you want to build wealth for.Think about saving as a monthly cost or a bill, a bill that you have control of.It can be as little or as large as you like, just start now.
Remember – whether you save £50 or £50,000 - the aim is to unlock the power of long-term saving to hit milestones and make memories. Set the right processes, and get back to living.
If you're a fan of this kind of info, consider joining us on here: Sustainably jargon-free money guides
submitted by Formal-Interest to UKPersonalFinance [link] [comments]

[Sun, Dec 06 2020] TL;DR — This is what you missed in the last 24 hours on Reddit


Japanese spacecraft successfully returns asteroid sample to Earth
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‘We won’t be cash cows’: UK students plan the largest rent strike in 40 years
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Uganda police say they regret firing live bullets that killed more than 50 people during demonstration against the arrest of opposition politician Bobi Wine
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A teacher who turned his home into a PPE factory during the pandemic was honored with a new car
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Little pygmy possum discovered on Kangaroo Island after fears bushfires had wiped them out
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7 nursing home COVID-19 deaths reported after staff attended wedding
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Drinking alcohol blocks the release of norepinephrine, a chemical that promotes attention, when we want to focus on something, in the brain. This may contribute to why drinkers have difficulty paying attention while under the influence.
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CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing successful for a patient with Sickle Cell Disease and another patient with transfusion dependent β-Thalassemia - More than a year later, both patients had clinically improved and no longer needed blood transfusions. (NEJM, 5 Dec 2020)
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Promising material can store solar energy. Researchers studying a crystalline material have discovered it has properties that allow it to capture energy from the sun. The energy can be stored for several months at room temperature, and it can be released on demand in the form of heat.
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Jupiter and Saturn this December
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Last Sunday, I captured my most detailed International Space Station lunar transit photograph to date, using a 10” telescope! The ISS transited the face of the moon in 0.56 seconds.
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A piece of the asteroid Ryugu in a container that was made on Earth, launched to space, and returned back here after travelling 5240 million kilometres in interplanetary space.
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CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing successful for a patient with Sickle Cell Disease and another patient with transfusion dependent β-Thalassemia - More than a year later, both patients had clinically improved and no longer needed blood transfusions. (NEJM, 5 Dec 2020)
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Jeff Bezos says Blue Origin's rocket engine is going to land the first woman on the moon, after successful test
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Spatial Atom Layer Deposition (SALD) makes batteries three times more powerful and charge five times faster
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If Santa was real, what would be the best explanation as to why he delivers expensive gifts to rich people and inexpensive gifts to poor people?
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Ex-Prisoners of Reddit, what was the worst thing you saw inside the prison walls?
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People who jerk off every day, how do you find new porn so it doesn't get boring?
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TIL In 2009 John Kane found a vulnerability in video poker machines that would allow him to cash out winning hands at a much higher bet amount than he actually wagered. Since it was determined that he was simply pressing buttons that he was allowed to press, he was able to keep the money.
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TIL that for a while in the 2010s, you could rent the country of Liechtenstein on Airbnb for $70,000 a night. This included hanging out with the monarch, temporary currency, the ability to rename streets and a key to country.
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TIL that the Japanese, other than nobles or samurai class families, did not have surnames until 1868, when the government required commoners to adopt surnames. Names were chosen based on locations, occupations, or simply were made up, explaining the diversity in Japanese surnames (100,000+ present).
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[OC] Solar system planets size
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[OC] The Average Color of every state flag of the USA and Territories
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Gifts my true love gave me over Christmas, I'll take the gold but maybe next year take it easy on the birds [OC]
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Update: 5 years ago, my gf burned water. Today...
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I'm 16 and I made an entire meal on my own.
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I figured out a zero waste way to make chicken broth that makes our dogs happier.
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[I ate] bourbon chicken
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[homemade] crunch wrap
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[Homemade] Japanese Potato Curry
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Peter Jackson Fixed Visual Inconsistencies While Remastering The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy In 4K
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Actor David Lander, best known as Squiggy on the ABC sitcom “Laverne & Shirley,” died Friday evening at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, his family confirmed to Variety. He was 73.
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The Santa Clause (1994) is a horrifying movie from the Moms perspective.
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A Moment of Self Reflection, Romain Laurent, Photoshop, 2020.
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Refuse, Courtney White, Digital, 2020
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‘Star Wars: Kenobi’ Is Filming In Boston… England, Not Massachusetts
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'Laverne & Shirley' 'Squiggy' Star David Lander Dead at 73 from Multiple Sclerosis
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Julia Louis-Dreyfus suggests Veep could return to TV screens
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My friend’s wedding photo last year from South Korea. (Simplicity 🤍)
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A perfectly cooked marshmallow
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"This is fine"
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Sun - I captured this huge sunspot which is the size of 3 Earths from my house with an h-alpha filter and a telescope, the atmosphere of the sun is so violent! watch the plasma fall back by the enormous gravity of the sun
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My partner really knows how to light a Christmas tree [time lapse]
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The ol' razzle dazzle
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How To Become a Certified Data Scientist at Harvard University for FREE
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This Christmas tree farm has Newfies that will cart your tree to your car for you
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The ball from my pen fell out while writing
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This wheelchair-accessible picnic table
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The first ever documented case of biofluorescence in Tasmanian devils was captured tonight at the Toledo Zoo.
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spacex boosters coming back on earth to be reused again
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Mosaics of a Roman villa were found under a vineyard in Negrar, Italy
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[OC] Wait... more playlists?!
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This is Yoda. Yoda likes tomatoes.
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Did the photographer pull his penis out?
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Please enjoy these ducks changing their minds
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Phoebe’s weight loss journey is going well
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When you don’t want to wet your paws
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Random Subreddit of the day: outwardgame

These are its 3 top posts of all time:
My first experience in the game
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Lost all my stuff to a bug, Dev was kind enough to join my game and manually give all my stuff back.
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Cowardice is a viable strategy
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submitted by _call-me-al_ to RedditTLDR [link] [comments]

S&P 1700 within 6 Months

This is a new post after some interest in a comment why I believed the S&P is going to 1700.
Update 3: I am going to limit my answers in the comments guys; as the post becomes more popular it is becoming more diluted with snark etc. I don't expect anyone to follow my opinions; I just want to share one aspect of why I am making the trades I am. I maybe wrong. Random walk and all that..
Original Disclaimer: This is based on historical precedence and we are in unprecedented times but, with history as our guide a strong argument can be made for the S&P to decline to a level that is currently inconceivable. I have disclosed all my positions near the bottom.
Update 1: Slightly long; happy to be challenged in the comments, it is late in the UK (2am) so may tidy it up and add more references and charts tomorrow. Update 2: Have expanded the post to answer as many comments and requests for references wherever possible and tagged in the requestors.

Intro: Are we in a recession?

If you believe so, or that we are heading into a recession then there are four things needed to support a genuine rally out of a recession

We are missing 2 out of those 4 criteria; the overwhelming monetary and fiscal policy (world-records) are compensating for lack of positive indicators and volatile and bullish pricing.

What do you mean by pricing?

It can be argued that the current price of stocks is not discounting for the acute and likely chronic harm to consumer sentiment and spending power. For example; the UK clothing retailer Next Group closed their bricks and mortar stores (share price increased 4%) then they cancelled all online shopping (share price increased 3%) and finally they cancelled all orders with their supply chain (shares leapt 12.8% during the rally.) There is the massive amount of second, third and fourth order effects that this one company does to the UK economy (and Turkish factories). Suppliers, shipping, design, marketing etc all cancelled and the staff furloughed.
This is one example but the indexes are currently full of similar examples and some analysts are ringing the alarm bells.

Lazard Asset Management are concerned that the pandemic “will persist longer than many investors suspect and that the economic damage will be deeper and potentially longer-lasting”.
Reddit is quick to mention that stonks only go up but there is some truth to that sentiment at present since any negative factors are dismissed as being priced in and all positive factors are heralded as a cause for stocks to rally. If priced in was accurate then we would not see record-beating market rallies back to back. 10% volatility swings over 48 hours is the very definition of not priced in.
There is evidence to suggest that, well, the bullish sentiment is wrong and mainly because it is retail investors being taken for a ride whilst funds re-balance and offload.
Retail traders "buying the dips" is normally a contrarian signal, meaning that it's time to sell. This section is for u/lntoIerant in response to a comment.

Edit to answer some comments about this portion thus far.

Do retail investors move the market?
Are retail investors buying in greater volumes?
Are retail investors dumb money?

What does this have to do with the S&P dividend and the EPS?

Major indexes are comprised of stocks that pay handsome dividends; normally 2% yield a year. The companies have reached their limit of growth (HSBC haven't discovered 5 million new customers and Shell are not finding new fossil fuels) so investors hold the stock for income-seeking reasons.
The FTSE 100 was priced in to generate £89 billion in dividends for 2019 and £90 billion+ in 2020. That has largely collapsed.
The only companies that pay dividends are those taking on debt to do so like Shell. And they have; a 10Bn credit line to maintain dividends. The Bank of Englandhad to slap 5 UK banks from issuing dividends at this time. That means that their primary valuations as income-generating stocks are questionable...
...especially since the dividends are not expected to return to the 2020 levels for another 10 years now. Edit to add: This portion is taken from the market report by BNY Mellon. You can see the chart here. The analyst is John Velis of BNY. Thanks to u/flash_aaaah_ahhhhh for prompting me.

“By 2021, the market expects dividends per share for the S&P 500 to be down to under $38 per share (a staggering 41 per cent drop from recent highs of approximately $63 per share) and then to start slowly rising again. Going out 10 years to 2030, the expectation is that dividends will just about recover to pre-Covid-19 levels.”

Main body: Onto the S&P

In 2021 the market expects the dividends per share for the S&P to be reduced to $38 per share. That is priced in and common knowledge.
That is a 41% drop from the recent highs of $63 a share and seems alarming for income seeking investors since we are not expected to recover to those prices for 8-10 years. Source.
But DataTrek have noted that we are still currently trading at 21X the trailing 10 year earnings of $122 a share.
Dividends per share normally don't fall as far as earnings per share. But they are inverted at present.
For the S&P to be trading at 2,650 level (or even higher) it means the market does not believe the pandemic or recession will have any long-term damage. That puts us squarely at odds with items 3 and 4 in our list of factors needed to exit a bear market.

Talk to me about 2008!

Thanks to u/mister_woody for asking for more data.

In other recessions, including 2008, the dividend price per share drops approximately 12-15% but the earnings per share drop by considerably more; as much as 85%.
That means that in 2008 financial crisis and subsequent bear market; the dividends per share dropped by a lower percentage amount than the total index value drop.
You can see that in this chart here.

Right now, we have the reverse. Dividend share drop in this market is 41% (which is chilling) and market drop was approximately only 30% and rallying heavily back to the mid-20's only. That makes no financial sense unless the assets were being propped up by buyers...

If the S&P follows the same playbook at 2008-9, then we would expect to see levels of around 1400 at the bottom but that seems extremely bearish expecting that this crisis is worse than 2008.
If previous indications hold true, then we would expect the S&P to drop by approximately 50-60%ish at the true bottom to reflect the 41% decrease in expected shares plus additional discounts and negative market sentiment.
In reality, we are probably likely to pull back to between 13X and 15X trailing average which puts the S&P between 1600 (low side) and 1800 (high side).

You are putting a lot of faith in a re-run of the 2008 crisis

I am. No doubt about it. After October 2008, stocks fell for another four months, piling up 40% of losses before the recently ended bull market began in March 2009.

New market indicators

Since I wrote this post, the DJIA was up over 4% and closed down on the day.
Thank you to theTwitter feed of Jim Bianco for this: Since 1925 (95 yrs!), up more than 4% and closing down on the day has happened only one other time ... Oct 14, 2008 (Tsy Sec Hank Paulson forced the banks to take TARP money). The S&P 500 was up 3.5% at the high and closed down on the day. Since April 1982 (daily H,L,C began) has happened three other times...Oct 3, 08, Oct 14, 08, and Oct 17, 08.
This mkt continues to trade like Oct 08. It was six months and another 25% down before the low.
Bezinga are also playing up the 2008 similarities.

Why is bullish sentiment so wrong?

The negative reports are so wildly negative that the almost defy belief. We are dealing with insane numbers way beyond our traditional frame of reasoning. This is topped only by the insanity of the scale of quantitative easing. Less than a year ago, a small movement in the non-farm payrolls would lead to a 2-3% move in the markets; now we are hitting 700K jobs lost, a truly ugly number and the market rallies hugely. Future economic students will study this to try and understand what was happening.
In the space of weeks the majority of the Western economies have swung to being effectively state-sponsored, centralised economies and no one really knows how to unwind these positions.
It is impossible to reconcile being a bull with a centralised state economy and blue-chip stocks that refuse to pay dividends but the share price remains at the same levels as when they paid a 2% yield.
The UK forecast is for the deepest contraction since 1900. Business surveys have shown activity crashing faster in March than during the financial crisis. The Office for National Statistics has published experimental research on the impact of Covid-19 on the economy.

With entire swaths of the economy having shut down “traditional forecasting methods become irrelevant”, warned Chiara Zangarelli, economist at investment bank Nomura.
Michelle Girard, economist at NatWest, said that while there was huge uncertainty about the precise magnitude of the contraction in gross domestic product in the second quarter, “there is little doubt that it will be off the scale”
That is not a bullish sentiment. It means markets are acting irrationally since fundamentals are being dismissed as priced-in. In reality; nothing is priced in.



Edit to add: So, your entire thesis is totally destroyed if companies keep paying dividends?

In a nutshell.
But something else will be destroyed; the western taxpayer and future growth.

CEO said 'every pound we receive [in rates relief] will be invested in ensuring Tesco is able to support British shoppers...' That is tax payers paying a subsidy to a free-market company for the ability to shop...and also...
Mr Lewis said that the needs of savers and pension funds also needed to be considered in the debate around dividends. “We’ve thought long and hard about our responsibilities here . . . we are in a strong position to pay out for the benefit of those people

Edit to add: What about the FED and stimulus

u/tauriel81 and u/aliveintucson325 and u/100PERCENTYOLO_VEQT
OK - to truly test my own assumptions; here is my argument AGAINST my position.
The Fed have not quite printed money as Reddit loves to meme. They have issued liquidity and central banks worldwide have allowed banks to relax their requirement to hold reserves of cash. That injects money into the business world by allowing lending and borrowing to continue. It also reduces theoretical risk since the models are back within tolerance.
When the time comes they will remove the credits gradually without causing hyperinflation. They do this by paying banks not to lend back into the system by holding a % of their assets at the Federal Reserve. So they pay the banks but the banks keep the deposit at the Fed and don't pass on the liquidity to potential borrowers..gradually and sustainably.
That means the borrower of the future (home purchasers, entreprenuers etc) will have very few credit facilities available so RIP to the long-term economic growth.
We also have unprecedented government support for citizens. The largest social security welfare plan since WW2, especially in Europe.
If you believe that the Western economies can weather this storm using the bridging devices by central banks then it pays to dollar cost average into the market and keep buying the dips as a retail investor.
Lots of buoyant news from European nations and China about the slowing pandemic is overwhelming the negative leading and lagging economic indicators about economic data.
If you believe the economy can return to normal within 36 months, then it pay to be bullish and invest.
If you are day-trading, swing-trading or short-term options trading then the overwhelming market moves are likely to crush people as the system flexes under lots of volatility. You are also likely prioritising the negative news and technical analysis in your filter bubble and de-prioritising the positive news particularly when that news is fiscal or monetary policy since those things are dry, boring and incomprehensible half the time.
So you miss Fed backstops critical bankingi and instead hear UK Prime Minister in intensive care.
If you want to know what is going on...

Decide where you making a prediction. Plan your trade, trade your plan.
How do the FED take money back out of the economy?
They FED purchase the security initially to then sell it back to the asset-holder later. So the balance of credit-deficit merely swaps but by paying a small premium on the excesses that they hold, they can cushion the inflation or deflation of the currency.
So, they effectively give the bank liquidity and then remove that liquidity later by passing the asset back...but also provide a small premium to cushion the blow; 50% of the premium is then held on Federal Reserve books so that the market is not flooded with new money.
The FED previously reduced their balance sheet from $4.4 trillion to $3.7 trillion but it remains to be seen if they can unwind a position of this size.


submitted by DongusMcLongus to StockMarket [link] [comments]

Playluck Casino 130 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Playluck Casino 130 Free Spins Bonus No Deposit Required

Playluck Casino No Deposit Bonus
You have just won 130 Free Spins at Playluck Casino! This is an exclusive no deposit bonus for new players. In addition, you are entitled for a 100% welcome bonus (up to 500 EUUSD/GBP). Play your free spins on the Book of Dead slot from Play'N GO.
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Playluck Casino Review

Playluck Casino may have debuted in 2020, but its launch was explosive, and its rise has been meteoric. In such a short space of time, Playluck managed to put together a gaming library which features many thousands of titles from some of the more established and reputable providers of casino games online. It is also an online casino which is mobile-friendly, packs exciting promotions for new and already existing players alike, and is safe and secure.
Playluck Casino features twin licenses issued out of the United Kingdom and Malta. It is also a casino which is iTech Labs certified for fair gaming and is a member of both the BeGambleAware.org and Problem Gambling programs. Predominantly catering to players in Europe and the UK, this online casino can be played in English, German, Norwegian and Finnish.

Playluck Casino Bonuses and Promotions

New players are going to be eligible to snap up a welcome bonus, just as you might expect. In the case of Playluck Casino, this welcome bonus promises a match deposit cash bonus, as well as free spins on top slot games. After pocketing the welcome package, new players may wish to check out some of the other offers and deals which are available at Playluck.
The online casino is notable for monthly promotions. These change regularly, so you will want to keep tabs on the current offer. You can do this via the promotions page at the online casino. Prize draws, slot tournaments and competitions and developer-based slot deals are also part and parcel of this casino’s promotional package.
Loyalty bonuses can also be claimed at Playluck Casino. There is an exclusive VIP program in session at Playluck. Built over six-tiers (stretching from Bronze to Prestige levels) this VIP club can see players earn loyalty points when they bet on games, enjoy faster cashouts, and pocket free spins every Sunday. Other goodies can be snapped up, too, including deposit deals.
As mentioned, Playluck Casino tends to favour time-based promotions which change rather rapidly. It is always worth your while checking the promotions page to see what the latest deals at the casino currently are.
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Playluck Casino Games

From the casino’s lobby, you can opt to select between “casino” and “live casino” sections. Each section has its own dedicated games, as you might expect. These games come from the likes of 1×2 Gaming, BetSoft Gaming, Evolution Gaming, and Play ‘n Go. Microgaming, Net Entertainment, Blueprint Gaming, Red Tiger Gaming, iSoftBet, Pragmatic Play and ELK Studios are just a few of the thirty-odd providers dishing out games to players at Playluck Casino.
From the casino games lobby, you can opt to check out slot machine games and table games. While having just two genres of games doesn’t make it easy for you to find specific games, Playluck Casino has come up with another option. From the lobby, you can use the “search bar” to find slots and games.
Amongst the most popular slot games that you can play at Playluck Casino are Starburst, Gonzo’s Quest, as well as Rich Wilde and the Tome of Madness, and Rich Wilde and the Book of Dead. Twin Spin, Reactoonz, Perfect Gems, Rise of Merlin, and Grand Crown are also popular casino slot machines you can play.
The “games” section features a variety of RNG (random number generator) table games. Jacks or Better is one of a handful of video poker games you can play, while basic baccarat, blackjack, poker and roulette games can also be played. For a more authentic and realistic gaming experience, though, you may wish to pay closer attention to Playluck’s live dealer section.
Evolution Gaming provides all the live dealer games at the casino. All the games in their collection are mobile-friendly, and they span baccarat, blackjack, roulette and a handful of table poker games, as well as money wheel-based games. If you prefer a vibrant atmosphere and the competition of other players, the live casino section could be for you.

Playluck Casino Banking

Playluck Casino supports deposits made using MasterCard, Maestro, Skrill, Neteller, EcoPayz, and MuchBetter. EntroPay, Sofort, online bank transfers, Trustly, Paysafecard, Euteller, Zimpler, Instadebit, wire transfers, PayPal (UK only) and a few other options are also available. Many of these banking options can also be used to process withdrawals at the casino.
It is worth noting that deposits land instantly in your account, and you can deposit money into your Playluck Casino account free from charges. Withdrawals can also be processed freely, but they take longer to clear. There is a 2-3 day pending period on withdrawals, followed by transaction processing times of 1-24 hours (with e-wallets) up to 3-7 business days (with bank transfers).
As part of its dedication to responsible gaming, players at Playluck Casino can set deposit and wagering limits themselves. They must go through a KYC (know your customer) process before withdrawals are permitted, though. This is done to protect against identity fraud and money laundering.
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Playluck Casino Customer Support

Before you rush off to contact customer support, it is worth examining the FAQ (frequently asked questions) page at Playluck. This FAQ guide contains answers to many straightforward questions. However, if you do not find what you are looking for, you do have other options open to you in terms of obtaining assistance.
Getting in touch with Playluck Casino via telephone (020787622) is one such option. At the same time, you can seek support via e-mail ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])), and live chat. Support at Playluck Casino is available seven days a week, from 6am to 11pm GMT.


In a short space of time, Playluck Casino has equipped itself with top games from leading providers, set up an enticing promotional plan, and acquired a loyal following of fans. This is an online casino which is run by an operator (Aspire Global International, Ltd) with proven experience in the industry. All this amalgamated together leads us to believe that Playluck Casino is a trustworthy site and one which will be around for years to come. As such, Playluck comes highly recommended.
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Samosa Casino 130 free spins and $300 bonus (register now)

Samosa Casino 130 free spins and $300 bonus (register now)

Samosa Casino Free Spins and Bonuses
Register your account with Samosa Casino and receive 130 free spins! Also, get a 100% welcome bonus up to $300! This is our exclusive promotion for new players. No bonus code needed!
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Samosa Casino Review

This new casino is brought to you by N1 Interactive Ltd, who are well known for their exciting, secure, and unique platforms. We were expecting to be greeted with a savoury snack when we began our Samosa Casino reviews. But were proved wrong with this sumptuous platform, filled full of futuristic Asian creatures.
First things first, the game selection is massive and there are 4,000 titles for you to choose from. There’s a huge live casino, slots, jackpots, and scratchcards to sink your teeth into.
Bonuses come in the shape of Samosa Casino no deposit deals, weekly reloads, and extra spins. There’s also a great VIP scheme that’s open to everyone with some awesome treats.
The platform is licensed with the MGA and there are some top security features to keep you feeling safe. Payments are instant, free and there’s a good amount of methods to choose from.
Keep reading our Samosa Casino casino review to find out what else is in store for you.

Samosa Casino Casino Bonus Offer

We are always on the lookout to get you a little extra, and for your first deposit, we have secured an exclusive new casino bonus of an extra 50%. What’s more, you’ll also get an additional 25 extra Samosa Casino free spins.
There are no restrictions on these bonuses, so you can wager, win, and withdraw whatever you like.
  • Minimum deposit: €15.
  • Wagering requirements: 40x for deposit bonus and spins.
Relevant T&C’s: Bonus activation duration 3 days from the first deposit. Once claimed you have 7 days to complete wagering. Max bonus bet permitted €5. Please read all the other terms before activating the offers.
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Other Bonuses and Promotions

Once you have used up the welcome offer, you’ll then be able to claim any of these great bonuses. There’s a good selection with something to suit all kinds of players.

VIP Program

Entry onto this 6 tier scheme is automatic on your first deposit, so no one needs to feel left out. You will score points with your real money wagers. And for each new level, you’ll scoop a reward of up to 250 Samosa Casino free spins no deposit required. Other treats are gadget gifts, up to 17% weekly cashback, and fun surprises along the way.

Daily Reload Bonus

This one will reward your deposits with 25% up to €100 every day. Giving you more of a reason to log back in and more chances to win.

Friday Bonus Spins

Make a deposit on the best day of the week and claim up to 100 bonus spins.

Weekly Tournaments

Join the weekly fun and score points by playing selected games, for a chance to win cash from a prize pool of €2,000. There are also other goodies at stake, with bundles of Samosa Casino 20 free spins, and extra VIP points.

Samosa Casino Withdrawals

Once you have hit the confirm button your winnings will be processed instantly. We are always super happy when we discover this, and you can carry out your casino payments in a multitude of currencies.
Great to see that Indian Rupees are accepted too, and the minimum payment amounts are low. Skrill and Neteller users can also enjoy any of the bonuses without penalty.
  • Standard currencies accepted: EUR, USD, CAD, NZD, NOK, PLN, RUB, JPY, KZT, and INR.
  • Minimum deposit amount: €10.
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: €10.

Deposits & Withdrawal Methods Available at Samosa Casino

There are some great trustworthy payment options at this new casino. Samosa seems to have all angles covered when it comes to international players. With the majority of options available to all countries.
You can choose from many eWallets for instant payments, bank transfers, and of course, the major debit/credit cards are accepted. All deposits and withdrawals are free too!
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Try 4,000 Samosa Casino Games

The selection of games is fantastic, and besides the video/classic slots you can sample scratchcards, jackpots, table games, and a huge live casino.
You’ll be able to try out all the new casino games 2020, and at the time of our Samosa Casino reviews, we came across no less than 40 of these. Peaky Blinders, Hotline 2, and Dog House Megaways were all featured under the ‘new games’ section.
The lobby is easy to find your way around and everything is where it should be. You can filter the games by a developer as well as trying any of the titles for fun first.


You will have no trouble finding your all-time favourites among this selection of 3,000 slots! We came across Dead or Alive II, Book of Dead, Sakura Fortune, Narcos, and The Wild Chase. Which just goes to show the sheer variety of themes on offer.
There are games to suit all bankrolls with a variety of minimum and max stakes. And there are plenty of buy-in bonuses to take a chance on.
Jackpot games can be found in their own section, and there are around 50 of these available. Arabian Nights, Mega Fortune Dreams, and Divine Fortune are on offer with the larger jackpots. But there are some interesting less well-known games to enjoy such as Jackpot Express.

Live Casino

With a few hundred games to choose from, there should be something here to suit all live casino tastes. You will be able to take a seat at all the traditional tables, with some exciting twists thrown in. Like Blackjack Party, 24/7 Roulette, and live dealer Caribbean stud poker.
If you fancy a more laid-back live game then there are the popular variations from the award-winning Evolution Gaming.

Software Developers Found at Samosa Casino

The selection of casino software providers is fantastic, and the largest names in the industry can be found here. NetEnt, Play’N Go, and Quickspin are perhaps the most well known. Delivering games with outstanding quality, great fun factors, and various themes.
There are also several smaller developers offering up interesting games, with something new for you to try out. Take your pick from Playtech and NYX to name but a few.
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Look & Feel of Samosa Casino

The theme is a futuristic Asian one and the site is filled with unusual cartoon creatures. The graphics are beautiful and the site feels very professional. There isn’t any clutter on any of the pages, and the menus at the top of the page are simple to use.
There are live feeds so that you can keep up to date with recent winners and jackpot totals. The legal info can be found at the bottom of the page as well as the licensing info. The site can also be viewed in multiple languages.

Licenses & Restricted Countries

This new platform is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority. Giving you a supreme level of reassurance when it comes to your safety. The only downside is that there are a lot of restricted countries and of course, there isn’t a Samosa Casino UK platform.
Restricted countries: Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Estonia, Israel, France, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States of America, Gibraltar, and Jersey.

Customer Support

Casino customer support is open on an around the clock basis. And you can contact the team by email or live chat. There isn’t the option to phone which is a bit of a shame, though it seems that many new online casinos are moving away from this. There are lots of FAQs to help you out and we found the support agents were helpful and friendly.

Samosa Casino FAQs

1. Is Samosa Casino legit?

100%. The platform holds an MGA license meaning that it’s super legit. N1 Interactive Ltd has also been around for many years and operates several other platforms.

2. Can I claim a Samosa Casino with no deposit bonus?

Yes! These are offered as part of the VIP program, which you will be entered automatically with your first deposit.

3. Is it free to withdraw at Samosa Casino?


4. Are the games fair?

The games have all been independently tested for fairness and payout ratios by ItechLabs. As well as being audited by the MGA regularly.

5. Will I need a bonus code to claim the welcome offer?

No, the bonuses and spins are added automatically with each of your first 3 deposits.

6. Can I play games on my mobile?

Yes! The site is fully mobile-friendly, just launch a web browser on your device and log in.

7. Will I be eligible for a bonus if I deposit with Skrill/Neteller?

Yes! There are no restrictions when it comes to this and you can claim any of the offers.

8. What are the minimum deposit and withdrawal amounts?

They are both €10.

9. Where is SamosaCasino based?

On the island of Malta in the EU.

10. Will I need to verify my account?

Yes, you will need to do this on your first withdrawal. You will receive an email from the KYC team, requesting a photo ID, proof of address, and proof of payment method.
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[Ethical investing UK] I put together a quick rundown/guide on the different kinds of ISAs

Hi everyone, with the aim of providing value first and asking for support second, here's a post for those of you in the UK who'd like an explainer on ISAs, aka Individual Savings Accounts.
Tax-free savings and investments
ISAs are savings accounts the UK Government introduced in 1999. They were designed to allow the everyday person to save money and shelter it from tax (income and capital gains). This means any gains or growth your cash has in these accounts is not subject to any extra tax. All the money in the account remains yours.
You can both save cash and invest into ISAs and you're not restricted on how much you withdraw (always check the terms of your ISA provider).
You are however restricted to how much you can save each year. As of April 6th 2020, you’re capped at £20,000 split across the 4 different ISA types.
Which ISA is right for me?
Not all ISAs are created equal. If you’re struggling to understand which ISA you should open, consider the below.
Saving into an ISA over a long period of time is immensely powerful for your family.
The ins and outs of each ISA:
  1. Cash ISAs are the simplest ISA account. You simply pay cash into it and you will receive an interest rate from the ISA provider that you have opened the account with.
This might be a bank or a building society, and some of the investment management sites – like Money Box – will offer cash ISAs too.
The rate of interest you receive in Cash ISAs at the moment is pretty low.
The highest rate on Compare the Market was 1%, though high street banks like Halifax or Barclays only offer 0.05 – 0.1%.
In exchange for higher interest rates, there may be restrictions on when you can access your money, so watch out for that.
Some require that you lock your money away for a set period. Your cash is easily accessible in the instant access accounts, but the rate is lower.
  1. Stocks and Shares ISA is an account that allows you to invest in ‘qualifying investments’. Qualifying investments include funds, stocks and shares, investment trusts and bonds.
Stocks and shares ISAs give you the best chance of maximising your wealth over the long term because your money has the potential to grow with the stock market. Always remember that when investing in financial markets, the value of your investments can go down as well as up.
It’s important to set monthly investment goals and stick to them if you want to benefit from the compounding effects of money over time.
  1. Lifetime ISA was a bonus prize announced by the government in 2016 that allows savers to put money into an account to save specifically for a first-time home purchase or for retirement.
The limit you can save is £4,000 a year, but the government will give you a 25% bonus at the end of each year depending on how much you save.
The money can be saved in either cash or stocks and shares and withdrawn when you buy a first home, or you get to 60 years old.
There are also rules in place for withdrawing if you become terminally ill.
You can open a Lifetime ISA if you are between 18-40 years old, and continue to save with a 25% bonus until you are 50.
After that point, the money still grows but you can’t put any more into it, and there are no more 25% freebies.
One thing to note is that this £4,000 is part of your total £20,000 allowance, not an additional amount.
  1. Innovative Finance ISA is the last in the list of adult ISA accounts.
This is an ISA account that is similar to a cash ISA or stocks and shares ISA but is designed to be used for peer-to-peer lending.
Peer-to-peer lending is a way for people to lend money to individuals or businesses. It links borrowers and lenders together.
A borrower might be an individual or a company and a lender would be anyone willing to offer money.
With an innovative finance ISA you would be the one lending money, and in return you would get a better rate on your money, more than a cash ISA.
  1. Junior ISA accounts are the most powerful ISA accounts
The 4 accounts discussed above are for your own personal use. The Junior ISA is an account designed for saving for your children.
It can be either a cash or stocks and shares account. You can set one up when your kids are born and the money you save will not transfer to them until they are 18 years old.
18 years of saving and growing is an exceptionally long time.
There is an annual allowance of £9,000 per year, but it doesn’t mean you have to save anywhere near that level.
Parents and parental guardians can open a Junior ISA on behalf of a child, but the best part is that anyone can save money into the account. A nice place to keep all that birthday money from generous grandparents.
All those savings will all add up and could be transformative for your child 18 years later. They’ll have a sense of financial freedom that most of us will never have experienced growing up.
Imagine going to university with a buffer account for all those horrible living expenses, or even just to pay for the course.
The Junior ISA might fund a first flat deposit, or first car, or give the required funding to get a startup idea off the ground.
Imagine the feeling of pride when you hand that account over and are comfortable in the knowledge that you have done everything you can to support your children’s financial future.
Reap the rewards of long-term saving
ISA accounts can be set up in minutes and you don't need loads of money to do it. With tax-free benefits, time on your side, a clear goal and a sensible monthly saving plan, you can build wealth for both yourself and your family.
Think about what your goals are and what you want to build wealth for. Think about saving as a monthly cost or a bill, a bill that you have control of. It can be as little or as large as you like, just start now.
Remember – whether you save £50 or £50,000 - the aim is to unlock the power of long-term saving to hit milestones and make memories. Set the right processes, and get back to living.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this, I share more guides like this in a newsletter: Sustainably jargon-free money guides
submitted by Formal-Interest to greeninvestor [link] [comments]

Unibet Casino Free Spins and No Deposit Bonus (Register)

Unibet Casino Free Spins and No Deposit Bonus (Register)

Unibet Casino Free Spins and Welcome Bonus
Join Unibet Casino and Sports today and qualify for 200 free spins welcome bonus! On top of that, get $10 free bet on sportsbook, 200% cash-match bonus and more! Visit the Unibet landing page with bonuses and select your best offer.
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Slots & Jackpots

Slots is the largest category at Unibet. There are over 900 options with plenty of themes to choose from including Vegas slots, film and TV, music, fantasy games and more. Beyond just gameplay, players can also easily filter the selection based on the potential pay-out of each game.
We found the top jackpot game for Unibet to be Mega Moolah – an iconic slot which boasts the highest jackpot of any progressive game out there. The average pay-out is usually around 7,1 € million, although the game has been known to award double that amount. Mega Moolah has always been a favourite for players because it offers not just one, but four jackpots – making it a real hit among the high rollers.
The second largest jackpot comes from Atlantean Treasures Mega Moolah which was released in February 2020 by Microgaming. This is the developer’s first Mega Jackpot slot in over a decade since the original Mega Moolah. We were impressed to see it within Unibet’s library, the casino is clearly hot on the trails of the next big game.

Live Dealer Games

Unibet’s live casino is powered by Evolution Gaming and harnesses the latest in live dealer technology. The games selection includes classics like roulette, blackjack and poker as well as quirky additions like Deal or No Deal and Monopoly. All of the table games come with a live croupier who deals the cards and interacts with the players – this definitely adds to the excitement of the game. We also found the video quality to be crystal clear and the streaming service to keep up with the action of the game.
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Banking Options

Unibet has a good selection of deposit options that should cover just about everyone. The most popular options will likely be your bank card, paysafecard, and the major e-Wallets including PayPal, Neteller and Skrill. You can also pay via Trustly or a bank transfer and even use ApplePay, which is a convenient option we don’t see too often.
You can usually withdraw funds using the same method you used to deposit. Typically, you can expect to receive a Neteller or Skill withdrawal within 12-hours, and a credit or debit withdrawal within 3-5 working days. There are also no withdrawal fees whatsoever, which means everything in a player’s account is theirs to keep.

Security and Fair Play

Experience and reputation go a long way in the world of online betting, and Unibet is one of the most trusted names in the industry. Operated by Platinum Gaming, the casino is licenced by both the UK Gambling Commission and the Government of Gibraltar. This not only means that the site is legally allowed to accept players from the UK and around the world, but also that all the games at Unibet are fully regulated.
All information sent to and from the Unibet site is encrypted using 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. The SSL certificate used is issued and certified by Trustwave, a leader in cybersecurity in data protection. To put it plainly, Unibet’s system fully protects all personal data and does not allow information to be shared with third parties.
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Unibet Customer Support

Unibet also has its own help centre where players can quickly find an answer to any query they may have. This includes a lengthy list of FAQs as well as an email address and phone number which can be used to contact the operator 24/7. For a speedier response, players can also take advantage of their live chat feature which connects to a real customer support agent. All in all, we found that Unibet offer friendly, helpful responses and do their best to respond in a timely manner.

Unibet Mobile Casino

There’s a lot to like about Unibet’s mobile options. The operator has separate apps for the casino, sportsbook, poker and lottery games. All four are available for both iOS and Android devices and offer a very similar gameplay to the desktop version. In regards to the casino app, Unibet’s gaming providers have optimised the vast majority of the games for the small screen. The colours and graphics of each game still pops like on desktop, and the functionality is often enhanced just for touchscreen.
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FUNBET Casino & Sportsbook 50 free spins bonus code

FUNBET Casino & Sportsbook 50 free spins bonus code
FUNBET Casino Gratis Spins and Free Bonus
Open your account with FUNBET Casino and get 50 free spins on deposit! Also, get up to $200 free credits in welcome bonus. Exclusive bonus codes apply. Click on the promo link below.
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FunBet Casino Review

Funbet is a new, exciting online gambling spot that offers both casino games, and sports betting options. It was launched in August 2020, and although it has a long way to go to join the likes of the industry leaders, it is backed by a respected company, which drastically increases the odds of becoming a well-recognised brand. FunBet is Genesis Global’s first venture into the sports betting, so let’s see how well it has handled the task of stacking everything under one roof.

Layout and Navigation

Sports, Live Betting, Casino, and Live Casino tabs are found right at the top of the main page. Depending on the tab you choose, you will either get a list of sports events to wager on or previews of the latest and the greatest online casino games. The bottom of the main page is where you will find licensing information, contact us information as well as general T&C.

Bonuses for Casino Players and Sports Bettors

There is no shortage of bonuses for sports bettors and casino players, but be advised that you cannot claim both. You need to choose either the casino or the sports betting welcome bonus offer.
At the time of writing, sportsbook bonuses outnumber the casino bonuses. Sports betting fans are eligible for claiming a welcome bonus of up to €50, €5 freebet or a 50% combi boost. Casino players are eligible for a 100% match deposit bonus of up to €200 + 50 free spins.
The wagering requirements of the sports betting bonuses are easier to clear, but the casino bonus offer is also worth your attention. Truth be told, the bonus wagering is below the average most casinos set.
Also, note that not all games contribute equally toward clearing the wagering requirements. Last but not least, e-wallet depositors might not be able to claim the bonus offers.
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Game Selection

Genesis Global is a respected provider of online gambling services running several successful casino brands – Casino Cruise, Casino Planet, Casino Gods, to name a few. Apparently, the company has decided to set foot in the sports betting industry and that’s why FunBet is targeting mainly sports betting fans. That being said, casino players should not feel neglected, either.
Sports bettors fans have a decent selection of sports to wager on – football, basketball, e-sports, tennis, cricket cycling, handball, MMA, snooker, to name a few.
Casino players, they have nearly 2000 titles distributed into Slots, Live Casino, Table & Cards, and Jackpot Games categories. The live casino tab hosts more than 80 games you can play against a real dealer.
Most slots are playable in demo mode even before you open an account, so you can easily check if a certain slot has the features you are looking for.

Game Suppliers

Some of the game studios funbet works with are BTG, Evolution, Gamomat, iSoftBet, Microgaming, NetEnt, Play’n GO, Red Tiger, Yggdrasil.
Note that each of these suppliers has a license giving it the permission to operate in certain countries only. That’s why the games of some providers might not be playable from your country.
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Deposits and Withdrawals

Funbet accepts the most common payment methods including Visa, Maestro, zimpler, Skrill, Neteller, ecopayZ, MuchBetter, paysafe, but you will see the full list of payment mehtods available for your country on your cashier page.
The minimum deposit is €10, the max deposit for most payment methods is €5000 per transaction, except for paysafe deposits where the max deposit is limited to €300 per transaction.
The minimum withdrawal is €20. The max withdrawal is €5000 per transaction.
As confirmed by the customer care agent Eros, a deposit turnover of 1x should be fulfilled before you are allowed to cash out. In case you would like to withdraw before you turned over your deposit at least once, a 10% fee is deducted.
Beware of the administrative fee for dormant accounts, too. If you have any remaining funds and you do not log into your account for 12 consecutive months, you owe the fee.

Security and Licensing

FunBet is operated by Genesis Global Limited – a company, that is a household name in the industry. Genesis holds a MGA license, which means that FunBet is a safe online gambling spot, accessible from most EU countries. As for the UK, the UKGC authorities are currently giving Genesis a hard time and its casino brands are temporarily unavailable for UK players.
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Customer Support

Customer support is available 24/7 via live chat, phone, and email, so you may rest assured you will have someone to turn to whenever you need some assistance. The waiting times are a bit long for our liking, but hopefully, such minor setbacks will be ironed out in the future.

Mobile Casino

Nowadays, mobile compatibility is a must, and funbet offers plenty of casino games and sports events to enjoy on the go.
There is no need to download a mobile app, which saves you some storage space. The games are accessible directly in your mobile browser. For best performance, we recommend you to update your browser to the latest version and make sure you have either an unlimited mobile data plan or a strong WiFi connection nearby.


FunBet is surely a safe place where you can nurture your online gambling passion and it definitely goes to the list of the best new casinos we have reviewed lately.
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[Ethical investing UK] I put together a quick rundown/guide on the different kinds of ISAs

Hi everyone, with the aim of providing value first and asking for support second, here's a post for those of you in the UK who'd like an explainer on ISAs, aka Individual Savings Accounts.
Tax-free savings and investments
ISAs are savings accounts the UK Government introduced in 1999. They were designed to allow the everyday person to save money and shelter it from tax (income and capital gains). This means any gains or growth your cash has in these accounts is not subject to any extra tax. All the money in the account remains yours.
You can both save cash and invest into ISAs and you're not restricted on how much you withdraw (always check the terms of your ISA provider).
You are however restricted to how much you can save each year. As of April 6th 2020, you’re capped at £20,000 split across the 4 different ISA types.
Which ISA is right for me?
Not all ISAs are created equal. If you’re struggling to understand which ISA you should open, consider the below.
Saving into an ISA over a long period of time is immensely powerful for your family.
The ins and outs of each ISA:
  1. Cash ISAs are the simplest ISA account. You simply pay cash into it and you will receive an interest rate from the ISA provider that you have opened the account with.
This might be a bank or a building society, and some of the investment management sites – like Money Box – will offer cash ISAs too.
The rate of interest you receive in Cash ISAs at the moment is pretty low.
The highest rate on Compare the Market was 1%, though high street banks like Halifax or Barclays only offer 0.05 – 0.1%.
In exchange for higher interest rates, there may be restrictions on when you can access your money, so watch out for that.
Some require that you lock your money away for a set period. Your cash is easily accessible in the instant access accounts, but the rate is lower.
  1. Stocks and Shares ISA is an account that allows you to invest in ‘qualifying investments’. Qualifying investments include funds, stocks and shares, investment trusts and bonds.
Stocks and shares ISAs give you the best chance of maximising your wealth over the long term because your money has the potential to grow with the stock market. Always remember that when investing in financial markets, the value of your investments can go down as well as up.
It’s important to set monthly investment goals and stick to them if you want to benefit from the compounding effects of money over time.
  1. Lifetime ISA was a bonus prize announced by the government in 2016 that allows savers to put money into an account to save specifically for a first-time home purchase or for retirement.
The limit you can save is £4,000 a year, but the government will give you a 25% bonus at the end of each year depending on how much you save.
The money can be saved in either cash or stocks and shares and withdrawn when you buy a first home, or you get to 60 years old.
There are also rules in place for withdrawing if you become terminally ill.
You can open a Lifetime ISA if you are between 18-40 years old, and continue to save with a 25% bonus until you are 50.
After that point, the money still grows but you can’t put any more into it, and there are no more 25% freebies.
One thing to note is that this £4,000 is part of your total £20,000 allowance, not an additional amount.
  1. Innovative Finance ISA is the last in the list of adult ISA accounts.
This is an ISA account that is similar to a cash ISA or stocks and shares ISA but is designed to be used for peer-to-peer lending.
Peer-to-peer lending is a way for people to lend money to individuals or businesses. It links borrowers and lenders together.
A borrower might be an individual or a company and a lender would be anyone willing to offer money.
With an innovative finance ISA you would be the one lending money, and in return you would get a better rate on your money, more than a cash ISA.
  1. Junior ISA accounts are the most powerful ISA accounts
The 4 accounts discussed above are for your own personal use. The Junior ISA is an account designed for saving for your children.
It can be either a cash or stocks and shares account. You can set one up when your kids are born and the money you save will not transfer to them until they are 18 years old.
18 years of saving and growing is an exceptionally long time.
There is an annual allowance of £9,000 per year, but it doesn’t mean you have to save anywhere near that level.
Parents and parental guardians can open a Junior ISA on behalf of a child, but the best part is that anyone can save money into the account. A nice place to keep all that birthday money from generous grandparents.
All those savings will all add up and could be transformative for your child 18 years later. They’ll have a sense of financial freedom that most of us will never have experienced growing up.
Imagine going to university with a buffer account for all those horrible living expenses, or even just to pay for the course.
The Junior ISA might fund a first flat deposit, or first car, or give the required funding to get a startup idea off the ground.
Imagine the feeling of pride when you hand that account over and are comfortable in the knowledge that you have done everything you can to support your children’s financial future.
Reap the rewards of long-term saving
ISA accounts can be set up in minutes and you don't need loads of money to do it. With tax-free benefits, time on your side, a clear goal and a sensible monthly saving plan, you can build wealth for both yourself and your family.
Think about what your goals are and what you want to build wealth for. Think about saving as a monthly cost or a bill, a bill that you have control of. It can be as little or as large as you like, just start now.
Remember – whether you save £50 or £50,000 - the aim is to unlock the power of long-term saving to hit milestones and make memories. Set the right processes, and get back to living.
Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this, I share more guides like this in a newsletter: Sustainably jargon-free money guides
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Bitkingz Casino 20 free spins and no deposit bonus code!

Bitkingz Casino 20 free spins and no deposit bonus code!

Bitkingz Casino Review & Free Spins
Every new player to Bitkingz Casino get 20 No Deposit Free Spins via our exclusive landing page! Click on the link below, create your account and play for free. Also, enjoy 3000 EUR welcome bonus pack that is a perfect offer for high-rollers! Australia WELCOME!
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Bitkingz Casino Full Review

Bitkingz is a brand new 2020 casino that is launching exclusively through NewCasinos.com.
Their one main goal is to satisfy all your player needs. And despite being so new it already has over 3,000 games to tempt you in with, from some of the best software developers in the world.
You can sign up in minutes and get your hands on a seriously good Bitkingz casino bonus up to €3,000. And regular players can enjoy amazing reload deals, packages of Bitkingz free spins, unlimited cashback, and loads more rewards.
Crypto users are fully catered for as well as standard currencies. Payments are instant and free, and your security is looked after by the latest encryption methods.

Exclusive Bitkingz Casino Bonus

Sign up and claim our exclusive welcome bonus, which will give you far more for the money you deposit. They have pushed the ordinary 100% bonus up to a 150% bonus. Not bad, ay? This is the offer:
FIRST DEPOSIT150% up to €300 + 50 Bonus Spins Exclusive
  • Minimum deposit: €20 for standard offer
  • Wagering requirements: 45x
Relevant T&C’s: One welcome offer per player, only available to new players. All bonus funds are forfeited after 14 days. Not all games count towards 100% towards wagering. Max bonus bet €5. Live dealer games excluded from wagering of any bonuses. Please read all other terms before claiming offer.
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Other Bitkingz Bonuses and Promotions

Get some real value for money at Bitkingz, with a range of exciting promos to keep you happy all week long. With rewards and gifts to be claimed such as Bitkingz no deposit bonus, unlimited cashback, and loads more!

Wednesday Reload

Banish the midweek blues with a glorious 50% deposit deal – every week. Choose either the standard offer for a return of either €100 or a massive €1,000 with the high roller deal.


Get involved with a different tournament every week. And be in with a chance of winning cool hard cash prizes and Bitkingz free spins no deposit required.
Bitkingz also hosts the network software developer tournaments too. Giving you access to the best competitions and the biggest of prize pools that sometimes reach into the millions.

VIP program

You’ll collect points through your wagering in this simple scheme, and there are 3 levels to progress through. Giving some simply awesome rewards like Bitkingz 20 free spins every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
And unlimited weekly cashback, big deposit deals, and invites to exclusive events.
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Bitkingz Withdrawal Review

Your winnings will be processed in a speedy 4 hours and casino payments can be made in a variety of currencies. Bitcoin is available and hopefully, other cryptos will be added soon too.
Your verification documents will be requested from you at some point during your experience.
And Curacao licensed casinos are no different from any other when it comes to these. So it’s best to have them to hand, ready to send over to the team.
  • Standard currencies accepted: EUR, CAD, JPY, NOK, PLN, RUB, USD, and ZAR.
  • Cryptocurrencies accepted: BTC.
  • Minimum deposit amount: €20
  • Minimum withdrawal amount: €20

Deposits & Withdrawal Methods Available at Bitkingz

There are over 15 payment options available, though this may be less depending on which country you reside in.
Every option is covered, with eWallets, bank transfers, and credit/debit cards. You can even enjoy superior security by using one of the virtual credit cards.
The minimum payment amounts are both set at a standard of €20, and there are no fees to deposit or withdraw at any time.
Unlike many other online casinos, Skrill and Neteller users can claim the welcome offer and any other bonuses on site.
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Enjoy 3,365 Bitkingz Games

Launched in August 2020, Bitkingz has a superior amount of slots and live casino games. All found in a well laid out lobby that’s easily accessible to new players.
If a quality slot site and live dealer games aren’t your thing then there are plenty of table games, scratch cards, dice, and instant win titles to choose from.


With over 2,000 slots on offer, there’s something here to satisfy even the thirstiest of fans.
And you can filter out your favorites by provider as well as seeing all the new casino games on offer, just one click away.
You’ll easily find popular games like Starburst, Gonzos Quest and Dead or Alive as well as all your other favorites.
There are lots of different themes to choose from, as well as bonus buy-in games, various volatilities, and mechanics. Each of the slots are available to play in demo mode first, for some Bitkingz no deposit fun!
Jackpots are in good supply and you can view the total pot of cash up for grabs in the main lobby. With various games to suit all budgets and tastes.

Live Casino

This lobby features a few hundred games, with specially chosen live poker tables for your pleasures.
All the traditional table games are there like blackjack, sic bo, roulette, and baccarat too. And there are also some twists on old school favorites, like money wheel and lotto based games.

Software Developers Found at Bitkingz

With over 20 quality software developers working in collaboration with Bitkingz, you can expect to find some of the most popular games in online casinos.
The team states that they work hard to bring players the very best in entertainment, and this really shows in the variety of developers on offer.
You’ll find lots of Yggdrasil casino games, as well as NetEnt, Quickpsin, and Push Gaming. The live casino is predominantly powered by Evolution and Authentic Gaming so you can enjoy superior quality tables.
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Look & Feel of Bitkingz

The site has a really welcoming feel to it, and you’ll see lots of lucky symbols and leprechauns as you explore.
There’s a green theme running through, with pleasant visuals. Everything is organized well and as a new player, it’s easy to find your way around.
All the help you’ll need is just one click away with menus at the bottom of the pages. You can also open up a chat window whilst you’re playing any of the games, so there’s no need to interrupt your fun at any point.

Licenses & Restricted Countries

Bitkingz is registered and licensed by the Curacao gambling authority. Which offers some protection to players and opens up many overseas markets to those wishing to sign up.
Restricted countries: USA, UK, Spain, France, Netherlands, Israel, Lithuania, and Curacao.

Customer Support

As the platform is so new there aren’t any Bitkingz reviews yet from customers. But when we tested out the casino customer service, we were really impressed. Response times were fast and agents freely gave us the information we requested. So you’ll be in for some royal treatment here!
You can contact the team around the clock, by email or the live chat function at the right-hand side of each page.
Check out all the options:

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Bitkingz Casino FAQs

1. Is there a Bitkingz UK site?

Unfortunately there isn’t, due to the Curacao license UK players aren’t able to sign up at Bitkingz.

2. Is Bitkingz legit?

Yes, it is and you can be sure that any of our reviewed casinos are safe to play at. Bitkingz is licensed under the Curacao jurisdictions and uses the latest SSL encryption methods to keep you safe and sound.

3. What is the minimum withdrawal amount?


4. Where is Bitkingz based?

In Curacao.

5. What’s the maximum deposit amount?

Up to €6,000 per deposit but it depends on the payment method you are using.

6. Is there a Bitkingz mobile app?

There isn’t at the moment, though the platform is fully enabled for mobile use on all devices. A number of us tested the site for our Bitkingz casino reviews and we were pleasantly surprised. You’ll be able to play hundreds of games and carry out all your account activities just as you would on a desktop.

7. Do I need a code to claim any of the Bitkingz bonuses?

No, these are available at the point of deposit so that you can choose which one you’d like to claim. Bonuses are then added automatically after deposit.
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Ultra Casino (Pay N Play) free spins and no deposit bonuses

Ultra Casino (Pay N Play) free spins and no deposit bonuses

Ultra Casino Free Spins and No Deposit Bonus
Welcome to our Ultra Casino bonus website. This is a place where you get exclusive free spins and extra money when you register. Click on the promo link below and secure yourself a fantastic no deposit bonus. Get 1 free spin every day and win real money!
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The Ultra Casino Review

Ultra Casino is a new playground that reached the gaming world in 2020. The site enjoys a Malta Gaming Authority License and is powered by Betpoint Group Limited. Once you land at the site, you realise that the design is quite simplistic, yet easy on the eye. And the Ultra Casino team also promised you: ‘’The Supreme Experience will charge you up.’ Apart from that, if you win or lose, Ultra Casino promises to reward you daily with ample promotions.
Ulta Casino has teamed up with some of the biggest players in the industry to bring you great entertainment. Here you can binge on slots, jackpot games, live casino, table games and anything casino. The good news is that content is brought to you by some of the biggest names, the esteemed providers we all love.

Pros of Playing at Ultra Casino:

  • Fresh casino with an easy registration process
  • Daily free spin at the game of the month.
  • Simple navigation with provider filters
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Ultra Casino Bonus Information

Ultra Casino might be a new casino but has already crafted some promos to keep you playing, spinning and hopefully winning. Some of their current promos include:
  • Daily Spin at the game of the month
  • Exclusive deposit bonus for new CasinoGrounds and LetsGiveItASpin players.

Exclusive Welcome Offer and Big Win Competition for CasinoGrounds Players!

Between 17th of September and October 5th, all CasinoGrounds and Letsgiveitaspin players receive an extra boost on their first deposit.
  • Make a real money deposit, and receive 5 free-spins on Reactoonz 2 for 20 consecutive days!
  • Automatically join the daily leaderboard for a chance to get your share of €20.000 prize pool.
  • €1000 in prizes handed out daily.
For more information on the reactoonz 2 big win competition, check out our promotion below:
Terms and Conditions for CG exclusive offer
  • Free spins and cash prizes come with 10x wager
  • Only players who register through CasinoGrounds and Letsgiveitaspin are eligible for this promotion
  • Prizes are credited within one working day. (winners on Saturday and Sunday will receive their prize the Monday after)
  • Players from Sweden and Denmark and the UK are excluded.
  • Only real money screenshots/videos accepted as an entry
  • Ultra Casino full T&C apply
  • 18+, BeGambleAware.org
  • This promotion is subject to change at any time
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The Game of the Month Daily Spin

Ultra Casino chooses a game of the month to keep you enjoying some slot action. Of course, the game of the month comes along with a promo for a daily free spin. With this daily spin, you would need some luck and if the spin results in a win …you’re a winner baby! The bigger your win, the bigger the amount from the daily prize you can enjoy. Some of the prizes include:
  • 1st Prize: €800
  • 2nd Prize: €700
  • 3rd Prize: €600
  • 4th Prize: €500
  • 5th Prize: €400
Terms and Conditions for the Daily Spin Promo To be eligible for the daily spin, you would need to have made a deposit at Ultra Casino during the last 3 months. If you manage to win once of the prizes, a 21x waging requirement would need to be met for the winning amount and also the free spin win. You have a total of 21 days to reach and meet the wagering requirement. Winning funds will be credited to your Ultra Casino player account the next day before 1300hrs CET.
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Loyalty Scheme And Regular Offers

As we bring you this Ultra Casino review, the site does not offer any Loyalty Scheme to it’s devoted player. Having said that, we always encourage you to always mark all your communications options, so that the casino can contact you about promos and loyalty.

The Ultra Casino Game Lobby

Ultra Casino online, has teamed up with some of the biggest game providers to bring you supreme gaming experience. Some of the brands available to binge on include: NetEnt, Thunderkick, Blueprint Gaming, Red Tiger and many more. Below we have a look at all the available sections, and how Ultra Casino will entertain you.

New Games

Players seeking new thrills will love the New Games section. Here you will find a group of games that are new to the casino. For new fun, and something new, this is where players can hyped up and enjoy something fresh new content.


If there is one section that does not need any introduction, it has to be the slots section. Here you can enjoy some of the latest and most entertaining slot games around. To make your slot game fun simpler and smoother, you can search the games by provider.

Video Poker

A game that is getting heads turning lately is indeed video poker. The game combines the best attributes of a slot machine and a good game of poker. Welcome to the video poker section at Ultra Casino ladies and gents, the place where fun happens and wins follow you!

Live Casino

Your fun at a land-based casino is not over. The fun is now available online with Ultra Casinos live casino offering. Here you can binge on some of the best table games around, which are all manned by a live casino dealer. Tables are offered by Evolution Gaming and Pragmatic Play here and you can choose from: Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, Sic Bo, Deal or No deal and many more games.

Table Games

Table Games also have a dedicated section at Ultra Casino. Here you can enjoy tables games in a non -live setting. Games to choose from include Blackjack, Roulette and Baccarat, with the Ultra team promising to add more games soon. In the meantime, some of the choices are brought to you by NetEnt, Pragmatic Play and IsoftBet
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Customer Support And Payments

Ultra Casino has equipped the site with a detailed FAQ that covers many topics. These include:
  • Account Registration
  • Bonuses and Free Spins
  • Banking
  • KYC
  • Source of Funds
The FAQs can be located at the bottom right-hand side of your casino lobby. However if you still feel that you need some assistance, you can contact the Customer Support Team via the following channels:
Email - Drop the Customer Support Team and email on: [email protected] and they will get back to you within a couple of hours max.
Live Chat - The team can also be reached via live chat for a quicker resolution. Simply click on the chat button located at the right hand bottom side of your casino lobby to start chatting.
Contact Form - You can also fill in contact, and the team will get back to you via email with a response to your query.
Support is available between 09:00 AM to 01:00 AM CET between Monday and Sunday, and currently offered in the English Language.

Payment Methods

Ultra Casino has teamed up with some of the biggest payment providers to bring you smooth playing experience. Some of the payment methods that you can opt for include:
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Trustly
  • Skrill
  • Neteller
  • Klarna
  • Interac
Once you make a withdrawal request, there might be a fee imposed. This depends on the payment methods chosen. Worry not, as the charge will be available to see at the cashier when you request the withdrawal. The maximum daily amount that you can withdraw is $5000 / N$5000 / C$5000
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Final Thoughts and Ratings

Ultra Casino looks quite promising. We feel that the site has a great UX and make the site appealing to new players. Some work is needed in the promotions department to make sure that the casino keeps being competitive. The game selection is quite competitive and the content within the casino lobby is overflowing with potential and promise.
Although the site is new, we would love to see a loyalty program being launched in the near future. This will have players coming back for more.
Support is currently acceptable, and to take it to the next level, support would be provided on a 24/7 basis. The chat icon is now always available on the site, so best if you sent the team an email to get your query sorted and answered.
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Funbet Casino 50 free spins welcome bonus on registration

Funbet Casino 50 free spins welcome bonus on registration

Funbet Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Join Funbet Casino and Sportsbook and receive 50 free spins on new slot games. In addition, get a 100% welcome bonus up to 200 EUUSD. General T&C apply. No bonus code required.
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FunBet Casino Review

Funbet is a new, exciting online gambling spot that offers both casino games, and sports betting options. It was launched in August 2020, and although it has a long way to go to join the likes of the industry leaders, it is backed by a respected company, which drastically increases the odds of becoming a well-recognised brand. FunBet is Genesis Global’s first venture into the sports betting, so let’s see how well it has handled the task of stacking everything under one roof.

FunBet Layout and Navigation

Sports, Live Betting, Casino, and Live Casino tabs are found right at the top of the main page. Depending on the tab you choose, you will either get a list of sports events to wager on or previews of the latest and the greatest online casino games. The bottom of the main page is where you will find licensing information, contact us information as well as general T&C.
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FunBet Casino Bonuses and Promotions

There is no shortage of bonuses for sports bettors and casino players, but be advised that you cannot claim both. You need to choose either the casino or the sports betting welcome bonus offer.
At the time of writing, sportsbook bonuses outnumber the casino bonuses. Sports betting fans are eligible for claiming a welcome bonus of up to €50, €5 free bet or a 50% combi boost. Casino players are eligible for a 100% match deposit bonus of up to €200 + 50 free spins.
The wagering requirements of the sports betting bonuses are easier to clear, but the casino bonus offer is also worth your attention. Truth be told, the bonus wagering is below the average most casinos set.
Also, note that not all games contribute equally toward clearing the wagering requirements. Last but not least, e-wallet depositors might not be able to claim the bonus offers.

FunBet Casino Game Selection

Genesis Global is a respected provider of online gambling services running several successful casino brands – Casino Cruise, Casino Planet, Casino Gods, to name a few. Apparently, the company has decided to set foot in the sports betting industry and that’s why FunBet is targeting mainly sports betting fans. That being said, casino players should not feel neglected, either.
Sports bettors fans have a decent selection of sports to wager on – football, basketball, e-sports, tennis, cricket cycling, handball, MMA, snooker, to name a few.
Casino players, they have nearly 2000 titles distributed into Slots, Live Casino, Table & Cards, and Jackpot Games categories. The live casino tab hosts more than 80 games you can play against a real dealer.
Most slots are playable in demo mode even before you open an account, so you can easily check if a certain slot has the features you are looking for.
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Game Suppliers

Some of the game studios funbet works with are BTG, Evolution, Gamomat, iSoftBet, Microgaming, NetEnt, Play’n GO, Red Tiger, Yggdrasil.
Note that each of these suppliers has a license giving it the permission to operate in certain countries only. That’s why the games of some providers might not be playable from your country.

Deposits and Withdrawals

Funbet accepts the most common payment methods including Visa, Maestro, zimpler, Skrill, Neteller, ecopayZ, MuchBetter, paysafe, but you will see the full list of payment mehtods available for your country on your cashier page.
The minimum deposit is €10, the max deposit for most payment methods is €5000 per transaction, except for paysafe deposits where the max deposit is limited to €300 per transaction.
The minimum withdrawal is €20. The max withdrawal is €5000 per transaction.
As confirmed by the customer care agent Eros, a deposit turnover of 1x should be fulfilled before you are allowed to cash out. In case you would like to withdraw before you turned over your deposit at least once, a 10% fee is deducted.
Beware of the administrative fee for dormant accounts, too. If you have any remaining funds and you do not log into your account for 12 consecutive months, you owe the fee.
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Security and Licensing

FunBet is operated by Genesis Global Limited – a company, that is a household name in the industry. Genesis holds a MGA license, which means that FunBet is a safe online gambling spot, accessible from most EU countries. As for the UK, the UKGC authorities are currently giving Genesis a hard time and its casino brands are temporarily unavailable for UK players.

Customer Support

Customer support is available 24/7 via live chat, phone, and email, so you may rest assured you will have someone to turn to whenever you need some assistance. The waiting times are a bit long for our liking, but hopefully, such minor setbacks will be ironed out in the future.

FunBet Mobile Casino

Nowadays, mobile compatibility is a must, and funbet offers plenty of casino games and sports events to enjoy on the go.
There is no need to download a mobile app, which saves you some storage space. The games are accessible directly in your mobile browser. For best performance, we recommend you to update your browser to the latest version and make sure you have either an unlimited mobile data plan or a strong WiFi connection nearby.
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Something for the Weekend: How I've Earned £1200 in 2020 (so far)

Hi All
I just wanted to provide an update to my previous post about my January earnings with how I've managed to increase my BeerMoney. As I said in that post I started looking at ways of earning some money in the evenings whilst my wife is on maternity leave in the hope of earning enough for more than just beer. I just wanted to share how I've been able to earn just over £1200 in 2020 to date using links shared on Reddit, my way of giving back to a community that has helped me so much. I've also added some new sites/methods from my previous post.
Tl; Dr. Had baby. Got poor. Reddit helped. Returning the favour for someone else in need.
Breakdown of Income
As you can see below my income has been split across a variety of methods, the main earners definitely being matched betting, Clickworker and Rebatest (not strictly Beermoney but certainly worthwhile). I've also done bank switching (£175 from HSBC) but won't cover that here, however there are some good offers knocking about for that.
Trading212 offer a free share worth up to £100 if signing up to their service using a referral link from an existing user. I can't remember the Reddit user who's link I followed but I managed to get them (and myself) a free share in Ford. I've shared this link with a few places now and managed to get the full 20 referrals (my best was a share worth approximately £40 in AMD). There's no chance you're going to get a £100 share (from my experience and research) but certainly worth doing. You just need to deposit if following my referral link (although I've maxed out my benefits, you still get the free share). You can sell your share pretty much straight away, however you won't be able to withdraw the cash for 30 days (it can be reinvested though). I'd recommend waiting for the Coronavirus crash to recover before selling to maximise your earnings (no requirement to do so though).
I was looking at getting into share dealing anyway and Trading212 has been really easy (even made a small profit on some shares I bought).
Referral Link
Non-Referral Link
Matched Betting
I won't go into too much detail on this other than to say if you have any reservations about this don't worry. I've made nearly £180 so far. I signed up with HeadsandHeads, but there are other sites that walk you through it and really helps talk you through the offers and the process (I'm still learning myself but the more you do the more confident you get). I've also used TopCashBack (see below) to double up on some of the offers so always check there if they have anything that you can make the most of (BetFair in particular offered £15). There are a lot of guides on Reddit for Matched Betting. It's also a great time to start up with Cheltenham starting next week and loads of offers about.
On this, Paddy Power have a great referral offer and I'd appreciate if you could use this link, they're certainly a good bookie for offers and worthwhile signing up. I get £20 if you sign up and bet £10 with this (which you can easily turn into £7+ profit) using a matched betting guide, as well as there normal bonus offers: Referral Link Non-Referral Link
Just be careful, follow the instructions, and money is guaranteed. I've kept any liabilities relatively low so you don't need much available money to get started with this. Total BeerMoney £180.
Hopefully you all know about TopCashBack (TCB) by now but if you don't it's free money for everyday shopping. Always check it before you buy anything and you get cashback on your purchase (usually as a percentage of the purchase price). My winners recently have been from following the advice on Reddit on using Monzo, Ratesetter and Worldremit, and looking at some other free cashback offers. I've had TCB for about 8 years now and I've earned over £1200. The referrals are also constantly updated and you can offer get vouchers yourself when you sign up EDIT: There's a new offer at the minute where if you sign up using my referral you also get a £5 M&S voucher.
Referral Link
Non-Referral Link
Clickworker is a website I have been signed up to for years from my time when I was a student. I dusted off my old account and found that the UHRS can be pretty lucrative if you get on at the right time and they have available jobs. I've earned a fair bit by just doing some tasks at ¢5 a time but they quickly rack up. There are other ways to earn through surveys, app downloads and recording videos. Withdrawals can be made when the job is payable (this is job dependent). I've earned £130 so far (with another £150 waiting to be paid)
There is a clickworker referral scheme if it helps you to get set up. Total BeerMoney so far £130 (+£150 pending).
Referral Link
Non-Referral Link
Rebatest is an Amazon rebate website where you can buy things, leave a review and get 100% cashback on them. So far I've had 17 things from this website totalling £340 (minus small fees to withdraw). Highlights for me so far with this are a lightstrip (think Philips Hue) (£39.99), some Bluetooth headphones (£23.99), a humidifier for my baby's bedroom (£49.99), child's toys (£15.99, £15.99, £20.99), handheld vacuum cleaner (£33.99), car boot liner (£25.99). I've sold a few bits but most of the items I've kept.
Withdrawal to PayPal has no minimum (although there is a small fee). The item availability is limited and needs checking regularly but can be great. Also good for satisfying the need to buy new things knowing that they'll be free.
If you use my referral code you also get £5 added straight to your account which can be withdrawn after you've successfully reviewed an item. I understand from Reddit that there is some reluctance on this but I've found it to be great/ Total BeerMoney (kind of) so far £340.
Referral Link
Non-Referral Link
HoneyGain is an app that pays you for using unused network capacity. It's a slow burner but I tend to earn about 50¢-1$ a day. Withdrawal can be made to PayPal once your account has reached $20. This is a true passive earner that I have set up on my PC. This PC is on all the time anyway as a media server so I don't worry about leaving something on and its impact on electricity bills (I'm using HoneyGain to try and offset the use of the media server). You can also set this up on mobile phones. Even if you only use your phone, laptop or PC occasionally it's worth having on as it has no impact on usage.
Using this link you can get a $5 head start. Income varies daily but it is a good earner and from looking on Reddit there's a strong need for more UK users. Total BeerMoney to date £31.50.
Referral Link
Non-Referral Link
(In a similar idea I also used FluidStack to earn about £7 but they've updated the way they work and don't use Windows anymore. If you have a Linux system and a recent graphics card though you can still earn good (better than previous) money: Referral Non-Referral)
EDIT: *NEW* Ratesetter
This is another website that gives you a bonus upon signing up that I've realised has a quicker bonus than the TopCashBack route I followed. If you follow my referral then you get £20 credited to your account within 30 days if you sign up and deposit £10 (very good offer and free money which can be withdrawn once you get it credited). Alternatively there are some good offers for this on TopCashBack but you need to invest more for longer so not great for quick earning (wish I'd realised this!).
Total BeerMoney £20.
*NEW* QuickThoughts
I really like QuickThoughts to earn Amazon giftcards via an app available on Google Play Store (I assume an Apple version is also available). This is a survey app that you can use as much or as little as you want. So far I've earned £30 in Amazon giftcards. The survey availability is pretty good and they always pay 50p. They give you an approximate time for each survey (some are only 1-2 minutes), and I tend to only do surveys taking less than 10 minutes, however if you have the spare time you can earn quite a bit from this. I reckon there's at least 3-5 surveys available at any one time. Accrued surveys can be exchanged for a voucher once you've reached £10. A couple of times I've been glitched out of a survey near the end but this is rare.
Total BeerMoney (Amazon voucher) to date £30.
*NEW* London and Country
London and Country offer a free £5 Amazon voucher if you use my referral code below (I also get £5 for referring you) for using there online product finder for mortgages (or re-mortgages). I'm currently in the process of re-mortgaging so this was a very useful find as I was filling in a lot of these forms anyway. If you're in this position as well I certainly recommend it as a way of getting a free £5 (or if you're not you can still fill it in and just get the voucher). Once the form is submitted I got an email about a week later with the voucher.
I've had good experience with London and Country previously as they offer good, free advice. Total BeerMoney (Amazon voucher) £5.
*NEW* Qmee
Qmee is another survey website but also offers an interesting twist if you install it on your browser. Occasionally when searching you will get sponsored links appear and when following these you earn money. I've had this going for about 3 months and cashed out £9 so far. They also have a good selection of surveys, although from my experience they don't pay as well as QuickThoughts and the selection criteria is a little harder to meet. Still worthwhile signing up though.
Total BeerMoney £9.

It really has been quite enjoyable searching for ways to earn and certainly helped to lighten the financial burden of having a wife on maternity and having a new little person to look after.
I'm aiming to earn at least £150 a month every month this year so if you have any other suggestions please let me know. I'll happily use any referral codes for good earners and try and keep you updated on my progress and guidance throughout 2020. Next month I'm hoping to find the time to try Appen and SerpClix as these seem to be good earners. I've also tried Prolific in the past but I've never had an invite so not sure what I'm doing there despite having a full profile (if anyone has any advice let me know).
Thanks for reading
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Casino Lab Review 300 free spins + €1500 free bonus code

Casino Lab Review 300 free spins + €1500 free bonus code

Casino Lab Bonuses & Promotions
As a new player to Casino Lab, you get 300 free spins on Reactoonz and a €1500 free welcome bonus. Click on the link to reveal special promotional codes. No download required!
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Casino Lab Review

Casino Lab is the latest ambitious project of Genesis Global – a company running a dozen of online casino brands that have been going from strength to strength since their launch. Now, Genesis decided to open a “lab” where every player can make their own magical potion of entertainment and solid profits. Casino Lab is a no account casino for Finnish players and a fully-fledged casino in all other countries.

Layout and Navigation

Casino Lab has a cartoonish design with all essential information found at the top left corner of your screen. If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the main page, you will find licensing information as well as general terms and bonus policy information. To cut a long story short, the layout is user-friendly and it should not take more than a few moments to figure out how to find a certain game or a piece of information.
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Casino Lab Welcome Bonus Package, Weekly Bonuses, and more

€1500 + 300 Free Spins upon First Four Deposits
More often than not, the promotions are what makes bonus chasers open an account at a new casino or hit the close button. So, let’s see what is up for grabs at Casino Lab.
New players are eligible for receiving a welcome bonus package of up to €1500 + 300 free spins on Reactoonz. The bonuses are granted upon the first four deposits they make. Each of the four bonuses comes with a 40x wagering requirement and a €10 qualifying deposit.
Please note that Skrill and Neteller depositors are not eligible for claiming the offer.
There is also a separate 100% match deposit bonus with similar wagering requirements. The other bonuses players can claim are a weekly bonus for players who have made at least one €20 deposit during the last 7 days, and a 25% monthly bonus of up to €100.
The casino also has a VIP “lab” where you get exclusive bonuses.
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Casino Lab Game Selection

Live casino, jackpots, video slots, live roulette, classic slots, must fall jackpots, roulette, blackjack, and table games are some of the game categories. Regardless of the genre, you prefer, you will have a great range of games to choose from. What’s more, slots and table games are playable in demo mode even if you are yet to open an account, so you can easily check if it is worth it to place a real money bet on a certain game. Keep in mind that the progress you make while playing in practice mode is not carried over to the real money mode.

Game Suppliers

Microgaming, Play’n GO, Evolution, BTG, Gamomat, and Push Gaming are some of the game studios the casino works with. Each game studio operates under a different license, and that’s the reason why the games of certain providers are not accessible for players from your country.
Casino Lab Payments
Casino Lab accepts a wide range of payment methods including common ones such as Visa, MasterCard, Paysafe, Skrill, Neteller, ecoPayz, and country-specific ones such as Sofort, Boku, Euteller, Jeton.
The minimum deposit is €10. The maximum deposit is in the range €1900-€2300 per transaction.
The minimum withdrawal is €10. Withdrawals are processed within 72 hours of placing a withdrawal request. A 2% fee (bit no less than €1) applies to all withdrawals. Also, if you decide to close your account, a 3% fee is deducted from your balance.
The withdrawal fees are a nuisance indeed, but keeping in mind the low volume of withdrawal-related complaints we receive from Genesis’ customers, you can at least be sure that you will receive your winnings on time and in full.
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Security and Licensing

Genesis Global is a company operating under a MGA license, which means that it has gone through rigorous checking procedures prior to being awarded a license. Genesis also holds a UKGC license, but it was suspended in summer 2020. At the time of writing, the Genesis-run casinos are inaccessible for UK players. Please drop a commend if the suspension has been lifted before we managed to update Genesis’ licensing situation.

Casino Lab Customer Support

You can get in touch with customer support via phone, email and live chat, but the live chat option is available to registered players only.

Casino Lab Mobile Casino

The games are perfectly optimised for a seamless gameplay on the go. You need either an unlimited mobile data plan or a strong WiFi signal nearby. Although thee mobile version may offer fewer titles compared to the desktop version, you may rest assured you will still have a vast number of available titles.
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FUNBET Casino 50 gratis spins and €5 free bet bonus code

FUNBET Casino 50 gratis spins and €5 free bet bonus code

FUNBET Welcome Bonus & Review
If you are a new player to FUNBET Casino, you will receive €5 free bet bonus plus 50 gratis spins! Additionally, our new players get a 100% bonus on their first deposit. For example, deposit €200 and get €400 to play for. General Terms and Conditions apply.
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About Funbet Casino

Being primarily focused on sports bets, the Funbet Casino casino games range is also auspicious. Momentarily, 9 software providers with a games count of more than 1.065 popular games are available at Funbet Casino. Note that the precise count of games might vary for your location. Funbet Casino is licensed by the Malta Gaming Authority, Spelinspektionen and UK Gambling Commission. Aside from English, you can select 2 additional languages, including Norwegian and Finnish. Being a new customer you have the option to avail from a welcome package. For more information about the casino keep on reading the following Funbet Casino review.

Games and Software Provider at Funbet Casino

At Funbet Casino players have the option to choose from a broad selection of casino games. In addition to progressive jackpots or themed slots you can play classic slots, video slot machines and 3D slot machines, to name just some options. NetEnt, iSoftBet and Play’n GO are some of the the best game studios available at Funbet Casino, but of course you can also try the best slots developed by other top names. Additionally, the casino’s game portfolio also offers live casino games – i.e. from Evolution Gaming.
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Deposits at Funbet Casino

Funbet Casino offers many different payment methods. Well-known e-wallets like Skrill and EcoPayz and credit cards like MasterCard or Visa are both at your disposal in the casino’s cashier section. On top of that, bank transfer deposits like Sofort and Trustly are possible just as prepaid payments, for instance Paysafecard. Dependent upon your country the exact range of deposit and withdrawal options can be different. Keep in mind: Not all deposit methods might have the same deposit limits. The payment section should provide further info regarding the Funbet Casino deposit limits.

Withdrawals at Funbet Casino

When initiating a withdrawal, of course, players also have the option to utilize different withdrawal options. While prepaid cards are not accepted for withdrawals, you can utilize withdrawal options like Trustly, Sofort, MasterCard & Skrill. The volume of free pay-outs at Funbet Casino is not limited. So, when paying out there won’t be any additional payout fees invoiced by Funbet Casino. After you initiated a withdrawal, it is carried out manually by Funbet Casino. It will not last longer than 120 hours until you get a cash out confirmation message. Your payouts, however, are solely transacted on weekdays, which should be taken into consideration.
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Funbet Casino Registration and Account Verification

The registration process at Funbet Casino is uncomplicated. First of all, click on the sign up button and key in your details into the sign-up form. It is necessary to approve your account after you completed the Funbet Casino registration form. To this end, you are often provided with a verification link via email, which you have to click on. Youhave the possibility to start to play after completing the validation procedure.
The casino will not permit you to make withdrawals unless you have completed the account verification procedure. To this end, it is required that you turn in a scan of an official document (driving license, id card or passport). In addition, a verification of your abode, that can be completed by turning in a provider receipt (electricity bill, bank statement or phone bill) or a banking document (credit card photo), is essential. It is required to submit the respective documents via mail .

Customer Service and Security at Funbet Casino

Getting in touch with the Funbet Casino customer service is possible in several ways. One contact opportunity is the service phone hotline or as an alternative the customer service email ([email protected]). Usually, the email support team responds within a short time after your request. In addition, another contact option is the web form, that is accessible on the casino site. Also, you have the option to use the Text Chat that is available 24/7 on the casino’s website. During our inspection we only had positive experiences with the customer support staff. Funbet Casino also provides an FAQ area, where players should find anserws to a number of questions.
In order to keep their licenses, Online Casinos have to be fair and offer the highest standards of security. The Funbet Casino site is coded with SSL128 to provide a high level of security. The Spelinspektionen, Malta Gaming Authority and UK Gambling Commission are the according commissions, that review the safety of Funbet Casino on a regular basis.
Like in most other casinos, Funbet Casino supports responsible gaming by providing player protection services. These options permit you to:
  • Self exclude from the casino
  • Suspend your account
Additionally, the NGO Gamcare, that Funbet Casino is referring to can be contacted in case of a gambling problem.
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From what we know, at the moment no offer (e.g. a highroller bonus) other than the deposit offer can be claimed at Funbet Casino. In contrast to some other casinos Funbet Casino does not provide a rewards programme. Still, Funbet Casino provides events, personal service agent and individual promos & bonuses for VIP users. It could be that registered players can join live casino tournaments soon, however currently we do not have any info regarding that topic.

Funbet Casino Operator Infos

Funbet Casino, which was started in 2020, is a casino brand of Exodus Media N.V.. Sloty, Vegas Hero or Genesis Casino are some examples for 13 more brands founded by this operator. As far as we know, the operator is not listed at the stock exchange. As this company values reliability, Funbet Casino bears the following licenses:
  • UK Gambling Commission with the license number 000-045235-R-324169-007
  • Number MGA/B2C/314/2015 from the Malta Gaming Authority

Our conclusion

In sum, experienced players and newcomers alike can experience an entertaining brand when getting started at Funbet Casino. As the games lobby provides games from 9 popular software studios, the game selection can be described as average. Besides, payments can be initiated with all common payments. Furthermore, players can profit from generous bonuses. Begin your casino experience now by signing up at Funbet Casino!
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